The Birth of Jesus (adapted for combined script)
Контур: Tells of Mary, the angel coming to her and also to Joseph. They both believed and accepted the message. Jesus was born, grew up, went about teaching and healing. His power, love, death and resurrection. Invitation.Adapted for an integrated-script program.
Скрипт номери: 290
Тил: English
Тема: Christ (Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ); Bible timeline (Incarnation, People of God)
Аудитория: Muslim; Catholic; General
Максат: Evangelism
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture
Статус: Approved
Скрипттер башка тилдерге которуу жана жазуу үчүн негизги көрсөтмөлөр болуп саналат. Ар бир маданият жана тил үчүн түшүнүктүү жана актуалдуу болушу үчүн алар зарыл болгон ылайыкташтырылышы керек. Колдонулган кээ бир терминдер жана түшүнүктөр көбүрөөк түшүндүрмөлөрдү талап кылышы мүмкүн, ал тургай алмаштырылышы же толук алынып салынышы мүмкүн.
Скрипт Текст
God's Book, the Bible, tells us that before Jesus came to this world, He was in heaven with God. When God made the world, Jesus helped Him. Then, much later, He came to the world in the form of a man. Now I will tell you how it happened.
There was a young woman named Mary. She was not married and she had never slept with a man. She was planning to marry a man named Joseph. Before they were married God sent an angel to talk to Mary.
When the angel came to her, Mary was afraid. He said to Mary, "Don't be afraid. God is pleased with you. So God is going to give you a son. You do not yet have a husband, but God's own Spirit will put the child in you. His name will be Jesus. He is going to save the people from their sins." That's what the angel said.
Then Mary said, "How can this be? I have never slept with a man."
The angel answered her, "This will not be the son of a man. For that reason you will call him 'the Son of God.'" Then the angel left.
Mary believed what the angel had said. Afterward she went to another town and stayed there three months with some relatives. When she returned Joseph saw that she was pregnant. He was troubled and planned to leave her.
But the same angel came to talk to him. The angel said to him, "Don't be afraid to marry Mary. She is pregnant because of the Holy Spirit. When the child is born, give him the name Jesus. He is going to save the people from the punishment of their sins."
Then Joseph married Mary, but did not sleep with her until after Jesus was born.
Jesus grew up, and when He was 30 years old He left the house of His parents. He began to go from town to town teaching God's message about salvation. He healed many sick people. He made the lame to walk, and the blind to see. He made the deaf to hear and the dumb to talk. He sent the demons out of people who were controlled by them. He could do this because He was God's Son. When He helped people in these ways, they could see that He had God's power. Some of them believed that He was God's Son.
Jesus saw their sinfulness, but He loved them. Because of His love He was willing to die for all people. By dying He made payment for our sin. He wants people to believe that He is the One who can save us.
Believe in Jesus. He has power to free you from Satan and all evil spirits. He will do it for you if you ask Him. Talk to Him now. He will hear you.