The Revelation to John

The Revelation to John

Контур: Revelation 1-22

Скрипт номери: 1392

Тил: English

Аудитория: General

Максат: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Статус: Approved

Скрипттер башка тилдерге которуу жана жазуу үчүн негизги көрсөтмөлөр болуп саналат. Ар бир маданият жана тил үчүн түшүнүктүү жана актуалдуу болушу үчүн алар зарыл болгон ылайыкташтырылышы керек. Колдонулган кээ бир терминдер жана түшүнүктөр көбүрөөк түшүндүрмөлөрдү талап кылышы мүмкүн, ал тургай алмаштырылышы же толук алынып салынышы мүмкүн.

Скрипт Текст

Title Ideas:John saw a vision from Jesus.John saw and wrote about many things that illustrate [tell about] Jesus and his plan for us.Jesus reveals many pictures [symbols / signs / signals)] to John about how things are and how they will be.

An angry king put in prison an apostle named John, because he told many people about Jesus. But one day, God sent an angel to show to John things that would happen quickly [suddenly / unexpectedly].

A loud voice said, “Write on paper what I shall show to you! Then send the paper to seven cities where there are churches [groups of Christians]!”

John began to write, “The everlasting God is very kind towards you. His Holy Spirit dwells with you, and Jesus is the great King who rules over all other kings.”

“One day, Jesus will come back [through the clouds in the sky], and people everywhere on the earth will see him. [Some people from every nation will mourn greatly because they did not believe in Jesus and consequently they will be condemned.]

Also John saw Jesus, who was shining very brightly [like the sun]. John fell down before Jesus as if he [John] was dead. Jesus touched him and said, “Do not be afraid! Although I died [on a cross], I am now alive forevermore. I have all power, even power to bring [resurrect] people from death back to life!

“Write my words on paper and send them to the Christians [churches] in seven towns.

“I know that you suffer because you are poor [you have little money or possessions]. But you are rich [because you belong to Me and I will give you a very big inheritance]. Stay faithful to me. Even if they kill you because you love me, I will give you eternal life [bring you back to life forever] and it will be as if the race master [judge] will put a crown on your head for winning the race.

Also John saw a throne and Jesus seated on the throne.

Around the throne were people who sang: “We praise you, our Lord God, who created all things!”

Then they sang: “You died to bring to God people from every tribe, from every language, and from every place!”

Also, John saw the earth tremble and people die. He saw evil men murder [kill] Christians who remained faithful to Jesus. He saw other people worship idols and refuse to repent.

Also, [in another vision], John saw a signal picture in the sky: a woman [representing Israel] gave birth to a son who would rule over all nations [tribes / the earth].

He saw a big red dragon [representing Satan] that tried to eat the child/son, but God took the son safe into heaven and threw the dragon down onto the earth.

The big red dragon chased after the woman, but she escaped. So the dragon sought to kill her other children, who are people that obey God’s commandments and believe the good news about Jesus. [This means that Satan is always trying to destroy Jesus and Christians, but God gives them power to overcome [rule] and protects them.]

Also, John saw a beast [creature / animal] that had seven heads. The big red dragon made this beast powerful, and it ruled over every tribe, language and place. It was insulting God, and trying to kill people who worship God.

Also, John saw the sky open and Jesus riding on a white horse. Many many believers [like one huge army] followed him also riding on white horses. [White signals or means purity / righteousness.] Written on Jesus’ coat were these words: “King over all kings, and Lord over all chiefs!”

Also, John saw the beast leading kings and armies from many nations who worshipped idols to fight against the one army following Jesus. But Jesus captured the beast, and he destroyed the nations’ armies.

Jesus threw [cast] the beast into a fiery lake [pit filled with fire] and burning sulfur. The beast is suffering [will suffer] there, tormented forever.

Also, John saw Jesus capture [seized] the dragon (who is Satan, the devil), who always tries to deceive [trick] people in all nations [tribes]. Jesus threw the dragon into the fiery lake where he suffers and is tormented forever.

Also, John saw a big white throne and the Lord [Jesus] seated upon the throne [acting like a judge]. He opened a big book [Jesus’ Life Book] in which are written the names of all people who have [believed Jesus and who have] everlasting life.

All people from everywhere stood before the white throne, while God looked at everything they had done during their lifetime on earth. People whose name was not written in the Jesus’ Life Book, the Lord [Jesus] threw [cast] them into the fiery lake.

Also, John saw a new [renewed / redeemed] heaven and a new earth. There is no enemy there! [no separation and no confusion/chaos there!]Also, John saw a new Jerusalem [city] came down from the sky onto the earth. It was like a beautiful bride and also signaled [symbolized / was a picture about] God’s people made holy and new.

Pure [clean] water was always flowing [coming] from God’s [Lord’s / Jesus’s] throne into a river that flows through the middle of the city. The tree that never dies was also there continually bearing [having] fruit always.

A loud voice said, “God lives among his people and will remain with them forever. They will be happy with him, because he will take away death, disease and pain, forever. He will wipe away all tears [from their eyes / faces]. This is all true!”

Jesus said to John, “John! I sent my angel to show you these things. Send your written message to the Christians [churches]. I started all these things and I will complete all these things. I am coming back [to earth], quickly [suddenly / before you know it]!”

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