Jesus Before the Jewish Council

Jesus Before the Jewish Council

Контур: Matt. 26:57-75, Mark 14:53-72, Luke 22:54-71, John 18:15-27

Скрипт номери: 1367

Тил: English

Аудитория: General

Максат: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Статус: Approved

Скрипттер башка тилдерге которуу жана жазуу үчүн негизги көрсөтмөлөр болуп саналат. Ар бир маданият жана тил үчүн түшүнүктүү жана актуалдуу болушу үчүн алар зарыл болгон ылайыкташтырылышы керек. Колдонулган кээ бир терминдер жана түшүнүктөр көбүрөөк түшүндүрмөлөрдү талап кылышы мүмкүн, ал тургай алмаштырылышы же толук алынып салынышы мүмкүн.

Скрипт Текст

Title Options:Jesus before the Jewish Council.Religious leaders condemn Jesus.Peter denies Jesus three times.

After the Jewish religious leaders arrested Jesus, they took [led] him to Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest. All the chief priests and elders [council members] had gathered at Caiaphas’ house.

Peter followed them far behind. Later, he came into Caiaphas’ courtyard. He sat with some guards, warming himself near a fire.

The [Jewish] priests and elders listened to men tell lies about Jesus, because they wanted a reason to put Jesus to death. But the witnesses’ [men’s] false testimonies [lies / words / accusations] did not agree.

Finally, two false witnesses [liars / men] agreed about a lie. They testified [said], “We have heard Jesus say, ‘I will tear down the temple [in Jerusalem] that men have built, and I shall build another temple without human [men’s] help.’”

The high priest turned towards Jesus and said, “You may say something to defend yourself. You may reply to what these men have said against [about] you!”But Jesus said nothing; he did not reply to their accusations [testimonies].

Caiaphas asked Jesus, “Are you our Messiah, whom we call Son of God?”Jesus replied to him, “Yes, I AM. Soon, you will see me, the Son of Man, seated [on a throne] with [next to] Almighty God in heaven, ruling as King!”

When Caiaphas heard these words, he tore [ripped his clothes [robe] to show he was angry. He shouted to everyone, “We need no more witnesses! You have heard Jesus [himself] speak against God, [by saying he himself is God]! What is your decision?”

The Jewish elders replied, “Jesus is guilty! He must die!” Someone threw a cloth over Jesus’ face, while others struck him with their fists. They insulted [mocked / abused] him, saying, “If you are the Messiah, then tell us who just struck you!”

Outside the house, in the courtyard, a servant girl recognized [saw] Peter and said loudly, “You were with Jesus!” But Peter denied it, saying, “I do not know what you are talking about!”

Then Peter went out through a gateway. Outside, another servant girl recognized him. She said to everyone standing there, “This man is one of Jesus’ disciples!” But Peter denied this, too saying, “I am not! [I do not know the man!]”

Later, others who were standing nearby said to Peter, “We think you are one of Jesus’ disciples, because your speech comes from [sounds like how people speak in] Galilee Region [where Jesus came from]! But Peter shouted and swore angrily, “By God! I do not know this man Jesus!”

Just then, Peter heard a cock [male chicken] crow, and remembered that Jesus had said to him, “Before a cock crows [in the morning], you will say three times that you do not know me [you will deny me]!” So Peter went outside and wept [bitterly] because he felt ashamed.

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