Ырлар - Rodney Rivers - Kriol

Бул жаздыруу пайдалуубу?

Христиандык музыканын, ырлардын же гимндердин жыйнагы.

Программанын номери: 74575
Программанын узундугу: 59:23
Тил аты: Kriol

Жүктөлүп алуу жана заказ кылуу

Jisas main Seibya (27) [Jesus my saviour]


1. Jisas main Seibya (27) [Jesus my saviour]

Main kemp langa Heben (32) [My home in heaven]


2. Main kemp langa Heben (32) [My home in heaven]

Imbin baiyim mi (28) [He bought me]


3. Imbin baiyim mi (28) [He bought me]

Langa nowath, langa sauth (35) [To the North and South]


4. Langa nowath, langa sauth (35) [To the North and South]

Bulurrum Jisas olawei (19) [Follow Jesus all the way]


5. Bulurrum Jisas olawei (19) [Follow Jesus all the way]

Bulurrumap (1) [Follow, follow]


6. Bulurrumap (1) [Follow, follow]

God im gudbala (2) [God is good]


7. God im gudbala (2) [God is good]

Jisas laigim olagija (3) [Jesus loves everyone]


8. Jisas laigim olagija (3) [Jesus loves everyone]

Det greib im sidan imti (36) [The grave now is empty]


9. Det greib im sidan imti (36) [The grave now is empty]

Nowa imbin meigim bout (37) [Noah]


10. Nowa imbin meigim bout (37) [Noah]

Jisas biginini blanga God (7) [Jesus is Lord of my life]


11. Jisas biginini blanga God (7) [Jesus is Lord of my life]

Dubalawei (4) [Two roads in life]


12. Dubalawei (4) [Two roads in life]

Tainim yubala ai langa Jisas [Turn your eyes on Jesus]


13. Tainim yubala ai langa Jisas [Turn your eyes on Jesus]

Jisas im laigim mi (9) [Jesus loves me]


14. Jisas im laigim mi (9) [Jesus loves me]

Langa main hat (10) [Come into my heart]


15. Langa main hat (10) [Come into my heart]

Aleiluya! Mi brabli gudbiji (11) [Hallelujah I am very happy]


16. Aleiluya! Mi brabli gudbiji (11) [Hallelujah I am very happy]

Nomo nogudbinji (5) [In my Father's house]


17. Nomo nogudbinji (5) [In my Father's house]

Ai bin jinggabat bla bulurrum Jisas (8) [I have decided to follow Jesus]


18. Ai bin jinggabat bla bulurrum Jisas (8) [I have decided to follow Jesus]

Mi gudbinji tudei (14) [I am happy today]


19. Mi gudbinji tudei (14) [I am happy today]

Mi hepi mi kristjan (15) [I'm glad I'm a Christian]


20. Mi hepi mi kristjan (15) [I'm glad I'm a Christian]

JIsas im laigim biginini [Jesus loves all the children of the world]


21. JIsas im laigim biginini [Jesus loves all the children of the world]

Jisas im laigim mi, ai sabi (17) [Jesus loves me]


22. Jisas im laigim mi, ai sabi (17) [Jesus loves me]

Mi laigim irrim stori (18) [I love to hear the Окуялар of Jesus]


23. Mi laigim irrim stori (18) [I love to hear the Окуялар of Jesus]

God im laigim yunmi [God so loved the World]


24. God im laigim yunmi [God so loved the World]

Imbin longtaim na (21) [For a long time I have been away from God]


25. Imbin longtaim na (21) [For a long time I have been away from God]

Bambai yumi garra siyim God (22) [By and By we will see the Lord]


26. Bambai yumi garra siyim God (22) [By and By we will see the Lord]

Wot gin klinim sin bla mi (23) [What can wash away my sin]


27. Wot gin klinim sin bla mi (23) [What can wash away my sin]

Kaburrumap mi (24) [Cover me]


28. Kaburrumap mi (24) [Cover me]

Mi nomo garram eni mani (12) [Silver & Gold have I none]


29. Mi nomo garram eni mani (12) [Silver & Gold have I none]

Langa neim banga Jisas (13) [In the name of Jesus]


30. Langa neim banga Jisas (13) [In the name of Jesus]

Klebabala men (25) [The wise man built his house upon the rock]


31. Klebabala men (25) [The wise man built his house upon the rock]

Yunmi Kristjan (26) [We Christians read the Bible]


32. Yunmi Kristjan (26) [We Christians read the Bible]

God im nat dedbala (38) [God is not dead]


33. God im nat dedbala (38) [God is not dead]

Mi bla yu, O Lod (29) [Draw me nearer]


34. Mi bla yu, O Lod (29) [Draw me nearer]

Imbin meigim mi fri (30) [He has made me free]


35. Imbin meigim mi fri (30) [He has made me free]

Жазуу жөнүндө эскертүүлөр

Numbers in parenthesis after song titles are song numbers from Kriol Song Buk.

Жүктөлүп алуу жана заказ кылуу

Бул жаздыруулар жакшы кабар таратуу жана Ыйык Китептин негизги окуулары үчүн жакшы кабарды сабаты жок же оозеки маданияттан келген адамдарга, өзгөчө, жеткиликтүү эмес топторго жеткирүү үчүн иштелип чыккан.

Copyright © 1981 AuSIL. Recorded by The Australian Society for Indigenous Languages (AuSIL), formerly SIL- AAIB. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

Биз менен байланыш for inquiries about allowable use of these recordings, or to obtain permission to redistribute them in ways other than allowed above.

Жаздыруу кымбатка турат. Сураныч, ойлонуп көрGRNге кайрымдуулук кылуубул министрликтин ишин улантууга мүмкүнчүлүк берүү.

Бул жаздырууну кантип колдонсоңуз болот жана кандай натыйжалар бар экендиги тууралуу пикириңизди уккубуз келет. Пикир линиясы менен байланышыңыз.

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