Лука - Tarahumara del Centro
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Ыйык Китептин 42-китебинин айрымдары же бардыгы
Программанын номери: 34350
Программанын узундугу: 59:30
Тил аты: Tarahumara del Centro
Жүктөлүп алуу жана заказ кылуу
1. Christ has done great things in me
2. Лука 2:1-20 Birth of Jesus
3. Silent Night
4. Лука 2:41-52 Boy Jesus at the Temple
5. Лука 3:21-22 Baptism of Jesus ▪ Лука 4:1-13 Temptation of Jesus
6. Лука 4:31-37 Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit
7. Лука 4:38-44 Jesus Heals Many (Peter's M-in-law)
8. Лука 5:17-26 Jesus Heals a Paralytic
9. Лука 6:27-36 Love for Enemies
10. Лука 6:37:42 Judging Others
11. Лука 7:1-10 Jesus Heals the Servant of the Centurion
12. Лука 8:4-15 Parable of the Sower
13. Лука 9:10-17 Jesus Feeds 5000
14. Лука 9:10-17 Jesus Feeds 5000
15. Лука 10:25-37 Good Samaritan
16. Come to Him
Бул программага киргизилген
Лука 11:1-13 Jesus' Teaching on Намаз
Лука 12:13-21 Parable of Rich Fool
Лука 12:22-31 Do Not Worry
Лука 14:15-24 Parable of the Great Banquet
Лука 15:1-8 Parable of the Lost Sheep
Лука 15:8-10 Parable of the Lost Coin
Лука 15:11-32 Parable of the Адашкан уул
Лука 17:11-10 Ten Healed of Leprosy
Лука 18:35-43 Blind Beggar Receives His Sight
Лука 19:1-10 Jesus and Zacchaeus
Лука 22:14-23 Institution of the Lord's Last Supper
Жүктөлүп алуу жана заказ кылуу
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