Attributes of God with Invitation

Attributes of God with Invitation

개요: This states in short sentences, the facts about God: His eternal existence, omnipotence, omnipresence, goodness, hatred of sin, love for all people, provision for redemption and eternal life through Christ.

스크립트 번호: 293

언어: English

주제: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Character of God (Love of God, Nature, character of God, Power of God / Jesus)

청중: Animist

목적: Pre-evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; No Scripture

지위: Approved

이 스크립트는 다른 언어로 번역 및 녹음을위한 기본 지침입니다. 그것은 그것이 사용되는 각 영역에 맞게 다른 문화와 언어로 조정되어야 합니다. 사용되는 몇 가지 용어와 개념은 다른 문화에서는 다듬어지거나 생략해야 할 수도 있습니다.

스크립트 텍스트

I'm going to talk a little about God. God always existed. He had neither father or mother. He was not born and can't die. He existed before anything else.

He knows how to make everything. He made the sun, the moon, and everything in this world. He knows what we are thinking. He knows when we are born and when we are going to die. He lives in heaven and we can't see Him.

He never slept with a woman or had a wife. He never had a brother or sister. But He had a son - His name was Jesus.

God never sleeps. He can see at night. He can see the armadillo in its den. He can also see the fish in the river. God is powerful and has more power than anything or anyone else. He has more strength than the river (most powerful thing to them.)

God can hear everything. He can hear the snake going through the jungle. God can hear the ants building their houses. He can hear the butterfly in flight. He can hear one man whispering to another.

God is good. He never sinned. God hates sin.

God loves indigenous people, Brazilians and everyone. Brazilians call him Deus. God does not like people to sin. He says there must be punishment for sin. All people have sinned. God hates sin, but He loves all people. He wants them to be happy. He wants to take them to His good place when they die. But He will not let any sin come into His good place. Those who sin must go to the Evil One's place. There is only unhappiness and suffering there.

God doesn't want anyone to suffer, so He sent His son Jesus to help us. Jesus never sinned. He lived on earth among people. He never did one wrong thing. He was altogether good. He loved us so much He willingly received our punishment for sin. He gave His life for us. Thus He made payment for our sins. He rose again. He lives now in heaven.

God will accept us because we accept Jesus. We must believe and follow Jesus. Then God will forgive (accept) us. When we die, Jesus will take us to His good place. There is no crying, nor hunger there. All are happy. Follow Jesus. Turn from your bad ways.


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