Samuel (children)

Samuel (children)

개요: The story of Samuel; written for American children. Needs revision for other cultures.

스크립트 번호: 115

언어: English

주제: Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Obedience)

청중: Children

목적: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture

지위: Obsolete

스크립트 텍스트

Would you like to hear the story of Samuel? All right. You see, Samuel's mother, Hannah, wanted a baby boy very much. One day she thought, "Why don't I pray and ask God to send me a baby boy? My! If He would, I would be so happy, and when he grew big enough I would give him back to God to be His helper."

Well, that was a good idea. Because, of course, the very best thing to do about anything you want or need, is to pray about it. So one day when she was in church, she began to pray that God would let her have a baby boy. Sure enough, after awhile, God did give Hannah a little baby. She named him Samuel, and she was very, very happy, even when he cried! (Pause 3 sec.,-baby) But she didn't forget what she had promised, and when he grew big enough she got him ready to go to the temple where Eli was, so that Samuel could be a helper there. (Pause 5 sec.- horses) And so one day, away they went along the road to the big city where the temple was. Big horses galloped past with soldiers on them, and little donkeys with their heavy loads went plodding by, and Samuel was excited and happy because he was going to be a helper in God's House.

Well, it wasn't long before Samuel had learned to do many things. Eli was growing old and tired, and he needed a good helper. After Samuel had been there awhile, one night something strange happened. He had gone to bed and he heard his name called: "Samuel, Samuel." - It was God calling, but he didn't know it. He jumped up and ran to Eli's bed.

"Here I am. You called me," he said to Eli. But Eli said, "No, I didn't. Go back to bed." So Samuel lay down again. Then he heard once more, "Samuel, Samuel." Up he jumped and went to Eli. "Here I am. You did call me," he said. But Eli said, "I didn't call you. Lie down again." I guess he thought Samuel had been dreaming.

But when God called a third time, then Eli knew that it must be God calling, and he told Samuel what to say. So Samuel answered quickly, (use child's voice if possible) "Speak, Lord, your servant is listening." Then God told him what He wanted him to do, and Samuel obeyed. And he grew up to be a good man, because he always listened and did what God wanted him to. Anyone who really wants to, can hear God speak - not with their ears, but with their hearts.

He speaks to you through the Bible. It says that our Lord Jesus Christ is the road to heaven. He Himself says "I am the Way" and "I am the Door." Ask Him to open the door and let you in, and He will do it, because Christ died for our sins.

References: I Sam. 3; John 14:6; John 10:9


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