The Heart of Man

The Heart of Man

개요: Refers to local market scene as introduction. Discussion about people and that no one knows what is in the heart of even one who appears to be good. But God is not deceived; knows all; sees all our sins. Sins listed. God's anger against sin. Punishment results. Only way out is to ask Jesus to save us.

스크립트 번호: 052

언어: English

주제: Sin and Satan (Hell, Cleanse, purify, Deliverance, Sin, disobedience, Heart, soul of man, Punishment for guilt); Christ (Son of God, Sacrifice / Atonement); Living as a Christian (Honor God, Leaving old way, begin new way, Forgiveness); Bible timeline (People of God)

청중: Animist; General

스타일: Dialog

장르: Bible Stories & Teac

목적: Evangelism

성경 인용: Paraphrase

지위: Approved

이 스크립트는 다른 언어로 번역 및 녹음을위한 기본 지침입니다. 그것은 그것이 사용되는 각 영역에 맞게 다른 문화와 언어로 조정되어야 합니다. 사용되는 몇 가지 용어와 개념은 다른 문화에서는 다듬어지거나 생략해야 할 수도 있습니다.

스크립트 텍스트

My friend, when you go to the market you see many people. There are old people and children. There are men and women. They come from many tribes. (Name local tribes.) They look different. They wear different kinds of clothes. You can look at them and know whether they are from your tribe or another. But there is something you cannot see. You cannot see their heart. A man may appear to be good and deceive many. He may hide his evil deeds, but there is One Whom he cannot deceive. There is One Who knows all people. Do you know Who this is? He is God, the maker of all things. He made the world and all that is in it. He made man; therefore, man cannot deceive Him.

Listen to my words. At the time a man steals something, he hides it. He thinks, "No one sees me." But God sees him. At the time a man lies, he thinks "No one knows it is a lie." But God knows. He knows the hearts of all people. God says that they are full of sin. (If the following list of sins has been used in Noah or another script, omit here.) God says we must give honor (greatness) to Him alone, but people are honoring many others. They lie and deceive. They kill; they steal; they commit adultery. They shed blood (make sacrifices) and honor things that are not God. They drink beer (use local word). They sing bad songs. They make bad medicine. They do pagan worship. (Find out what local custom is and use specific phrase). They curse. They do sorcery. They get angry. They have soul eaters. They wear charms. They have funeral rites (pagan). They have secret societies (make these fit the local practices). They fight and many other bad things. God sees all the sins we do and His anger is great against them. People know that God is, and that He created all things. They know that He is good and He hates evil. Nevertheless (they know, but) many refuse to turn to Him.

Do you know what God has said He will do because of the evil that we do? God's anger is great against evil. He says, "Those who do evil will be punished (get punishment, or, let their evil take them)." When they die they will go to the place of fire (hell). They will stay there forever. It is a place of great suffering.

The hearts of people are all alike (the same) - (name the same tribes as above) - all people everywhere have evil in their hearts. Can you take away your own sin? No, you cannot. How then can we be freed from (take away) God's anger? There is a way - listen. There is nothing we ourselves can do to take the sin from our hearts. But God has sent us someone who can change us. This one is Jesus, God's only Son. He is God's gift to us. He can save you from your punishment. (He became the sacrifice that can cleanse our sin away.) He shed His own blood for us. His blood can wash our sins away. He can make your heart new and make you good. Then God's anger will turn away from you. Jesus Christ alone can save you. If you want Him to do this, ask Him to cleanse your heart. Leave all your evil ways, and follow Him with one mind (heart). Follow Jesus only. No one else can help you.
(If you have left out the list of sins, you may have time for a prayer of repentance or a chorus to be added here.)


1. Oh, there are many people in the market today ((Pause 3 sec.))
2. Yes, there are people from many places! ((Name local tribes.))

1. Oh, I see my uncle who lives very far away! (Or, my friend)
2. Is that so!

1. Yes, he is a very important man.
2. I see that he has much to trade (sell) today. (Or, he has many horses - or, much corn)

1. Yes, he will get much money today.
2. Is your uncle a good man? (good character)

1. Yes, he does many good things.
2. You say he does many good things, but do you know his heart?

1. My! Who can know a man's heart?!
2. There is One who knows the hearts of all people. He sees all they do. He knows the thoughts of all people.

1. Who is this, that knows everything?
2. He is God.

1. Ah, yes, you are right.
2. At the time a man steals something, he hides it. He thinks, "No one sees me." But God sees him. At the time a man lies, he thinks, "No one knows it is a lie." But God knows. He knows the hearts of all people. God says that they are all full of sin. ((If the following list of sins has been used in Noah or any other script in the program, omit it here.)) God says we must give honor (greatness) to Him alone, but people are honoring many others. They lie and deceive. They kill. They steal. They commit adultery. They shed blood (make sacrifices) and honor things that are not God. They drink (beer). They sing bad songs. They make bad medicine. They do pagan worship ((use local phrase)). They curse. They do sorcery. They get angry. They have soul-eaters. They wear charms. They have funeral rites (pagan). They have secret societies. ((Make these fit the local practices.)) They fight and do many other bad things. God sees all the sins we do and His anger is great against them. People know that God is, and that He created all things. They know that He is good and He hates evil. Nevertheless, (They know, but) many refuse to turn to Him.

1. What will God do to us because of the bad things we do?
2. God's anger is great against evil. He says, "Those who do evil will get punishment." (God will let their evil take them). When they die, they will go immediately to the place of fire. They will stay there forever. It is a place of great suffering.

1. Oh, I am afraid, because God knows the sin in MY heart!
2. Yes, the hearts of all people are alike (the same). (Name some tribes as above), all the people everywhere have evil in their hearts.

1. Is there anything I can do to be freed from (take away) God's anger? Can I take away my sins?
2. There is nothing we ourselves can do to take the sin from our hearts. But God has sent us Someone Who can cleanse us. This One is Jesus, God's only Son. He is God's gift to us. He can save you from your punishment. (He became the sacrifice that can cleanse our sin away). He shed His own blood for us. His blood can wash our sins away. He can make your heart new and make your character good. Then God's anger will turn away from you. Jesus Christ alone can save you. If you want Him to do this, ask Him to cleanse your heart. Leave all your bad ways, and follow Him with one heart. Follow Jesus only. No one else can help you.


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