You Can be Saved

개요: Dialogue. We need to be saved from our sin, this is only done through Jesus. Don't believe what ancestors or witch doctors tell about spirits. Prayer to receive Christ.
스크립트 번호: 336
언어: English
주제: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Belief System (Witchcraft, paganism); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Eternal life (Heaven, Salvation); Problems (Money)
청중: Animist
목적: Evangelism
Features: Dialog; Messages and Fiction; Minimal Scripture
지위: Approved
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스크립트 텍스트

1. My friend, I heard you talking about "being saved"! From what can I really be saved?
2. There are many things from which we can be saved. We can be saved from drowning, from a house that is burning or from many other things.
1. But I am not in a state of any of these things you have mentioned. I am not in any danger at all. Even if I were in trouble, I know I have money to help me. Of course, you know very well that money is the answer to every problem.
2. My friend, don't talk about money now. There have been a lot of people who have had wealth but have died miserably, leaving their wealth behind.
1. So what do you mean by being saved? - and by whom?
2. Let me explain to you. It is your sin and my sin that we need to be saved from. This can only be done by Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Jesus wants to set us free from the wrong-doing which results in punishment after death. Jesus loves you and wants you to go to heaven (God's place) when you die, but you cannot go there unless you believe in Jesus and follow Him.
1. But our ancestors told us that after death our spirits will fly to live on big mountains and in trees. How can you say something different? Are you wiser than our ancestors?
2. My friend, what I am telling you is not from my wisdom. It is from God's book, which tells only what is really true. Do not believe in anything that was told you by your ancestors or the witchdoctors concerning spirits. We were told the same, but God's book says that is not the truth. God says that if we believe in Jesus and follow Him, our spirits will go directly to His good place when we die. Those who refuse Jesus will go to suffer in the place of fire.
1. Hmmm, my friend, I have heard you enough. Let me try to see if it can happen to me.
2. No, that is not the way it is. It is not a matter of trying to be saved. We are saved by accepting Jesus Christ and having faith in Him. The Lord says, "Happy are those who believe, though they have not seen Me." Only believe in the Lord, and you will be saved. Tell Jesus these words, "Lord, I have not yet taken You into my life. Today I want to accept You by faith. I confess that You are the Lord of lords and God of gods. I want to follow You alone. Please forgive my bad deeds and help me to obey You. Amen." That is what it means to be a Christian. We submit ourselves to God's care and trust in Jesus. Why do you wait? This is the time for you.