You Can be a Christian

You Can be a Christian

개요: What a Christian is. Anybody can become a Christian, whether rich or poor. Thank Jesus for wealth and use it to glorify Him. Come to Jesus and follow Him with your full heart.

스크립트 번호: 335

언어: English

주제: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Living as a Christian (No other gods, idols, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Problems (Money)

청중: Animist; General

스타일: Dialog

장르: Messages and Fiction

목적: Evangelism

성경 인용: None

지위: Approved

이 스크립트는 다른 언어로 번역 및 녹음을위한 기본 지침입니다. 그것은 그것이 사용되는 각 영역에 맞게 다른 문화와 언어로 조정되어야 합니다. 사용되는 몇 가지 용어와 개념은 다른 문화에서는 다듬어지거나 생략해야 할 수도 있습니다.

스크립트 텍스트

1. My friend, let me ask you a question. What sort of people are Christians?

2. They are people just like you sitting here.

1. But what is there that makes them different from me?

2. Well, Christians are those who accept Jesus. They believe in Him and trust Him. He has forgiven them their sins. This means they have realized their wrong doings which led Jesus to be nailed to the cross. Christians are therefore those who know their sins are completely forgiven. God helps them to obey Him and do good. When they fail, and sin, they will be sorry and ask God to forgive them and help them. God will always help them, and they will have peace in their hearts.

1. Is it possible for such a person as I to become one?

2. What makes you ask such a question as this?

1. Well, because I have my domestic animals to look after and I find it hard to become one and give them up. It is said that it is difficult for a rich man to enter heaven. So what is the use of being a Christian if I won't be able to enter heaven because of my possessions?

2. You are right that it is hard for a rich man to enter heaven. But this only happens when the rich man trusts only in his wealth and forgets about God. That is when our wealth becomes an idol which is more important than God. Not only is it difficult for a rich man to go to heaven but also for the poor. We all need to accept Jesus Christ and know His will for us whether we are rich or poor.

1. Then who can become Christians? Can anybody?

2. Yes, Jesus welcomes everybody who will truly follow Him. There are many people like you who are Christians today. The Lord Jesus Christ knows where you are in this world and He wants to speak to you in your situation. Your possessions and wealth are God's gift to you. He wants you to thank Him for all He has given you, and use it to glorify Him. So why don't you accept Him now and confess your sins to Him? Surely He will forgive you of all your sins and give you a new understanding. Then follow Him with your whole heart.

Ref: Luke 18:25, James 1:17


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