Can God Forgive Me?

Can God Forgive Me?

개요: A 5 minute version of the Good News. Genesis through the ascension. How to become a follower of Jesus. 13 sections. Designed to be created into video for use on Facebook and other social media.

스크립트 번호: 483

언어: English

주제: Living as a Christian (Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Sin and Satan (Sin, disobedience)

청중: General

목적: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; No Scripture

지위: Approved

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스크립트 텍스트

Picture 1: In the Beginning

Picture 1: In the Beginning

In the beginning of time, only God existed. Then God created the heavens and the earth.

Picture 2: Creation

Picture 2: Creation

Everything that God made was very good!

Picture 3: Adam and Eve

Picture 3: Adam and Eve

God made the first man and the first woman. He called them Adam and Eve. He gave them authority over everything He had made. God made a special garden for them to live in. There God walked with them and spoke with them. They were God's friends. However, they sinned against God, and they broke their friendship with Him.

Picture 4: Adam and Eve Are Punished

Picture 4: Adam and Eve Are Punished

God sent Adam and Eve out of the beautiful garden. Since that time all people have sinned against God and are separated from Him. This is why we experience pain, sickness and death.
(Bridge music)

Picture 5: A Saviour Promised

Picture 5: A Saviour Promised

Many years later, an angel from heaven was sent to a young virgin named Mary. Mary was promised in marriage to a man named Joseph. The angel said to Mary, "You have found favour with God. You will give birth to a son and you will call Him Jesus. The Holy Spirit will come upon you, so the Holy One to be born will be called the Son of God."
(Bridge music)

Picture 6: Jesus the Teacher

Picture 6: Jesus the Teacher

Jesus grew up in the home of Mary and Joseph. When Jesus was thirty years old, He began to teach the people about God. Many believed His teaching and followed Him.

Picture 7: Miracles of Jesus

Picture 7: Miracles of Jesus

Jesus had great power from God. He worked many miracles. He healed the sick and made blind people see. He spoke to dead people and they came back to life. He calmed storms and walked on water. When the people saw these miracles many believed that He had come from God.

Picture 8: Jesus Suffers

Picture 8: Jesus Suffers

However, the religious leaders were jealous of Jesus. Those leaders told lies about Jesus and they had Him arrested. The soldiers whipped Him. They placed a crown made from thorns on His head and they mocked Him.

Picture 9: Jesus Is Crucified

Picture 9: Jesus Is Crucified

The soldiers nailed Jesus to a wooden cross and He hung there until He died. Jesus was taking the punishment which we deserved. We have all sinned and we should die for our own sins. Jesus became the sacrifice to pay for the sins of all people.
(Bridge music)

Picture 10: The Resurrection

Picture 10: The Resurrection

After Jesus died on the cross, His friends put His dead body in a cave. They closed the entrance of the cave with a big stone. Two days passed but on the third day Jesus rose from the dead. Yes, Jesus had risen from the dead! He showed that He truly is God.

Picture 11: The Ascension

Picture 11: The Ascension

After Jesus rose from the dead, He appeared to many people. They saw Him and they knew that He was alive. Forty days later the time came for Jesus to go back to Heaven. He had finished the work He came to do. As the disciples watched, Jesus rose up from the earth and disappeared from their sight in a cloud. Just then, two angels appeared. They told the disciples that Jesus would return one day in the same way that they had seen Him go. Jesus is now in heaven. He is preparing a place for all those who follow Him.
(Bridge music)

Picture 12: The Empty Cross

Picture 12: The Empty Cross

Why did Jesus die on the cross? Jesus died to save sinners from the punishment of sin. Jesus never sinned. The cross reminds us that He died to take away the sin that separates us from God. When we believe in Jesus and turn from our sin, God forgives us. Jesus makes us God's children.

Picture 13: Jesus Will Return

Picture 13: Jesus Will Return

One day the Lord Jesus will return to earth from Heaven, just as He promised. He will come suddenly when people do not expect Him. Believers who have died will rise from their graves to meet Him. Those who are still alive, will join them. Together they will meet the Lord Jesus in the air. They will be with Him in heaven for ever. Unbelievers will be left behind. They will suffer the judgment of God. We do not know when Jesus will return but we must always be ready and waiting for Him. Would you be ready to meet the Lord Jesus if He returned today?
(Bridge music)


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