A Lame Beggar is Healed

A Lame Beggar is Healed

개요: Acts 3:1-4:4

스크립트 번호: 1374

언어: English

청중: General

목적: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

지위: Approved

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스크립트 텍스트

Title ideas:Peter heals a beggar.Peter and John got put in jail for saying that Jesus was the Messiah.Suffering for Jesus.

One day, apostles Peter and John were entering into the Temple [in Jerusalem], to take part in afternoon prayers.

In those days, a family used to carry a lame man, every day, to the Temple, so he could sit beside one of its gates. He had been lame [unable to walk] since birth, and would sit there begging money from people.

As Peter and John were passing [walking] near him, he said to them, “Give money to help the poor!”

Peter replied, “Look at us!” He [the lame beggar] looked and held out his hand to receive money. Peter said, “We have no money, but I will give you something I have which is better than money! By the [powerful] Name of Jesus, stand, and walk!”

Peter grasped the man’s hand and helped him to stand up. As he did so, the man’s feet and legs became strong. He immediately began to walk about.

They and he walked together into the Temple. He kept on jumping and shouting, “I praise God! Look! I can walk!” People who recognized [knew] him said, “This man is the lame beggar who sits beside the temple gate! How can he now walk?”

Soon a crowd [many Jewish people] gathered round him and the apostles. Then Peter spoke to them all, “Why are you wondering [talking] about us? It is not by our own power or godliness [goodness] that we have healed this man!

“The God whom our ancestors [Abraham, Isaac, Jacob] worshipped has done this to show that Jesus is his chosen Messiah [King]. Jesus is the Holy One, yet you handed him over to Pilate [the Governor] to put him to death, asking Pilate to set free a murderer instead of Jesus!

“But God has raised Jesus from death [back] to life, and we have seen him alive. Because we trust in Jesus’ [powerful] Name, we were able to make this lame man walk!

“Now, if you will repent [change] by confessing your sins to God, then he will forgive you! God will also refresh you [give you new life], so that you will be ready when he shall send to you his chosen King, Jesus, [the Messiah]!

“Long ago, God said to our ancestors, I will bring blessing to all nations [tribes] through your descendants [tribe]! So God first sent Jesus to our nation [tribe], so that we may turn from our wicked ways [evil actions]!”

While Peter was still speaking, some religious leaders came with Temple [police] guards. The leaders were angry with Peter, because he was saying, “God has raised Jesus from death [back] to life!”

The Temple guards arrested [seized] Peter and John, and locked [put] them in jail, until the next day.

Many of the people who heard Peter talk about Jesus put their trust in Jesus. Soon the people who became Jesus’ disciples included about five thousand men.


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