On the Road to Emmaus

On the Road to Emmaus

개요: Luke 24:9-35

스크립트 번호: 1371

언어: English

청중: General

장르: Bible Stories & Teac

목적: Evangelism; Teaching

성경 인용: Paraphrase

지위: Approved

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스크립트 텍스트

Title Ideas:Jesus appears alive [after his death]Jesus, risen, speaks with two witnesses.Two men speak with Jesus without recognizing him.

The first persons who saw Jesus risen from death to life were women, but Jesus’ disciples [men] did [would] not believe those women.

That same day, two people were walking from Jerusalem to their village, talking about the things [events] they had seen happen that week.

As the two people were talking, Jesus began walking with [joined] them, but they did not recognize him [for who he is].

Jesus asked them, “What are you talking about?” They stopped, and with sad faces replied, “About the things [events] that happened at Jerusalem this week!

“Our religious chiefs and rulers arrested Jesus and killed him on a wooden cross! He was a prophet who did [performed] miracles [mighty deeds] and spoke messages from God!

“We had hoped that he would save us Israelites [from the Romans]! This morning, some women went to the tomb [grave cave] where his body was put [buried], but his body [corpse] was gone!

“The women reported they had seen angels who said to them that ‘Jesus is alive’! When some men went to the tomb, they also found it empty. But they did not see Jesus!”

Then Jesus said, “We must believe what God’s prophets said long ago. They said that the Messiah [promised king]would have to suffer before he would show his great glory [before he would be greatly honored]!”

Next, Jesus reminded [explained to] them about the many things [words] that the prophets had written about him [Jesus].

When they came to their village, they said to Jesus [whom they still did not recognize to be Jesus], “Please, come stay at our house, because it will soon be night!”

While Jesus and the two men were eating a meal together, Jesus took some bread, broke it, and gave it to them. At that moment, they recognized that he was Jesus.

But he [Jesus] suddenly disappeared [was gone]! So the two men quickly got up from [left] the table and returned to Jerusalem.

When they arrived back in Jerusalem, they went to find other disciples who said to them, “The Lord has risen from death to life and has appeared to Peter!” Then the two men told [recounted] how they had seen Jesus and had recognized him when he broke bread.


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