Jesus Before the Jewish Council

Jesus Before the Jewish Council

개요: Matt. 26:57-75, Mark 14:53-72, Luke 22:54-71, John 18:15-27

스크립트 번호: 1367

언어: English

청중: General

목적: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

지위: Approved

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스크립트 텍스트

Title Options:Jesus before the Jewish Council.Religious leaders condemn Jesus.Peter denies Jesus three times.

After the Jewish religious leaders arrested Jesus, they took [led] him to Caiaphas, the Jewish high priest. All the chief priests and elders [council members] had gathered at Caiaphas’ house.

Peter followed them far behind. Later, he came into Caiaphas’ courtyard. He sat with some guards, warming himself near a fire.

The [Jewish] priests and elders listened to men tell lies about Jesus, because they wanted a reason to put Jesus to death. But the witnesses’ [men’s] false testimonies [lies / words / accusations] did not agree.

Finally, two false witnesses [liars / men] agreed about a lie. They testified [said], “We have heard Jesus say, ‘I will tear down the temple [in Jerusalem] that men have built, and I shall build another temple without human [men’s] help.’”

The high priest turned towards Jesus and said, “You may say something to defend yourself. You may reply to what these men have said against [about] you!”But Jesus said nothing; he did not reply to their accusations [testimonies].

Caiaphas asked Jesus, “Are you our Messiah, whom we call Son of God?”Jesus replied to him, “Yes, I AM. Soon, you will see me, the Son of Man, seated [on a throne] with [next to] Almighty God in heaven, ruling as King!”

When Caiaphas heard these words, he tore [ripped his clothes [robe] to show he was angry. He shouted to everyone, “We need no more witnesses! You have heard Jesus [himself] speak against God, [by saying he himself is God]! What is your decision?”

The Jewish elders replied, “Jesus is guilty! He must die!” Someone threw a cloth over Jesus’ face, while others struck him with their fists. They insulted [mocked / abused] him, saying, “If you are the Messiah, then tell us who just struck you!”

Outside the house, in the courtyard, a servant girl recognized [saw] Peter and said loudly, “You were with Jesus!” But Peter denied it, saying, “I do not know what you are talking about!”

Then Peter went out through a gateway. Outside, another servant girl recognized him. She said to everyone standing there, “This man is one of Jesus’ disciples!” But Peter denied this, too saying, “I am not! [I do not know the man!]”

Later, others who were standing nearby said to Peter, “We think you are one of Jesus’ disciples, because your speech comes from [sounds like how people speak in] Galilee Region [where Jesus came from]! But Peter shouted and swore angrily, “By God! I do not know this man Jesus!”

Just then, Peter heard a cock [male chicken] crow, and remembered that Jesus had said to him, “Before a cock crows [in the morning], you will say three times that you do not know me [you will deny me]!” So Peter went outside and wept [bitterly] because he felt ashamed.


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