The End of Israel

The End of Israel

개요: 2 Kings 15:8-17:24

스크립트 번호: 1325

언어: English

청중: General

장르: Bible Stories & Teac

목적: Evangelism; Teaching

성경 인용: Paraphrase

지위: Approved

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스크립트 텍스트

Title Ideas:God sends Assyria to invade Israel.Israel’s continual disobedience results in them being taken captive.Consequences!

After Israel divided into two countries, some kings in the southern part, called Judah, served the Lord, but all the kings in the northern part, called Israel, disobeyed the Lord.

Several men in Israel became king after killing a previous king. All of the kings in Israel served false gods, and they led the people to bow down before idols.

One year, an army came from Assyria [nation] and invaded Israel. The Assyrian king made the Israel king pay much much silver money weighting 26,000 kilograms.

That king’s son made the Israelite people serve false gods. Two years later, a man killed that king and became king in his place.

The Assyrian army came back to Israel, captured many cities, and led away many [Israelite] people who became slaves in Assyria Land.

A man killed that king and became king in his place. The Assyrian army came again and attacked Israel.

The new king in Israel had to pay money every year to the Assyrian king.One day, the king in Israel stopped paying money to the Assyrian king.

So the Assyrian army came again. This time, they surrounded Israel’s main city [Samaria] for three years, until the people surrendered.

The Assyrians led all the people from that city [Samaria] to Assyria Land, where they became slaves.

Israel’s ancestors had promised to obey the Lord, but [the people of] Israel turned away from obeying the Lord. That is why the Lord allowed the Assyrians lead Israel away to become slaves.

The Lord had sent many prophets to warn the kings and people in Israel, saying, “Stop doing evil actions, and start obeying the Lord!” But they did not heed [listen to] the prophets’ messages.

If the kings and people in Israel had repented and obeyed the Lord, then he would have rescued [protected] them. But they did not change. They kept on serving false gods and praying to and bowing down before idols.

The king of Assyria made foreigners [other tribes] come to Israel and dwell [live] in Israel’s towns and farms. Later, these foreigners were called Samaritans.


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