이 스크립트의 레코딩: Portrait of Jesus

보여주는 항목 1 부터 52 의 52

야오 [Vietnam, North East, Cao Bang] - Portrait of Jesus

타밀 [India, Tamil Nadu] - Portrait of Jesus

터키 [Turkey] - Portrait of Jesus

펀잡 [India, Punjab] - Portrait of Jesus

광동어 [China, Guangdong] - Portrait of Jesus

나시족 [Netherlands] - Portrait of Jesus

벵골어 [India, Assam] - Portrait of Jesus

북경어 [China] - Portrait of Jesus (Modern)

북경어 [China] - Portrait of Jesus (Union)

아랍어 [Saudi Arabia] - Portrait of Jesus

일본어 [Japan] - Portrait of Jesus

체코어 [Czech Republic] - Portrait of Jesus

하이난 [China, Hainan] - Portrait of Jesus

한국어 [Korea, South] - Portrait of Jesus

힌디어 [India, Bihar] - Portrait of Jesus

그리스어 [Greece] - Portrait of Jesus

베트남어 [Vietnam] - Portrait of Jesus

암하라어 [Ethiopia] - Portrait of Jesus

우르두어 [India, Jammu and Kashmir] - Portrait of Jesus (H)

이탈리아 [Italy] - Portrait of Jesus

크메르어 [Cambodia] - Portrait of Jesus

폴란드어 [Poland] - Portrait of Jesus

헝가리어 [Hungary] - Portrait of Jesus

구자라트어 [India, Gujarat] - Portrait of Jesus

루마니아어 [Romania] - Portrait of Jesus

스와힐리어 [Kenya, Lamu] - Portrait of Jesus

알바니아어 [Albania] - Portrait of Jesus

인도네시아 [Indonesia] - Portrait of Jesus

페르시아어 [Iran] - Portrait of Jesus

슬로바키아어 [Slovakia] - Portrait of Jesus

Albanian, Gheg [Albania] - Portrait of Jesus

Dari [Afghanistan] - Portrait of Jesus

German, Standard [Germany] - Portrait of Jesus

Haitian Creole [Haiti] - Portrait of Jesus

Hebrew [Israel] - Portrait of Jesus

Hmong: Blue [Myanmar, Shan State] - Portrait of Jesus

Kuvi [India, Odisha] - Portrait of Jesus

Lao [Laos] - Portrait of Jesus

Latvian, Standard [Latvia] - Portrait of Jesus

Navajo [United States of America, Arizona] - Portrait of Jesus

Norwegian. [Norway] - Portrait of Jesus

Portuguese [Portugal] - Portrait of Jesus

Russian [Russia] - Portrait of Jesus

Sabar [India, Odisha] - Portrait of Jesus

Somali [Somalia] - Portrait of Jesus

Spanish: Mexico [Mexico] - Portrait of Jesus

Tagalog [Philippines] - Portrait of Jesus

Telugu [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Portrait of Jesus

Thai: Central [Thailand] - Portrait of Jesus

Tiv [Nigeria, Benue] - Portrait of Jesus

Twi: Asante [Ghana] - Portrait of Jesus

Wapan [Nigeria, Taraba] - Portrait of Jesus


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