이 스크립트의 레코딩: Do You Have Worries?

보여주는 항목 1 부터 9 의 9

Armenian: Syria [Syria] - Yesterday, Today, and Forever

Bidyogo [Guinea-Bissau] - Forgiveness Through Jesus Christ

Jola-Kasa: Bliss [Senegal] - Words of Life

Kosovan Albanian [Kosovo] - A New Life

Manjaco: Binyhant [Guinea-Bissau] - Forgiveness Through Jesus Christ

Mingrelian [Georgia] - Bible Questions

Soninke: Azer [Guinea-Bissau] - Forgiveness Through Jesus Christ

Tyap: Attakar [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Tyap: Tyuku [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life


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