Donate to GRN Southern Africa

Donate to GRN Southern Africa

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Global Recordings Network Southern Africa is registered as a separate entity in South Africa.

Global Recordings Network Southern Africa NPC, registration number 2012/154208/08, meets the requirements of a Public Benefit Organisation (PBO) set out in section 30(3) of the Income Tax Act No 58 of 1962 (the Act). Our Income Tax Exemption has been granted in terms of section 10(1)(cN) of the Act.

Donations made to or by GRNSA are exempt from Donations Tax in terms of section 56(1)(h) of the Income Tax Act.

Through your donation you will become a partner to:

You can donate using the Payfast form below or make a direct Electronic Funds Transfer or cable transfer to GRNSA's bank account.

  • Standard Bank - Parow Centre Branch
  • Account No: 075 769 654
  • Branch Code: 031110
  • SWIFT Address: SBZA ZA JJ

Use Payfast to make a donation in Rand

Choose a particular project or team member, or donate to GRN South Africa to use where most needed:

GRN은 최대한의 주의와 재량으로 개인 정보를 취급합니다. 이 양식을 제출함으로써 귀하는 GRN이 귀하의 요청을 이행할 목적으로 이 정보를 사용하는 것에 동의하는 것입니다. 우리는 귀하의 요청을 충족시키는 데 필요한 경우를 제외하고 다른 목적으로 그것을 사용하지 않거나 다른 당사자에게 누설하지 않을 것입니다. 자세한 내용은 개인정보보호정책를 참조하세요.


GRN Southern Africa - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN South Africa.

남아프리카공화국 - 남아프리카공화국에 관한 정보