Recording in Madagascar

Recording in Madagascar

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GRN South Africa is partnering with Wycliffe and Seed Company which has started to translate our Bible stories with accompanying pictures into twelve languages spoken in Madagascar. This project has been many years in the making and is planned to be completed in three phases.

Phase one has been completed. Joel, from GRN Southern Africa, has recorded our Look, Listen and Live series and some Bible books in the Bara and Ntandroy languages. He has also been training one local Madagascan recordist to who will continue recording while Joel is editing and programming his work back home. Joel will check the finished recordings before they are distributed amongst those who understand the recordings.

Rejoice with us that this project has been funded by a very generous donor. Please pray for our Joel as he edits and records, for the fellow he has trained as he continues recording, for the checking process and most of all for God to draw people to himself as they listen to God's word.

For more information about this project, visit Project Madagascar.


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