- Bughotu

: 80887
: 35:38
: Bughotu

Drum ▪ 1. Jesus Teaches the People


1. Drum ▪ 1. Jesus Teaches the People

2. The Two Houses


2. 2. The Two Houses

3. A Light Should be Seen


3. 3. A Light Should be Seen

4. A Roman Beats a Jew


4. 4. A Roman Beats a Jew

5. Praying to God


5. 5. Praying to God

6. Evil Men Sow Weeds


6. 6. Evil Men Sow Weeds

7. Jesus and the Children


7. 7. Jesus and the Children

8. The Shepherd and the Sheep


8. 8. The Shepherd and the Sheep

9. The Unforgiving Servant


9. 9. The Unforgiving Servant

10. Workers Receive Their Pay


10. 10. Workers Receive Their Pay

11. Five Women Outside the Door


11. 11. Five Women Outside the Door

12. The Master and His Servants


12. 12. The Master and His Servants

13. Jesus is Baptized


13. 13. Jesus is Baptized

14. Jesus Calls Helpers


14. 14. Jesus Calls Helpers

15. A Man with Leprosy


15. 15. A Man with Leprosy

16. A Man Comes Through the Roof


16. 16. A Man Comes Through the Roof

17. Jesus Heals a Man's Hand


17. 17. Jesus Heals a Man's Hand

18. Jesus Calms a Storm


18. 18. Jesus Calms a Storm

19. A Woman in the Crowd


19. 19. A Woman in the Crowd

20. Jesus and the Dead Child


20. 20. Jesus and the Dead Child

21. Jesus and the Foreign Woman


21. 21. Jesus and the Foreign Woman

22. Jesus and the Deaf and Dumb Man


22. 22. Jesus and the Deaf and Dumb Man

23. Jesus Makes a Blind Man See


23. 23. Jesus Makes a Blind Man See

24. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon


24. 24. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon



Copyright © 2002 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.


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