Ministry Partners

Ministry Partners

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Partnership and cooperation are at the heart of our ministry ethos.

GRN works with many ministry partners. Partnerships may be local or global, and some organisations partner with us at several levels. If you would like to explore partnership opportunities with GRN send a message here.

Audio Scripture Ministries
Bible Agencies Forums (country and regional fora and at times the International Forum - FOBAI)
Bible Society Australia
Davar Partners International
Digital Bible Society
Every Home for Christ
Jesus Film Harvest Partners
Operation Mobilisation
Renew World Outreach
SIL International
The Pocket Testament League
Wycliffe Bible Translators

In addition to the above, hundreds of Christian workers throughout the world have asked for and received permission to reproduce and distribute GRN materials in their own ministry context, and tens of thousands have accessed the materials themselves from GRN websites and used them in ministry. GRN-developed apps, web technology and playback devices are also used by many.


GRN 소개 - GRN 은 전 세계 접근이 어려운 언어 그룹들을 위한 성경 가르침을 위한 오디오 녹음을 6525 언어로 제작하고 있습니다