Aimaq: Taimuri 언어

언어 이름: Aimaq: Taimuri
ISO 언어 이름: Aimaq [aiq]
언어 상태: Verified
GRN 언어 번호: 6778
IETF Language Tag: aiq-x-HIS06778
ROLV (ROD) 언어 버라이어티 코드: 06778

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다른 출처의 시청각자료

The Prophets' Story - Aimaq (حكايات أنبياء) - (The Prophets' Story)

Aimaq: Taimuri에 대한 다른 이름


Aimaq: Taimuri 이(가) 말해짐


Aimaq: Taimuri 관련 언어

Aimaq: Taimuri을(를) 사용하는 종족 그룹

Aimaq, Timuri

Aimaq: Taimuri에 관한 정보

기타 정보들: From Joshua Project: The Tyemur (or Timuri) are a mixture of Iranian, Mongolian, and Central Asian. Their name possibly comes from Timur Baktior, who was the emir of much of the Islamic world in the late 14th century. After the conquest, he forced Islam upon the people and they embraced the Persian culture. Many women are carpet weavers. The Timuri are known for their elaborate Heart Baluch rugs. Mothers teach their daughters to create rug patterns of their ancestors from wool on portable looms. Their language is a synthesis of languages, although most speakers would understand the Farsi language. JMS

인구: 800,000

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