Missions Links

Missions Links

ಈ ಪುಟವು ಪ್ರಸ್ತುತ ಕನ್ನಡ ನಲ್ಲಿ ಲಭ್ಯವಿಲ್ಲ.

Gospel resources in different languages

Davar Partners International are an oral Bible organization working in partnership to enable every oral learner in the world to have access to the Word of God in a language close to their hearts and in a form they understand.

EveryTongue.com is a comprehensive catalogue of Christian audio files, with the aim of "Putting a recording of every language on-line". 97% of the world's population can hear their own language on this site.

Faith Comes By Hearing offers downloads of audio Bibles in nearly 300 languages, and other audio-related ministry tools.

Good News In Every Language is a YouTube channel with short videos in hundreds of languages

Inspirational Films allows you to watch or listen to the "JESUS" film in any of more than 800 languages.

The Bible Gateway is a site for reading and researching scripture online, in dozens of languages and many translations.

World Bibles is a comprehensive directory to help you to find God's Word in over 4,000 languages.

World Language Movies is an extensive extract of GRN audio and video in nearly 2000 languages, including some videos with sign language for the hearing impaired.

Language and People Group information

Ethnologue has many resources to help you with your research of the world's languages. The Ethnologue is owned by SIL International, a service organization that works with people who speak the world's lesser-known languages. portion of the task, by improving the sharing of information through the standardizing of categories and codes.

Joshua Project aims to identify and highlight the people groups of the world that have the least Christian presence in their midst and to use this information through data sharing and networking to encourage pioneer church-planting movements among every ethnic people group.

Langscape is an interactive online map that allows users to discover the languages spoken at any point on the globe, and then to uncover resources for learning about them.

PeopleGroups gathers and analyzes information about people groups which is collected through a global network of research coordinators. These coordinators obtain information from approximately 5,500 IMB field personnel, local evangelical partners, and others.

General Missions information

Story4all is part of a growing network of believers throughout the world who are committed to bringing the Story of God to all peoples ... orally.

ಸಂಬಂಧಿಸಿದ ಮಾಹಿತಿ

Policies and Guidelines - The guiding principles, doctrines and policies under which GRN functions.