An Urgent Message

Контур: Specialized script with comfort for those who believe babies are lost if not baptized. Clear explanation of the Gospel in application. To be used cautiously. For Catholics.

Сценарий нөмірі: 152

Тіл: English

Тақырып: Living as a Christian (Family, relationships); Eternal life (Heaven, Salvation); Sin and Satan (Hell)

Аудитория: Catholic; General

Мақсат: Evangelism

Күй: Obsolete

Сценарий мәтіні

Dear people:
I have an urgent message. Plese listen, and pass it on. This is what happened:

A certain woman was crying bitterly. When asked the reason, she said, "I was too poor to have my baby baptized by the priest. But when I saw that it was dying, I went everywhere over the dark roads, carrying my baby from priest to priest. I asked them to baptize him for me, but each one turned me away, saying he was too busy or too tired.

"When I reached home, my little child was dead, and now it is too late; he can't go to Heaven."

You who are listening, if you know where this woman is, please give her this message: My dear woman, you don't need to cry; your baby is saved. The Lord Jesus Christ already has him in His tender arms. For when speaking about these little ones, He says, "Their spirits do always behold the face of My Father which is in Heaven." And don't you remember how He gathered the little children around Him and said, "Let the little children come unto Me, for OF SUCH is the Kingdom of Heaven"?

No, your little baby does not need to be baptized by a priest in order to be saved, for he is covered by the Blood of Jesus Christ. But oh, my friend, I am so concerned about YOU, wherever you are. Because unless YOU believe in the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Saviour, and receive Him into your heart, you will be lost. You will go to hell. You must not believe what anyone tells you, unless it is contained in God's Word, the Bible. Listen! Jesus says, "I am the door. By Me if anyone enters in, he shall be saved." The Word of God is what we must believe. It says, "There is one God and one Mediator between God and men, the Man, Christ Jesus." "Whoever shall call upon the Name of the Lord Jesus shall be saved." Jesus says, "Come unto Me. Him that comes unto Me, I will in no wise cast out."

Talk to Him today. Say to Him: "Dear Lord Jesus, I open my heart to You. Please cleanse me from all my sin, and come to live in my heart now." If you really believe, then some day you too will go to be where your little baby is, safe in the arms of Jesus. There you will live in happiness forever in Heaven.

References: Matt. 18:10; Rom. 10:13; Luke 18: 16; John 14:6; Matt. 18:3; John 6:37; I Tim. 2:5

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