The Living Christ

The Living Christ

მონახაზი: A Survey of the Life of Christ for Evangelism and Basic Bible Teaching. Comes with a 120 picture set.

სკრიპტის ნომერი: 440

Ენა: English

თემა: Sin and Satan (Deliverance, Light/Darkness, Sin, disobedience); Christ (Jesus, Our Substitute, Resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ, Sacrifice / Atonement, Death of Christ, Life of Christ, Authority, Jesus, Our Shepherd); Eternal life (Salvation, Broad & Narrow Ways); Character of God (Love of God, Grace and Mercy, Nature, character of God, Word of God (the Bible), Power of God / Jesus); Living as a Christian (Prayer, petition, Worship, Witnessing, Second Birth, Obedience, Spiritual Growth, Peace with God, Forgiveness, Faith, trust, believe in Jesus, Spiritual Life, Christian values, Humility); Bible timeline (End Time, Second Coming, Gospel, Good News); Problems (Materialism, Evil Spirits, demons, Problems, troubles, worries)

აუდიტორია: General

სტილი: Monolog

ჟანრი: Bible Stories & Teac

მიზანი: Teaching

ბიბლიური ციტატა: Extensive

სტატუსი: Approved

სკრიპტები არის ძირითადი სახელმძღვანელო სხვა ენებზე თარგმნისა და ჩაწერისთვის. ისინი საჭიროებისამებრ უნდა იყოს ადაპტირებული, რათა გასაგები და შესაბამისი იყოს თითოეული განსხვავებული კულტურისა და ენისთვის. ზოგიერთ ტერმინს და ცნებას შეიძლება დასჭირდეს მეტი ახსნა ან ჩანაცვლება ან მთლიანად გამოტოვება.

სკრიპტის ტექსტი



Who was Jesus Christ? When was He born and what did He do? Where did He come from? To answer these questions we must go to the book called the Bible. It teaches us about the beginning of time.

Picture 1. Christ in the Beginning

Picture 1. Christ in the Beginning

John 1:1-5

In the beginning, before time began, God existed. Jesus Christ existed with God. Jesus shows us what God is like. In the Bible, Jesus is called the Life and the Light of this world. This is because Jesus gives His people eternal life. He shows them the way to God.

Picture 2. God Created all Things

Picture 2. God Created all Things

Genesis 2:4-22

Jesus was with God in the beginning. He created everything in the universe. He created all the animals and the people in this world. The first man and woman were called Adam and Eve. At that time there was no sickness or death in the world. There was no evil or sorrow. Everything was very good.

Picture 3. Satan Tempts Adam and Eve

Picture 3. Satan Tempts Adam and Eve

Genesis 3:1-7

God put Adam and Eve in a beautiful garden. He gave them everything good to eat. But He also told them not to eat the fruit of one of the trees. Then, one of God's creatures turned against Him. His name was Satan. One day Satan came to Adam and Eve. He looked like a beautiful snake. He told Adam and Eve a lie, and they believed him. In the picture, you can see that they ate the fruit God told them not to eat. Satan persuaded them to turn against God, and disobey Him.

Picture 4. Adam and Eve Cast Out

Picture 4. Adam and Eve Cast Out

Genesis 3:8-24

From that time, all men and women were separated from God. They followed the ways of Satan. God had to send Adam and Eve away. They left the beautiful garden. Life was hard then. Sadness and death came into this world. But God loved His creation so much, that He made a plan. He planned to rescue all people from the evil ways of Satan, and from death.

Picture 5. God's Promise to Abraham

Picture 5. God's Promise to Abraham

Genesis 15:1-6, 22:15-18

There were more and more people on the earth, but they forgot God. They did not want to obey Him. However, there was one man who continued to follow God and obey Him. His name was Abraham. Abraham and his wife Sarah were very old and they had no children. In the picture you can see Abraham. One night God said to Abraham, "Look up in the sky and count the stars. Your descendants will be as many as the stars." God promised to bless all people through Abraham's children and their children. Abraham believed God. Then God gave Abraham and Sarah a son even though Abraham was 100 years old. From their son came a great nation called Israel.

Picture 6. Zechariah and the Angel

Picture 6. Zechariah and the Angel

Luke 1:5-25

This picture shows us something that happened hundreds of years later. Abraham died, and his children died. Many years after Abraham had died, God sent a messenger from heaven to the land of Israel. This messenger, called an angel, went to the city of Jerusalem. In Jerusalem was the temple where people worshipped God. There was an old priest there called Zechariah. He had no children. While Zechariah was praying in the temple, the angel came to him. In the picture, the angel is saying, "Do not be afraid, Zechariah. Your wife will bear you a son called John. He will be great in the sight of the Lord." This child named John grew up to be an important servant of God.

Picture 7. The Angel Speaks to Mary

Picture 7. The Angel Speaks to Mary

Luke 1:26-38

At about the same time, the same angel also appeared to a young woman in Israel. Her name was Mary. She was a virgin (who had never slept with a man). The angel said to Mary, "You will have a son... The Holy Spirit will come upon you, so the baby will be called the Son of God."

Picture 8. The Angel and Joseph

Picture 8. The Angel and Joseph

Matthew 1:18-25

Mary was engaged to a man named Joseph. (This man was also a descendant of Abraham.) But Joseph discovered that Mary was pregnant and he decided not to marry her. Then the angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, because the baby in her is from the Holy Spirit of God. She will have a son, and you are to give Him the name Jesus, because He will save His people from their sins." The name "Jesus" means Saviour.

Picture 9. The Birth of Jesus

Picture 9. The Birth of Jesus

Luke 2:1-7

Joseph married Mary. He took her to a town called Bethlehem because that is where his family came from. There were many people in Bethlehem at that time. Joseph and Mary could not find a place to stay. They had to spend the night in an animal stable, and while they were there, Jesus was born.

Picture 10. The Shepherds and the Angels

Picture 10. The Shepherds and the Angels

Luke 2:8-14

In the fields outside Bethlehem there were some shepherds. They were looking after their sheep that night. Suddenly many angels appeared to them. One angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I am bringing you some good news. It is for all people. Today a Saviour has been born to you in Bethlehem."

Picture 11. The Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus

Picture 11. The Shepherds Visit Baby Jesus

Luke 2:15-20

Immediately the shepherds went to Bethlehem. They found the baby with Mary and Joseph, just as the angels had told them. These shepherds were uneducated people, but they realized that this was a very special baby and they gave praise to God.

Picture 12. Simeon Prophesies about Jesus

Picture 12. Simeon Prophesies about Jesus

Luke 2:21-38

Mary and Joseph took the baby Jesus to the temple in Jerusalem. They wanted to present Him to God. An old man named Simeon was in the temple. He knew that God promised to send a special person called the Christ into the world to save His people. Simeon was waiting for that to happen. When Simeon saw Jesus, he took the baby in his arms. He said to God, "My eyes have seen Your salvation... He is a light for all people and the glory of Israel." An old prophetess called Anna also saw the baby. She told the people that this child had come to save them. Simeon and Anna knew that Jesus was the Christ whom God had promised.

Picture 13. The Visit of the Wise Men

Picture 13. The Visit of the Wise Men

Matthew 2:1-12

Some wise men came to Bethlehem from far countries. They asked, "Where is the baby who has been born king of the Jews? We saw His star in the east and have come to worship Him." They followed the star to Bethlehem and found Jesus. They gave Jesus gifts and they worshipped Him. The king of Israel was named Herod. He was jealous when he learned about the visit of the wise men. He wanted to kill Jesus. So an angel warned Mary and Joseph and they took Jesus away to Egypt. There they stayed until King Herod died. Then they returned to Israel and lived in a town called Nazareth.

Picture 14. The Boy Jesus at the Temple

Picture 14. The Boy Jesus at the Temple

Luke 2:39-52

When Jesus was 12 years old, Mary and Joseph again took Him to the temple of God at Jerusalem. There He spoke with the teachers and priests. They were amazed because He knew so much about God. He knew that God was His real Father. Jesus continued to grow up pleasing God and people.

Picture 15. The Message of John the Baptist

Picture 15. The Message of John the Baptist

Matthew 3:1-12; Mark 1:2-8; Luke 3:3-18

You remember that the old priest named Zechariah had a son named John. (See picture 6.) This boy also grew up and became a great prophet. He lived in the desert. Many people went there to hear him teach. He told them that God would send someone to save them. He also warned them that they must turn from their evil ways. Those who believed John's message were baptized in the river. Baptism showed that they wanted to turn away from evil and to follow God's ways.

Picture 16. The Baptism of Jesus

Picture 16. The Baptism of Jesus

Matthew 3:13-17; Mark 1:9-11; Luke 3:21-22

John was baptizing people in the River Jordan. Jesus came to John. Jesus did not need to turn from sin, because He had never sinned. However He still wanted John to baptize Him. In the picture you can see John baptizing Jesus. As Jesus came up out of the water, the Spirit of God came down upon Him in the form of a dove. A voice from heaven said, "This is My Son whom I love; I am very pleased with Him."

Picture 17. Jesus Tested by Satan

Picture 17. Jesus Tested by Satan

Matthew 4:1-11; Mark 1:12-13; Luke 4:1-13

After John baptized Him, the Spirit of God sent Jesus into the desert. There He prepared for His future ministry. Jesus prayed and did not eat for forty days. Then Satan came to tempt Him. He wanted to stop Jesus from saving all people. Satan tried to make Jesus submit to him. But Jesus used the Word from God's Holy Book to refute Satan, and Satan had no power over Him.

Picture 18. The Marriage Feast at Cana

Picture 18. The Marriage Feast at Cana

John 2:1-11

After this, Jesus went to Galilee in the north of Israel. He went to a wedding feast with His mother and His friends. There was not enough wine for the wedding guests. Jesus said to the servants, "Fill the jars with water." In the picture you can see that the servants did what Jesus told them to do. Then He changed that water into the very best wine. There was enough for the whole feast. This was the first miracle that Jesus did. All His friends saw that He had amazing power.

Picture 19. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus

Picture 19. Jesus Teaches Nicodemus

John 3:1-21

After His first miracle, Jesus began to work many miracles. All the people heard about those miracles. There was one important religious leader named Nicodemus. He heard about Jesus, so he went to Him one night. Jesus taught him many things. Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, no one can enter the kingdom of God unless he is born again. He must be born by water and the Spirit." Jesus meant that men and women must receive the Spirit of God in order to enter His kingdom. Whoever believes in Jesus shall have eternal life in God's kingdom, but whoever rejects Jesus shall perish and not see life. This is God's promise to all of us.

Picture 20. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

Picture 20. Jesus and the Samaritan Woman

John 4:1-26

Jesus travelled through the country of Samaria. He was tired so He sat down beside a well. A Samaritan woman came to draw water. Jesus said, "Will you give Me a drink?" Jesus knew that she was an adulterous woman who lived with a man who was not her husband. She was surprised that He asked her for a drink. Jesus said to her, "You do not know who I am. You should ask Me to give you living water." Jesus told her about the Water of Life which saves all people from their sin. The woman called others to come and hear Jesus and many other Samaritans believed in Him.

Picture 21. Jesus and the Official

Picture 21. Jesus and the Official

John 4:46-54

After this, Jesus returned to His home place. A nobleman from a nearby town came to Him. This man's son was very sick. He begged Jesus to come to his home and heal his son. Jesus did not go with the man to his home. He only said to him, "Go home. Your son will live." The son became well at that very same hour. When Jesus says something, you can trust Him to do it. The people found out that Jesus has power over sickness.

Picture 22. Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Picture 22. Jesus Calls the First Disciples

Mark 1:16-20; Luke 5:1-3

One day Jesus saw four fishermen beside the lake in Galilee. Their names were Peter and Andrew, James and John. Jesus said to them, "Come follow Me and be My disciples. I will teach you to catch men." A crowd of people gathered beside the lake, so Jesus told the fishermen to push the boat out into the water. He sat in the boat and taught them about God.

Picture 23. The Great Catch of Fish

Picture 23. The Great Catch of Fish

Luke 5:1-11

Jesus finished teaching the people. He said to Peter, "Take the boat out into deep water and let down the nets for a catch of fish." Peter said, "Master, we have worked all night and have not caught anything. But because You say so, I will let down the nets." They let down the nets and caught many fish. They had to call James and John to come and help them. There were so many fish that their boats began to sink. They were all amazed. They returned to the shore, left their nets and their families and followed Jesus.

Picture 24. Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit

Picture 24. Jesus Drives Out an Evil Spirit

Mark 1:21-28; Luke 4:31-37

At Capernaum in Galilee, Jesus was teaching the people in their house of prayer. The people were amazed because Jesus taught them with such authority. A man with an evil spirit suddenly cried out, "I know who You are - the Holy One of God!" Jesus commanded that evil spirit to leave the man. The spirit was forced to obey Jesus and it left the man. The people saw that Jesus has power over evil spirits.

Picture 25. Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law

Picture 25. Jesus Heals Peter's Mother-in-Law

Matthew 8:14-17; Mark 1:29-34; Luke 4:38-41

After this, Jesus went to Peter’s house with His disciples. Peter’s mother-in-law was sick. She had a high fever. Jesus touched her and she was healed immediately. Then people brought many sick people to Jesus. He healed them all and cast out many evil spirits.

Picture 26. Jesus Touches a Man with Leprosy

Picture 26. Jesus Touches a Man with Leprosy

Mark 1:40-45; Matthew 8:2-4; Luke 5:12-16

Jesus travelled around the area called Galilee teaching about God. Many people began to follow Him. A man with a terrible skin disease called leprosy came to Jesus. He begged Jesus to heal him. Jesus put out His hand and touched the man and immediately he was healed. After that many people came to Him. He could not enter the towns because of the crowds.

Picture 27. Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man

Picture 27. Jesus Heals a Paralysed Man

Mark 2:1-12; Matthew 9:1-8; Luke 5:17-26

Jesus went back to the town of Capernaum. He went inside a house. Four men brought a paralysed man to Jesus but they could not get inside the house because of all the people. They made a plan. In the picture you can see what they did. They made a hole in the roof of the house. They lowered the paralysed man down in front of Jesus. Jesus said to the man, "Son, your sins are forgiven." Then He said, "Get up, take your mat and go home." The man was healed. The people were amazed, but the religious teachers said, "Who can forgive sins but God alone?" The people saw that Jesus has power to forgive sins.

Picture 28. Jesus calls Matthew to Follow Him

Picture 28. Jesus calls Matthew to Follow Him

Mark 2:13-14; Matthew 9:9; Luke 5:27-28

In this picture you can see Jesus beside the sea. There He saw a man called Matthew (or Levi). Matthew was a tax collector. The people hated tax collectors because the tax collectors often cheated the people. But Jesus said to Matthew, "Follow Me!" Immediately Matthew got up and followed Him. The people saw that Jesus even wanted bad people to come to Him.

Picture 29. Jesus at Matthew's Feast

Picture 29. Jesus at Matthew's Feast

Mark 2:15-17; Matthew 9:10-13; Luke 5:29-32

Matthew made a great feast for Jesus and he invited all his friends. Many of them were dishonest tax collectors and evil people. The Pharisees said, "Why does Jesus eat with tax collectors and sinners?" However, Jesus said, "Healthy people do not need a doctor. Sick people do. I have not come to call people who are right with God. I have come to call sinners."

Picture 30. Jesus Heals the Man at the Pool

Picture 30. Jesus Heals the Man at the Pool

John 5:1-15

Jesus went to the main city called Jerusalem. He saw a man who had been lame for 38 years. The man lay beside a special pool. He hoped that the water in the pool could heal him. But he could never get into the pool at the right time. Jesus said to the man, "Get up! Pick up your mat and walk." At once the man was healed! Jesus worked this miracle on the special day of the week called the Sabbath. This made the religious leaders angry with Him again.

Picture 31. Disciples Pick Grain on the Sabbath

Picture 31. Disciples Pick Grain on the Sabbath

Mark 2:23-28; Matthew 12:1-8; Luke 6:1-5

In this picture you can see Jesus and some of His disciples. They were walking in the fields one Sabbath day. The disciples picked some grain and ate it. The Pharisees accused them of breaking the laws about the Sabbath. But Jesus said to them, "The Sabbath was made for man." God meant the Sabbath to be a day to help people. It is not a day for hardship. The people heard that Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath.

Picture 32. Jesus Heals a Withered Hand

Picture 32. Jesus Heals a Withered Hand

Mark 3:1-6; Matthew 12:9-14; Luke 6:6-11

This picture is about something else that Jesus did one Sabbath day. A man in the house of prayer had a withered right hand. Once again the leaders watched Jesus. They wanted to see if He would heal on the Sabbath day. They wanted to accuse Him of breaking their laws. Then Jesus said to the man, "Stretch out your hand", and the people saw that his hand was healed. The evil leaders went out and made plans to kill Jesus.

Picture 33. Jesus Teaches the People

Picture 33. Jesus Teaches the People

Matthew 5:1-12; Luke 6:12-26

Back in Galilee, Jesus spent a whole night in prayer to God. Then He chose twelve men to be with Him and to help Him. Crowds of people came from all over the country to see Him. He sat down in an open place with His disciples and He taught the people many things about the true ways of God. In the next pictures you will see some of the things Jesus taught them.

Picture 34. Teaching about Light in the Darkness

Picture 34. Teaching about Light in the Darkness

Matthew 5:14-16

When people come to Jesus, God changes them. They know how to live the right way. Think about this. No one hides a light under a bowl. He puts it up where it gives light to everyone. Jesus said to His disciples, "You are the light of the world. Let your light shine where people can see it. Let them see the good things you do. But do not expect them to praise you. They should give praise to God, your Father, who is in heaven."

Picture 35. Teaching about Revenge

Picture 35. Teaching about Revenge

Matthew 5:38-48; Luke 6:27-36

Here is another thing Jesus taught. He said "Do not resist an evil person. If someone strikes you on the right cheek, let him strike the other also. Love your enemies, bless those who hate you." God knows when people do wrong to us. He will judge evil people. He may judge them in this life, or He will judge them after death. We do not have to take revenge on evil people. God wants us to love all people. Jesus also said, "Do to others as you want them to do to you."

Picture 36. Teaching about Prayer

Picture 36. Teaching about Prayer

Matthew 6:5-15

Some people are proud. They want others to see them when they pray. Jesus condemned people like that. He said, "When you pray, pray to your Father God, in secret. God sees what is done in secret and He will reward you." Jesus said, "If you forgive men when they sin against you, God will also forgive you."

Picture 37. The Two Ways of Life

Picture 37. The Two Ways of Life

Matthew 7:13-14

Jesus told people that there are two ways in life. One way is wide and easy to follow. Many people follow that way, but it leads to everlasting destruction. The second way is narrow and difficult to follow. Only a few people go this way but it leads to everlasting life. This is the way of God which Jesus showed us. Which way are you on?

Picture 38. The House on the Rock

Picture 38. The House on the Rock

Matthew 7:24-29

The teachings of Jesus are a strong foundation for our lives. Some people hear the teachings of Jesus and obey them. They are like a wise man who built his house on a rock foundation. When the flood came the house stood firm. Some people hear Jesus' words, but they do not obey them. They are like a foolish man who built his house on the sand. When the flood came he lost everything because he had no foundation. Look at the picture. Which house is like your life?

Picture 39. Jesus Raises a Widow's Son

Picture 39. Jesus Raises a Widow's Son

Luke 7:11-17

One day, Jesus and His disciples went to a town called Nain. On the way, they met a funeral procession. The funeral was for the only son of a widow. Jesus understood her sorrow, so He said to the dead boy, "Get up!" Immediately the young man sat up. He was alive again! The people in the crowd were amazed and they told everyone about it. They saw that Jesus has power over death.

Picture 40. John the Baptist in Prison

Picture 40. John the Baptist in Prison

Luke 7:18-35; Matthew 11:2-19

Do you remember John the Baptist? He announced that Jesus was coming. John persuaded many people to follow Jesus. Then the wicked king of that country put John in prison. John called for two of his friends. He sent them to Jesus. They asked Jesus, "Are you really the One from God, or should we look for another One?" Jesus answered them, "You have seen the miracles I am doing. Go back and tell John about them. Then he will be sure about who I am." Jesus said, "How happy are those who have no doubts about Me!" The king killed John, but John had done important work for God. His reward in heaven is very great.

Picture 41. A Woman Washes Jesus' Feet

Picture 41. A Woman Washes Jesus' Feet

Luke 7:36-50

One day, Jesus was invited to eat at the house of a religious leader. A woman who was a prostitute came to Him. She began to wash Jesus' feet with her tears, and to anoint them with perfume. The religious leaders could not believe that Jesus allowed this to happen. Jesus said to her, "Your sins are forgiven." She showed her great love for Jesus, but the religious leaders hated Him. They even accused Him of being on the side of Satan.

Picture 42. The Parable of the Sower

Picture 42. The Parable of the Sower

Mark 4:1-9; Matthew 13:1-9; Luke 8:4-8

One time, Jesus was teaching many people beside the lake in Galilee. He told them about a farmer. This farmer went out to plant seed. Some seed fell on the path and the birds ate it. Some fell on rocky ground and when the sun was strong, it dried up. Other seed fell among thorns. The thorns choked the seedlings. They could not grow properly. Other seed fell on good ground. It grew and produced much grain.

Picture 43. The Parable of the Seed

Picture 43. The Parable of the Seed

Mark 4:10-20; Matthew 13:18-23

The story of the seed has a hidden meaning. The seed stands for the Word of God. The ground is like the people who hear God's Word. Satan is like the birds. There are people who hear God's Word, but Satan takes it away so they do not believe it. Some people hear God's Word and they think it is good but when life gets hard, they blame God and go their own way. Other people hear God's Word but the things of this world choke it. They do not obey it. However, some people hear the Word of God and obey it. They please God in this life and they gain everlasting life.

Picture 44. The Parable of the Weeds

Picture 44. The Parable of the Weeds

Matthew 13:24-30, 36-43

Jesus told many stories with hidden meanings. They are called parables. He told about a man who sowed good seed in his field. However, his enemy came at night and sowed weeds in the field among the wheat. This story tells us about Satan. He is the enemy. He plants his evil children among the children of God in the world. They must grow together until Jesus comes again. Then God's children will be separated from the evil ones. All who do evil will be like weeds. They will be destroyed by fire. God's children are like the wheat. God will take them to be with Him forever.

Picture 45. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Picture 45. The Parable of the Hidden Treasure

Matthew 13:44

This picture is about another story Jesus told. A man found some treasure hidden in a field. He hid the treasure so that nobody else could find it. Then he went and sold everything he had so that he could buy that field with the precious treasure. Jesus said that the Kingdom of God is like that treasure. The kingdom of God is worth more than anything else we have in this life.

Picture 46. Jesus Calms the Storm

Picture 46. Jesus Calms the Storm

Mark 4:35-41; Matthew 8:23-27; Luke 8:22-25

In this picture, you see that Jesus has finished His teaching. He told His disciples to take Him across the lake in their boat. A great wind storm arose, and the water came into the boat. The disciples were terrified. They thought they were going to die. But Jesus said to the storm, "Quiet! Be still!" Immediately the wind ceased and the waves became calm. The disciples said, "Who is this? Even the wind and the waves obey Him!" Jesus was showing them that He was the Lord of the wind and the waves.

Picture 47. Jesus Heals a Man with Many Demons

Picture 47. Jesus Heals a Man with Many Demons

Mark 5:1-20; Matthew 8:28-34; Luke 8:26-39

After the wind and the waves became quiet, Jesus and the disciples came to the other shore of the lake. A man met them. He had many demons in him. He was so wild that no one could tie him up. The man fell on his knees in front of Jesus. Then Jesus commanded the demons to leave him. The demons left the man and entered a herd of pigs. The pigs rushed into the lake and drowned. The man went and told many people about the great thing that Jesus had done for him. Everyone heard that the evil spirits must obey Jesus.

Picture 48. The Healing of a Woman in the Crowd

Picture 48. The Healing of a Woman in the Crowd

Mark 5:21-34; Matthew 9:20-22; Luke 8:43-48

Jesus went back to Capernaum, and a great crowd of people pressed around Him. There was a poor woman in the crowd. For twelve years she had been sick with bleeding . The woman thought, "If I just touch His clothes, I will be healed." So she touched Jesus in the crowd and immediately she was healed. She did not think that Jesus knew what she had done. But Jesus turned around and said to her, "Your faith has healed you. Go in peace." That woman trusted Jesus and He healed her.

Picture 49. A Dead Girl is Raised to Life

Picture 49. A Dead Girl is Raised to Life

Mark 5:35-43; Matthew 9:18-19, 23-26; Luke 8:40-42, 49-56

One of the synagogue leaders came to Jesus. He told Him, "My little daughter is dying. Please come and heal her." Jesus went to the leader's house but the girl was already dead. However, Jesus sent everyone outside, and took the dead child by the hand. He said to her, "Little girl, get up!" Immediately the girl came to life again. She stood up and walked around. They gave her something to eat. The family saw that Jesus was Lord over death.

Picture 50. Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Disciples

Picture 50. Jesus Sends Out the Twelve Disciples

Luke 9:1-6; Mark 6:6-13; Matthew 9:35 - 11:1

One day, Jesus called his 12 special disciples together. He gave them power to cast out demons and to heal sick people. Then He sent them into the country to preach about the Kingdom of God. He said to them, "Do not take anything for your journey. If you go into a house, stay there until you leave." He warned them that some people were going to reject them. Those people were rejecting God also. So the disciples went from village to village telling the good news and healing people everywhere.

Picture 51. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People

Picture 51. Jesus Feeds Five Thousand People

Luke 9:10-17; Mark 6:30-44; Matthew 14:13-21; John 6:1-13

The disciples returned from their journeys. They were all tired, so Jesus took them to a quiet place to rest. However, more than 5,000 people followed them. Jesus taught those people all day and at the end of the day they were very hungry. Jesus said to the disciples, "You give them something to eat!" But the disciples could only find five loaves and two fish. Jesus took that small amount of food and gave thanks to God. Then He fed all those people with that food. They all ate and were satisfied and there were twelve baskets of food left over!

Picture 52. Jesus Walks on the Water

Picture 52. Jesus Walks on the Water

John 6:14-21; Mark 6:45-52; Matthew 14:22-33

Then Jesus sent the people away and He went to a mountain to pray. His disciples went away in their boat. Late that night, they were in the middle of the lake. The wind was blowing hard against them. They were in danger. Then they saw Jesus. He was walking to them on the water. The disciples were very afraid. Jesus said, "It is I, don't be afraid." Then He got into the boat and immediately they came to the other side of the lake. They were all amazed.

Picture 53. The Bread of Life

Picture 53. The Bread of Life

John 6:22-40, 60-66

The next day the people were searching for Jesus. Some wanted to make Him king. They found Him on the other side of the lake. Jesus said to them, "I am the Bread of Life. He who comes to Me will never go hungry, and he who believes in Me will never be thirsty. I am the living Bread which came down from heaven. If anyone eats of this bread, he will live forever." Jesus came from God to give us spiritual food and drink. If we believe in Him we will receive everlasting life. Many people could not understand this. Some were angry and would not follow Jesus any more.

Picture 54. The Faith of a Foreign Woman

Picture 54. The Faith of a Foreign Woman

Mark 7:24-30; Matthew 15:21-28

Jesus went away to a foreign place. There a woman came to Him. Jesus was a Jew but the woman came from a different tribe. The woman had a little girl at home. There was an evil spirit in her. The woman begged Jesus to drive the spirit out of her child. Jesus said, "The demon has left your daughter." Immediately the demon left that child even before the mother returned home. His disciples learned a new lesson. They were all Jews, and Jesus came to save the Jews from Satan's power. But He came to save every one else as well.

Picture 55. The Healing of a Deaf and Dumb Man

Picture 55. The Healing of a Deaf and Dumb Man

Mark 7:31-37

Jesus went away to a different place. There the people brought a deaf and dumb man to Him. In the picture you can see that Jesus put His fingers into the ears of the man and touched his tongue. Immediately the man could hear and speak. When people heard of this, more and more of them came to see Jesus. He healed the sick people, and He fed another crowd of people. This time there were about 4,000 people and Jesus had only seven loaves of bread. The people were amazed by the things He did.

Picture 56. Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Picture 56. Jesus Heals a Blind Man

Mark 8:22-26

Back in Galilee there was a town called Bethsaida. When Jesus came there, some people brought a blind man to Him. He took the blind man outside the town. When Jesus touched his eyes, the man began to see a little. He said, "I can see men, but they look like trees." Then Jesus touched his eyes again and he saw everything clearly.

Picture 57. Peter's Confession of the Christ

Picture 57. Peter's Confession of the Christ

Mark 8:27-38; Matthew 16:13-27; Luke 9:18-27

Did Jesus really come from God? Did God send Him into the world? Even the disciples of Jesus found this hard to believe. Some of them thought that He was only a great prophet. One day Jesus asked the disciples, "Who do you say that I am?" That moment God showed Peter the truth. He understood clearly. He said, "You are the Christ! You are the Son of the living God!" Peter spoke the truth, but Jesus told the disciples not to tell anyone that He was the Christ.

Picture 58. The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ

Picture 58. The Transfiguration of Jesus Christ

Mark 9:1-8; Matthew 17:1-8; Luke 9:28-36

At that time, Jesus told His disciples that He must suffer and die. They did not understand this, and they could not believe it. Jesus took three of them to a mountain. They climbed to the top, and suddenly He was changed in front of them. He shone with great glory. Two prophets (Moses and Elijah) who lived many years before, appeared with Jesus. They talked with Jesus about the suffering and death which was coming to Him. Then the two prophets disappeared. The three disciples saw this and they believed Jesus.

Picture 59. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon

Picture 59. Jesus Heals a Boy with a Demon

Mark 9:14-29; Matthew 17:14-20; Luke 9:37-43

In this picture, you can see a man who brought his son to some of the disciples of Jesus. This boy had a demon inside him. It caused him to have terrible fits. The disciples tried to order the demon to go out of the boy, but the demon did not obey them. Then Jesus came down from the mountain. He was the only one who had the power to cast that demon out. Jesus said to His disciples, "This kind can only come out by prayer."

Picture 60. Peter Pays the Temple Tax

Picture 60. Peter Pays the Temple Tax

Matthew 17:24-27

At Capernaum, there were tax collectors in God's house. They asked Peter, "Does your Teacher pay the temple tax?" Jesus was the Son of God. He should not pay tax for His own Father's house! But Jesus did as they asked. He did it in a strange way! He told Peter to go and catch a fish. In the mouth of the fish, Peter found the money for the tax!

Picture 61. Who is the Greatest in God's Kingdom?

Picture 61. Who is the Greatest in God's Kingdom?

Matthew 18:1-6; Mark 9:33-37; Luke 9:46-48

People always want to be important. One day, the disciples asked Jesus, "Who is the greatest in the Kingdom of God?". Jesus called a little child to stand among them. He told them that they must be like little children. They must be humble. They must not think that they are better than others. They must trust God and do what He says. People like this are the greatest in the Kingdom of God.

Picture 62. Parable of the Lost Sheep

Picture 62. Parable of the Lost Sheep

Matthew 18:10-14

In Israel there are many shepherds looking after their sheep. These shepherds care for their sheep. If one sheep is lost a shepherd will leave the rest of his sheep. He goes and searches for the lost one. If he finds it, he is very happy. In the same way God does not want to lose any one of His children. We are His children if we believe in Him. He loves each one very much. If even one of His people goes away from Him, He will search for that one until He finds him or her.

Picture 63. Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Picture 63. Parable of the Unforgiving Servant

Matthew 18:21-35

One of the stories Jesus told was about a poor servant. He owed his master a lot of money, but he could not pay. The master was sorry for him. He told him he did not have to pay. He forgave him the whole debt. The servant went out and he met a friend. This friend owed him a small amount of money. The man grabbed him and said, "Pay back what you owe me!". But the friend could not pay, so what do you think the servant did? Did he forgive him? No! The servant put his friend in prison. Later, the master heard about this. He was angry with his servant because he did not show pity on his friend. The master threw his servant into prison. God has forgiven us a great debt of sin. He expects us to forgive those who sin against us.

Picture 64. The Woman Caught in Adultery

Picture 64. The Woman Caught in Adultery

John 8:1-11

In this picture, Jesus is in the temple in Jerusalem. The Pharisees brought a woman to him. They said, "Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. Now what do you say?" They wanted to stone her to death. But Jesus said, "Is there someone here who has not sinned? Let that person throw the first stone at her." One by one the Pharisees left the temple. They knew that they had sinned, too. Then Jesus said to the woman, "Go now, and stop your life of sin." The Pharisees were sinners too, but they hated Jesus for making it known.

Picture 65. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

Picture 65. Jesus Heals a Man Born Blind

John 9:1-41

As Jesus left the Temple, He saw a man who was born blind. The disciples thought that his blindness came because of sin. Jesus did not agree. He said, "This man is not blind because of his sin and it is not because of his parents' sin. This happened so that everyone can see the work of God in him." Then Jesus healed the man and he saw clearly. All the people saw God's power in Jesus. The man told everyone how Jesus had healed him. The Pharisees were more angry than before.

Picture 66. Parable of the Good Shepherd

Picture 66. Parable of the Good Shepherd

John 10:1-21

Jesus told a parable against the Pharisees. He said that they were like hired shepherds. A hired shepherd cares about his wages, but he does not care so much for the sheep. The Pharisees did not care for God's people, and they would not believe in Jesus. Jesus said, "I am the Good Shepherd. I will give My life to save My sheep." Jesus also told them that He is like the door of the sheepfold. You can see this in the picture. The sheep are safe while the shepherd guards the doorway. Jesus protects His people so that the evil one cannot come and destroy them.

Picture 67. Parable of the Good Samaritan

Picture 67. Parable of the Good Samaritan

Luke 10:25-37

Here is another story that Jesus told. A man was travelling down a lonely road. Robbers attacked him and left him almost dead. Two religious Jews came along. They saw the injured man, but they did not help him. Then a foreigner came along the road. He was sorry for the man. He stopped and took care of him. He cleaned his wounds and took him to a safe place. Those religious people did not show God's love. Religion will not give us eternal life. Jesus said that we must love and obey God. Then we will want to show God's love to anyone in need.

Picture 68. Jesus at the Home of Mary and Martha

Picture 68. Jesus at the Home of Mary and Martha

Luke 10:38-42

Jesus came to the house of two sisters. Their names were Mary and Martha. Jesus was a friend of their family. Mary sat at Jesus' feet. She wanted to hear everything He said. But Martha said to Jesus, "My sister has left me to do all the work by myself. Tell her to help me!" Jesus answered, "Martha, Mary has chosen something better. It will not be taken from her." To know Jesus and His way is better than all the concerns of this life.

Picture 69. Parable of the Friend at Midnight

Picture 69. Parable of the Friend at Midnight

Luke 11:1-13

This picture is about an important teaching of Jesus. Jesus taught His disciples to pray to God all the time. He told them this story. A man went to his friend in the middle of the night. He called out, "Friend, lend me some loaves of bread. A friend of mine has come to me, and I have nothing to give him." The friend said, "Don't bother me. The door is already locked." However, the man kept knocking at the door. So the friend got up out of bed and gave him some bread. Jesus shows us that if your friend will do such a thing, God will certainly hear His children if they continue to pray. He will also give His Holy Spirit to those who really seek Him.

Picture 70. Parable of the Rich Fool

Picture 70. Parable of the Rich Fool

Luke 12:13-21

Jesus warned people not to be greedy. He told a story about a rich man. The rich man had a lot of property and produced many things to sell. So he built many store houses to keep all his produce. He said, "I have plenty for many years. I can take life easy." Then suddenly he died. All his work and all his money were no good to him any more. Jesus said, "This is how it will be with anyone who stores up things for himself." We need to have treasure in heaven, not here on earth.

Picture 71. Servants Ready for their Master's Return

Picture 71. Servants Ready for their Master's Return

Luke 12:35-40

Jesus told His disciples that He was going to die. But He also told them that after He died, He would come back again. At that time, people who are prepared for His return will receive a reward. Jesus said, "You should be like men waiting for their master to return from a wedding. You should be ready, like servants who are not lazy, because I will come at an hour when you do not expect Me."
When Jesus comes back again, will you be ready for Him?

Picture 72. Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman

Picture 72. Jesus Heals a Crippled Woman

Luke 13:10-17

The Pharisees continued to oppose Jesus. One day there was a crippled woman in the synagogue. You can see her in the picture. She had been bent over for eighteen years. Jesus healed her. She could stand up straight again! How she praised God! The people were delighted. However, the leader of the synagogue was angry because Jesus worked this miracle on the Sabbath day. God's Holy Book said that you should not work on the Sabbath. But Jesus was doing God's work when He healed the woman.

Picture 73. Parable of the Great Feast

Picture 73. Parable of the Great Feast

Luke 14:15-24

Another Sabbath day, Jesus healed a man with dropsy. Again the Pharisees were angry. Then Jesus told them this story. A great man gave a feast. He invited many special guests. However, every one of them made excuses and refused to come. So he said to his servants, "Go out quickly into the streets and bring in to my feast the poor people and the crippled people." Jesus was telling the people that the Pharisees were like the special guests. They were important religious leaders, but they refused to come to God by believing in Jesus. They will not have a place in heaven.

Picture 74. Parable of the Lost Coin

Picture 74. Parable of the Lost Coin

Luke 15:8-10

The Pharisees were angry because Jesus liked to spend time with poor people and sinners. So Jesus told them a story. He said, "A woman had ten silver coins and she lost one. She lit a lamp and searched the house. At last she found it. She was very happy. She called her friends to come and they all rejoiced with her." Jesus said, "In the same way, there is rejoicing in heaven when one sinner turns to God." Every single person is important to God. He wants everyone to turn from sin and to come to Him.

Picture 75. Parable of the Lost Son

Picture 75. Parable of the Lost Son

Luke 15:11-13

Jesus told the Pharisees another story. It was about a son who went away from his family. The boy said to his father, "Give me my share of your property." The father had two sons, so he gave him half his property. The boy left home and went to live in a far country. There, he wasted all his money in wild living.

Picture 76. The Lost Son Among the Pigs

Picture 76. The Lost Son Among the Pigs

Luke 15:14-19

At last, all his money was gone. The rebellious son had nothing to eat. He got a job feeding pigs. Even though he had something to eat, he was still very hungry. So he began to think about his life. He said to himself, "My father's servants have food. I will go back to my father and say to him, 'Father, I have sinned against you. You should not call me your son any more. Make me one of your servants.'" So the son decided to return to his father's house.

Picture 77. The Lost Son Returns Home

Picture 77. The Lost Son Returns Home

Luke 15:20-32

The father loved that boy very much. He was hoping that his son would come home. When he saw the boy coming home, he felt great pity for him. He ran to meet him. He welcomed him with great joy. He took him back as his own son. We are like that son. We have all gone away from our heavenly Father. God is like that Father. He loves and forgives every person who confesses their sin and comes back to Him.

Picture 78. The Rich Man and the Beggar

Picture 78. The Rich Man and the Beggar

Luke 16:19-31

The Pharisees hated Jesus, but they loved money. They did not take any notice of the poor. So Jesus told them this story. There was a very rich man who lived in great wealth. At his gate sat a poor beggar. He was sick and hungry, but the rich man would not help him. After some time, the poor man died and the angels carried him to heaven. There he found rest and comfort. The rich man died too, but he went to a place of terrible suffering. He could see the place of comfort and happiness, but there was no way to pass from his place of suffering to that place called heaven. This story tells us that the only way to get to heaven is to follow Jesus now, in this life. Don't wait until you die to seek God. Then it will be too late.

Picture 79. Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death

Picture 79. Jesus Raises Lazarus from Death

John 11:1-44

This picture tells of an amazing thing that really happened. You remember those friends of Jesus called Mary and Martha? They had a brother called Lazarus. One day Lazarus became very sick. Jesus was not with them when Lazarus became sick, and before Jesus came to him, Lazarus died. The family buried his body in a cave. They rolled a great stone across the entrance. Four days later Jesus came to be with that family. Mary and Martha said, "Lord, if you had been here, our brother would not have died." Jesus told them that they should believe in Him now. They went to the cave. Jesus said to the people, "Take away the stone." Then He called out, "Lazarus, come out!" And Lazarus came out. Jesus had raised him from the dead. The people were amazed, and many believed in Him, but the Pharisees hated Him still more. They planned to kill Him.

Picture 80. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

Picture 80. Jesus Heals Ten Lepers

Luke 17:11-19

After that amazing happening, Jesus travelled to Jerusalem for the last time. Ten men met Him on the way. They were sick with a disease called leprosy, so they did not come close to Jesus. They stood at a distance and called out, "Jesus, Master, have pity on us!" Then Jesus healed them all and sent them away. One of them came back to thank Him. Jesus was sorry that the other nine did not thank Him. The man who came back was a foreigner. He fell at Jesus' feet and praised God. So Jesus said to him, "Get up and go; your faith has made you well."

Picture 81. Parable of the Persistent Widow

Picture 81. Parable of the Persistent Widow

Luke 18:1-8

Jesus wants people to keep praying, so He told this story. A wicked judge did not care about anyone. One day a poor widow came to him. She said, "Give me justice against my enemy." But he would not. She came to him again and again. In the end, the judge said, "Because this woman keeps bothering me I will see that she gets justice.". God is not like that judge. He wants to hear and answer our prayers. He will bring justice to His children who suffer. If an unjust judge will give justice in the end, we may be sure that we can trust our heavenly Father to look after us. So, keep on praying. God will hear you.

Picture 82. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Picture 82. The Pharisee and the Tax Collector

Luke 18:9-14

Some people who heard Jesus were very proud. They thought they were better than other people. So Jesus told them this story about two men. One man was very religious. He thought he was better than other people. He went to the temple to pray, and when he prayed he told God how good he was. God was not pleased with him. Another man stood right at the back of the temple and prayed and said, "God have mercy on me. I am a sinner." God was pleased with this man. Jesus said, "Everyone who thinks he is a big man will be made humble. Everyone who humbles himself will be lifted up."

Picture 83. Jesus Blesses the Children

Picture 83. Jesus Blesses the Children

Mark 10:13-16; Matthew 19:13-15; Luke 18:15-17

Some people brought little children to Jesus. They wanted Him to touch them. The disciples did not think that children were important so they told them to go away. However, Jesus said to them, "Let the children come to me. Do not stop them. The kingdom of God belongs to people who are like these children." People who want to follow Jesus must believe Him. They must trust Him like a child trusts an adult. That is the only way to enter God's kingdom.

Picture 84. Jesus and the Rich Young Man

Picture 84. Jesus and the Rich Young Man

Mark 10:17-27; Matthew 19:16-22; Luke 18:18-23

A rich young man came to Jesus. He asked Jesus, "What must I do to get eternal life?" The rich man was a good person and he tried to keep all the commandments of God. But Jesus said to him, "You need one thing. Sell everything you have and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven. Then come and follow Me." The man went away sad. He did not want to give away his riches. He could not trust Jesus to give him everlasting life. Jesus was sad, too, because He loved that young man.

Picture 85. Parable of Workers in the Vineyard

Picture 85. Parable of Workers in the Vineyard

Matthew 20:1-16

Have you tried to follow Jesus? What reward can you expect from Him? Jesus told this story. A landowner was paying his workers. Some of them had worked all day so He gave them a full day's pay. Some had only worked part of the day but he gave them a full day's pay as well. Those who worked all day complained. The landowner said to them, "I have not been unfair to you. I have the right to do what I like with my own money. Do not be envious because I am generous!" God is like that. He is generous. He can give eternal life to anyone. We do not earn it by our hard work.

Picture 86. A Blind Beggar Healed at Jericho

Picture 86. A Blind Beggar Healed at Jericho

Luke 18:35-43; Mark 10:46-52; Matthew 20:29-34

As Jesus went on to Jerusalem, He came to the town of Jericho. There a blind beggar sat beside the road. His name was Bartimaeus. As Jesus passed by, Bartimaeus cried out, "Jesus, have mercy on me!" Jesus stopped and said to Bartimaeus, "Because you have believed in Me, I will heal you." Immediately Bartimaeus could see.

Picture 87. Jesus and Zacchaeus

Picture 87. Jesus and Zacchaeus

Luke 19:1-10

In that town called Jericho there was a tax collector. His name was Zacchaeus. He was a very short man. He wanted to see Jesus, but he could not see Him because there were so many people there. So, he climbed into a tree as Jesus passed by. Jesus saw Zacchaeus in the tree and said to him, "Come down, I will stay at your house today". The people were amazed. They knew that Zacchaeus was a bad man who cheated people. But Zacchaeus received Jesus with great joy. He decided to change his life and give up his bad ways. Then Jesus said, "Today salvation has come to this house; for I came to seek and to save those who were lost." When you receive Jesus into your life, you receive salvation.

Picture 88. Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Picture 88. Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Mark 11:1-11; Matthew 21:1-11, 14-17; Luke 19:29-44; John 12:12-19

Jesus travelled on to Jerusalem. Outside the city, His disciples found a young donkey for Him to ride. Some people saw Jesus riding the donkey, and they thought He was coming to be their king. They led Him into the city, calling out, "Hosanna, blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord." There were many people who welcomed Jesus like this.

Picture 89. Jesus Clears the Temple

Picture 89. Jesus Clears the Temple

Mark 11:15-18; Matthew 21:12-13; Luke 19:45-48

When He was in Jerusalem, Jesus went into the Temple. He saw that some people were spoiling God's house. They were selling animals for sacrifice there, but they were cheating the people too. So He tipped over their tables and drove them out. Jesus said, "My house will be called a house of prayer for all nations, but you have made it a den of robbers." The religious leaders were afraid of Him. They decided to kill Him.

Picture 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants

Picture 90. Parable of the Wicked Tenants

Mark 12:1-12; Matthew 21:33-41; Luke 20:9-16

Jesus taught the people in the Temple. He told this story against the religious leaders. "A man planted a vineyard with grapevines. He rented that vineyard to some farmers. Then he went away. At harvest time he sent his servant to collect some payment. But the tenants beat the man and sent him away with nothing. The man sent many other servants to collect his rent. The tenants beat some of them. They killed others. Last of all the man sent his son whom he loved. But the tenants killed him too. What will the owner of the vineyard do? He will kill those tenants and give the vineyard to others." The wicked leaders were like the tenants in the vineyard. They did not love God. They refused to receive His messengers, and they wanted to kill Jesus too.

Picture 91. Paying Taxes to Caesar

Picture 91. Paying Taxes to Caesar

Mark 12:13-17; Matthew 22:15-22; Luke 20:20-26

The Jewish leaders sent people to test Jesus. They wanted Him to say something wrong against the government. At that time, the king was called Caesar. These people asked Jesus, "Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar?" Jesus answered, "Give to Caesar what belongs to Caesar, and give to God what belongs to God." Jesus answered all their hard questions, and they could not accuse Him of any wrong.

Picture 92. The Poor Widow's Offering

Picture 92. The Poor Widow's Offering

Mark 12:41-44; Luke 21:1-4

One day, Jesus was sitting in the temple. He watched the people there. He saw rich people bring large gifts of money. Then a poor widow came. She gave only two tiny coins. Immediately, Jesus called His disciples. He said to them, "Do you see that poor woman? She has put more in the offering box than all the others. They gave what they had left over from their wealth, but she has given everything she has."

Picture 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times

Picture 93. Jesus Teaches about the End Times

Matthew 24:1-14; Mark 13:1-13; Luke 21:5-19

The buildings of the Temple were very beautiful. The disciples thought they were wonderful. But Jesus told them the temple was going to be destroyed. He told them what the signs of the end times are going to be. There will be wars and famines and earthquakes. Many people who believe in Jesus will be persecuted and killed. Another sign of the end times is that the Good News about God's Kingdom will be preached through all the world. Then the end will come.

Picture 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins

Picture 94. Parable of the Ten Virgins

Matthew 25:1-13

Jesus told His disciples a story about 10 young women. They were waiting for a wedding feast to begin. Five of them were wise and five of them were foolish. The bridegroom was coming at night, but the five foolish women had no oil for their lamps. They went away to buy oil. While they were gone, the feast began. When they came back, they called out, "Open the door for us!" But someone inside called, "I don't know you". So they could not go into the feast. This story has a special meaning. It is this. Jesus will return at the end of time. He will come suddenly. Some people will be ready. They will enter the Kingdom of God with Him. Others will be left outside forever. Jesus said, "Therefore, keep watch. You do not know the time of my return."

Picture 95. Parable of the Talents

Picture 95. Parable of the Talents

Matthew 25:14-30

Jesus told another story. It was about a rich man who went on a journey. The man called his servants. He gave them his money to invest. Two of the servants traded with the money. They gained more money for their master. The other servant did not do anything with the money. He hid it in the earth. Then the master returned. He said to the servants who had made more money for him, "Well done. You are good servants." He gave them a good reward. However, he was angry with the lazy servant. He threw him out. God has given all of us abilities. We must use them for Him and be ready for His return.

Picture 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Picture 96. Parable of the Sheep and the Goats

Matthew 25:31-46

Jesus wants us to be ready for His return. On that day, He will come in great glory with all the angels of heaven. He will judge all men and women. He will be like a shepherd who separates the sheep from the goats. He will separate the people who have done good deeds from the people who have done evil. The good who believe in Jesus will receive everlasting life in God's Kingdom. The others will go to everlasting punishment.

Picture 97. Jesus Anointed at Bethany

Picture 97. Jesus Anointed at Bethany

Mark 14:1-9; Matthew 26:6-13; John 12:2-8

Jesus went out of Jerusalem to Bethany. That evening He went to a feast. Do you remember Lazarus, whom Jesus had raised from death? His sister named Mary had a jar of very expensive perfume. She poured it over Jesus. There was a disciple called Judas Iscariot there. When he saw this, he was angry. He said "Why did she waste that expensive perfume?" But Jesus said, "Leave her alone. This perfume is for the day of my burial." For He knew the leaders planned to kill him very soon.

Picture 98. Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus

Picture 98. Judas Iscariot Betrays Jesus

Mark 14:10-11; Matthew 26:14-16; Luke 22:3-6

After that, Judas went to the Jewish priests. He betrayed Jesus. He offered to take them to a place where they could arrest Jesus, so that they could kill Him. They gave Judas thirty pieces of silver to do this. But Jesus knew what Judas had done.

Picture 99. Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet

Picture 99. Jesus Washes the Disciples' Feet

John 13:1-17; Luke 22:7-30

The disciples found an upstairs room in Jerusalem. There they prepared to celebrate the feast called 'Passover'. During the feast, they started to argue with each other. They argued about who was the greatest. Jesus got up from the table. He took some water and a towel. He washed the feet of each one of the disciples. He said to them, "I am your Lord and Master, but I have washed your feet. You should wash one another's feet." Jesus was showing the disciples who is the greatest person in God's Kingdom. It is the one who is willing to serve others.

Picture 100. Teaching at the Last Supper

Picture 100. Teaching at the Last Supper

Mark 14:22-25; Matthew 26:26-29; Luke 22:17-20

A long time before Jesus lived in Israel, the Jews (or Israelites) were slaves to their enemies. At the Passover feast the Jews remembered how God delivered them from slavery. Jesus gave His disciples something else to remember. As He gave the disciples bread, He said to them, "This is My body". When He passed the wine around, He said, "This is My blood. It is given for you, for the forgiveness of sins. Do this to remember Me." Jesus gave His disciples a way to remember Him after He died. He told them why He had to die. His death was the sacrifice for the sin of all people. He died so that we can be delivered from slavery to sin and death.

Picture 101. Teaching about the True Vine

Picture 101. Teaching about the True Vine

John 15:1-17

At that Passover feast, Jesus taught His disciples many things. He said, "I am the vine, you are the branches. If a man stays with Me, he will bear much fruit." This means that God is like the gardener in a vineyard. Jesus is His vine. His followers are like branches. If they get strength from Jesus every day, they produce fruit for God. The fruit of God's vine is love - love for God and love for each other. Look at the picture. Some people will produce no fruit so God will cut them out of the vine. They will be thrown out and burned like useless branches.

Picture 102. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Picture 102. Jesus Prays in Gethsemane

Mark 14:32-42; Matthew 26:36-46; Luke 22:39-46

Jesus knew the time had come for Him to die. He prayed for His disciples. He asked God to make them strong in times of difficulty. Then Jesus and His eleven disciples went to a garden called Gethsemane. It was late at night. Jesus told three of His disciples to keep watch. In the picture you can see Jesus praying alone. He was in great distress. He knew that He must suffer and die. He asked God for strength to do what God wanted Him to do. But while Jesus prayed, His disciples fell asleep.

Picture 103. Jesus Arrested

Picture 103. Jesus Arrested

Mark 14:43-50; Matthew 26:47-56; Luke 22:47-53; John 18:1-12

Then Judas Iscariot came to Gethsemane. He led a crowd of people sent by the religious leaders. They were armed with clubs and swords. He told the men, "I will kiss one man. He is the one you want; arrest Him". Judas greeted Jesus and kissed Him. So the temple guards seized Jesus and arrested Him. The disciples were terrified. They left Jesus and ran away.

Picture 104. Jesus Tried Before the High Priest

Picture 104. Jesus Tried Before the High Priest

Mark 14:53-65; Matthew 26:57-68; Luke 22:54-65; John 18:12-14, 19-23

The guards tied Jesus up and took Him away to the Jewish leaders. The leaders and the priests questioned Him. They found people to tell lies about Him. But their statements did not agree. Then the high priest said, "Are you the Christ, the Son of God?" Jesus said, "I am." They beat Him and said that He must die, because He said He was God's son.

Picture 105. Peter Denies Jesus

Picture 105. Peter Denies Jesus

Mark 14:66-72; Matthew 26:69-75; Luke 22:54-62; John 18:15-18, 25-27

When the temple guards took Jesus away, Peter followed them. He entered the court of the high priest's house. He wanted to see what would happen to Jesus. A servant girl saw him. She said, "You were with Jesus." But Peter denied it. He was afraid. Three times he said that he did not know Jesus. Suddenly a rooster crowed. Peter remembered what Jesus had said to him at the Passover. "Before the rooster crows twice, you will disown me three times." Then Peter was very sorry that he had denied Jesus. He went out and wept bitterly.

Picture 106. Jesus Tried Before Pilate

Picture 106. Jesus Tried Before Pilate

Mark 15:1-15; Matthew 27:11-26; Luke 23:1-25; John 18:28 - 19:15

The priests decided that Jesus must die. But they were not allowed to execute anyone, so they sent Jesus to the Roman governor. His name was Pilate. He had the power to sentence men to death. The Jews wanted Pilate to sentence Jesus, but Pilate said, "I cannot find any reason to kill Him." The soldiers beat Jesus. They made a crown out of thorns and put it on His head. They laughed at Him, and they called Him 'The King of the Jews'. Pilate wanted to let Jesus go, but the people called out, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" Pilate thought there might be a riot, so he did what the people wanted. He sentenced Jesus to death.

Picture 107. Jesus Led Out to be Crucified

Picture 107. Jesus Led Out to be Crucified

John 19:16-17; Luke 23:26-33; Mark 15:20-23; Matthew 27:31-34

The soldiers took Jesus away to kill Him. They made Him carry a big wooden cross. You can see this in the picture. The women in Jerusalem wept for Jesus. They all went to a place outside the city. It was called Golgotha, which means 'the place of the skull'.

Picture 108. The Crucifixion

Picture 108. The Crucifixion

Mark 15:25-39; Luke 23:33-46; Matthew 27:35-50; John 16:19-30

The soldiers took Jesus' clothes. They nailed Him to the cross and left Him there to die. Two other criminals were crucified beside Him. For three hours, a great darkness covered the land. After six hours on the cross, Jesus called out, "It is finished". Then He gave up His spirit and died. The Roman officer was amazed and said, "This man was really the Son of God".

Picture 109. The Burial of Jesus

Picture 109. The Burial of Jesus

Mark 15:42-47; Matthew 27:57-66; Luke 23:50-56; John 19:38-42

There was a disciple of Jesus named Joseph who came from Arimathea. He was a rich man. He had made a new tomb in a garden near that place called Golgotha. Nicodemus (the man who came to Jesus at night) helped Joseph and they took the dead body of Jesus down from the cross. They laid the body in the new tomb. They rolled a great stone across the entrance. Then Pilate sent soldiers to guard the tomb. He did not want anyone to steal the body.

Picture 110. The Women at the Tomb

Picture 110. The Women at the Tomb

Matthew 28:1-7

On the third day after Jesus died, an amazing thing happened. An angel appeared at the tomb of Jesus. There was a great earthquake. The angel rolled back the stone at the entrance to the tomb and he sat upon it. The soldiers were so afraid that they fell down like dead men. Two of the women who followed Jesus went to look at the tomb. The angel said to the women, "Do not be afraid. Jesus is not here. Go and tell His disciples He has risen from the dead."

Picture 111. Peter and John at the Empty Tomb

Picture 111. Peter and John at the Empty Tomb

John 20:1-9; Luke 24:1-12

The women ran and told the disciples but they did not believe them. So Peter and John ran to the tomb. They saw that the body of Jesus was not there. The grave clothes were still in the tomb, but the body was not there. Nobody had touched the grave clothes. Then John knew and believed. He knew that Jesus was not dead. He had come back to life again!

Picture 112. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

Picture 112. Jesus Appears to Mary Magdalene

John 20:10-18

One of the women called Mary Magdalene stayed at the tomb. She was crying. Then she looked into the tomb and saw two angels. They said to her, "Why are you crying?" Suddenly Jesus Himself appeared. Mary did not know it was Jesus. She thought He was the gardener who had taken the body of Jesus. She said, "Tell me where you have put Him". Then Jesus said to her, "Mary"! Immediately she knew His voice. She knew it really was Jesus.

Picture 113. Jesus on the Road to Emmaus

Picture 113. Jesus on the Road to Emmaus

Luke 24:13-35; Mark 16:12-13

That same day two disciples left Jerusalem to walk to a place called Emmaus. They were very sad. They talked about the death of Jesus. Suddenly Jesus was walking beside them. Jesus walked with them but they did not know who He was. He talked with them and explained why the Christ had to die. Suddenly they realized that the stranger was Jesus Himself. Then He disappeared out of their sight.

Picture 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples

Picture 114. Jesus Appears to His Disciples

John 20:19-23; Mark 16:14; Luke 24:36-43

The two disciples ran back to Jerusalem. They told the other disciples "We have seen Jesus!" While they were talking, Jesus suddenly stood among them. They were all amazed and very afraid. He said, "Peace be to you." He showed them the nail marks in His hands and feet. They knew for certain that this man was Jesus and they could all see that He was alive again.

Picture 115. Jesus Appears to Thomas

Picture 115. Jesus Appears to Thomas

John 20:24-31

When Jesus appeared, the disciple named Thomas was not with the others. They told him that Jesus was alive, but he did not believe them. A week later they were all together again. Thomas was with them. All the doors were locked because they were afraid of the Jews. Once again Jesus appeared to them all. Then Thomas also believed. He knelt in front of Jesus and said, "My Lord and my God!"

Picture 116. Jesus Appears in Galilee

Picture 116. Jesus Appears in Galilee

John 21:1-14

Some of the disciples went back to Galilee. One night they went fishing but they did not catch anything. Just as the sun rose, they saw a man on the beach. He called to them, "Throw your net on the right side of the boat and you will catch some fish." They did what He told them and they caught many fish. Suddenly they knew that the man on the beach was Jesus. They brought the fish to the shore. They talked and ate with Jesus again and He told them what they must do.

Picture 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples

Picture 117. Jesus Commissions His Disciples

Matthew 28:16-20; Acts 1:3-8; Luke 24:44-49

Jesus appeared to eleven of His special disciples another time. (They are not all in this picture). He said to them, "God has given me all authority in heaven and on earth. You must go and make disciples in all nations. Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Teach them to obey Me. I am with you to the end of the age."

Picture 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven

Picture 118. Jesus Ascends into Heaven

Acts 1:6-12; Luke 24:50-53

Jesus stood on the mountain outside Jerusalem. Then the disciples saw Him go up into the clouds of heaven. Two angels appeared. They said to the disciples, "This same Jesus will come back in the same way you have seen Him go into heaven." The disciples returned to Jerusalem. There they waited for ten days. They were afraid of the Jews. But after those days, God sent His Holy Spirit to them. They were not afraid any more. They went out and began to tell people everywhere about Jesus. Many people believed and were baptized. This is how the Christian Church began.

Picture 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven

Picture 119. Jesus at God's Right Hand in Heaven

Mark 16:19; Hebrews 7:23-27

The disciples saw Jesus go up into heaven. He is alive in heaven today. The Bible tells us that He is seated at the right hand of God. Jesus hears the prayers of all of us who believe in Him. He speaks to God for us. His Holy Spirit guides and helps us in this life. Our bodies will die one day, but we will rise again with new bodies, just as Christ died and rose again. We will be with God in heaven too. But those who will not believe in Jesus, will always be separated from God. The Bible calls this hell. Won't you come to Jesus now? Ask Him to forgive your sins. Ask His Holy Spirit to come upon you. Turn from the wrong things in your life. The Holy Spirit wants to give you a new life. It is an everlasting life of joy and peace with God.

Picture 120. Jesus Will Return

Picture 120. Jesus Will Return

Revelation 1:7-8; 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18

One day Jesus will return to earth in the clouds of heaven. He will reign in peace over all those who believe in Him. Jesus is not only a man or a prophet of God. He is God's Son. He shows us what God is like. Jesus existed from the beginning, He lives today, and He will always live. When Jesus returns to earth, Satan and death and evil will be defeated forever. Therefore, let us love, obey and worship the Lord Jesus. He is the Living Christ.



Luke 11:13; Acts 2:38

Friends, Jesus Christ loves us and He wants to give us eternal life. He paid the punishment for our sins. But we must believe in Him. We must ask Him to forgive our sins. (You can speak to God in prayer. He will hear you. Pray like this, "Lord, I am a sinner. I need You to forgive my sin. Thank You for dying as the sacrifice for my sin. Thank You for rising from death so that I may live forever. Send Your Holy Spirit into my life. Help me to honour You. You are the only true God.") God will give His Holy Spirit to those who ask Him. This is how a person becomes a Christian. Christians are baptized to show others that they are followers of Jesus. They must turn from the wrong things in their life and they must learn to follow God's way. God's ways are the ways of the Living Christ. He alone brings joy and peace with God in heaven forever.

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