Story of the Saviour

მონახაზი: Creation; man's sin; resulting in death and sin entering the world. The coming of Christ, His birth, life, miracles, death, resurrection, ascension. Jesus is now our High Priest, the only Mediator. Invitation. Sinner's prayer.

სკრიპტის ნომერი: 264A

Ენა: English

თემა: Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men, Mediator, Life of Christ); Eternal life (Rest for our souls); Bible timeline (Creation)

სტილი: Monolog

ჟანრი: Bible Stories & Teac

ბიბლიური ციტატა: Extensive

სტატუსი: Obsolete

სკრიპტის ტექსტი

(Music) Listening? I would love to tell you the true and wonderful story that we find in the Holy Book of the God of Heaven.

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Then He created the first people, Adam and Eve, in His own likeness, and placed them in a beautiful garden eastward in Eden. God told Adam and Eve not to touch a certain fruit in the garden. If they did, they would be disobeying Him, and that is sin, and they would have to die. (Music)

They didn't obey God. They listened to the devil, ate of the forbidden fruit and sinned, and instead of living on forever, they had to die. (Pause 5 sec.)

Ever since then, there has been sin and death and pain and sickness in the world.

The Bible says, "All have sinnned." God loved the world and didn't want the people to keep on sinning and have to go to hell; so He sent His Son Jesus into the world, born of Mary in a little barn.

This Jesus grew up, and did many wonderful miracles because He was God's Son and had God's power. He told the people about Heaven and how to get there. He healed their diseases. (Music or chorus)

But people kept on sinning, and finally they took Jesus, Who was holy and good, and killed Him. They crucified Him, hanging Him on a cross. (Pause 5 sec., or chorus)

There on the cross, Jesus shed His blood for our sins. Some of His last words about the cruel men who crucified Him were, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Then they buried Him, and after three days God raised Jesus from the grave. Later He ascended to Heaven before the eyes of His friends.

(Background music of invitation chorus) There He is now, our High Priest, our only Mediator, praying for us, and one day He will come as King to judge the whole world. (Pause 3 sec.)

Now, He reaches out His arms of love, saying, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." He loves you and wants to save you. He gave His life for us so that we could be forgiven for our sins and go to Heaven. Tell Him, "Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for giving Your life to save me. I do receive You now as my Saviour from sin. Keep me from sinning day by day and help me to love and serve You with all my heart. Amen." (Invitation chorus)

(Note: if chorus is at end and time is a problem, eliminate pauses in script.)

References: Gen. 1:1; Rom. 3:23; Luke 23:34; Matt. 11:28

Version #2: No Sound Effects Desired

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. Then He created the first people, Adam and Eve, in His own likeness. God told Adam and Eve not to touch a certain fruit in the garden. If they did, they would be disobeying Him, and that is sin, and they would have to die. (Music)

They didn't obey God. They listened to the devil, ate of the forbidden fruit and sinned, and instead of living on forever, they had to die. (Pause 5 sec.)

Ever since then, there has been sin and death and pain and sickness in the world.

The Bible says, "All have sinnned." God loved the world and didn't want the people to keep on sinning and have to go to hell; so He sent His Son Jesus into the world, born of Mary in a little barn.

This Jesus grew up, and did many wonderful miracles because he was God's Son and had God's power. He told the people about Heaven and how to get there. He healed their diseases. But people kept on sinning, and finally they took Jesus, Who was holy and good, and killed Him. They cricified Him, hanging Him on a cross.

There on the cross, Jesus shed His blood for our sins. (Appropriate chorus) Some of His last words about the cruel men who cricified Him were, "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do." Then they buried Him, and after three days God raised Jesus from the grave. Later He ascended to Heaven before the eyes of His friends. There He is now, our High Priest, our only Mediator, praying for us, and one day He will come as King to judge the whole world.

Now, He reaches out His arms of love, saying, "Come unto Me, all ye that labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest." He loves you and wants to save you. He gave His life for us so that we could be forgiven for our sins and go to Heaven. Tell Him, "Dear Lord Jesus, thank You for giving Your life to save me. I do receive You now as my Saviour from sin. Keep me from sinning day by day and help me to love and serve You with all my heart. Amen." (Invitation chorus)

OLD VERSION The Story of the Saviour
(possibly for children)

Thousands of years ago after God created the heavens and the earth, He made a man and woman to live on the earth. They were God's children, they loved Him, and obeyed Him, so they were happy. Then one day the devil tempted them and they sinned. They disobeyed God. In fact, all their children and all the people that lived in the world after that also disobeyed God and were very unhappy.

Then God looked down on this sad world, and He promised to send them a Saviour. They waited and waited for Him to come and then at the right time, God sent His only Son into the world. (You already know how) He came to be born as a little baby in a humble stable. They named Him Jesus, which means Saviour. Jesus grew up like most boys and girls, except that He never did one little tiny thing that was wrong in His whole life. (He enjoyed helping his father in the carpenter shop, and making trips with his parents to the big city.) But He knew that His real true Father was God, and that someday, after He finished His work on earth, he would go back to heaven to be with Him forever.

When He was thirty years old, a great day came. It was now time for Him to start his public work on earth. He was baptized and the Holy Spirit filled Him with power. After this, He had to be tempted by the devil for 40 long days--but He didn't give in--He was victorious! Then He went out and spent all of His time doing good, and doing miracles, too. He made sick people well, and made dead people alive, and told the people wonderful true stories about heaven and God. He was good to everyone. The little children loved Him. He would take them in His arms and say, "Let the little children come to Me."

Many of the people listened to Him and believed in Him and were made happy.

But now I am going to tell you something sad. Other people were jealous of Him and hated Him. One day they grabbed Him and took Him away and made Him suffer pain. They spit at Him and told lies about Him. They put a crown of sharp thorns on His head, too. Oooh, it hurt so much. Finally, they cried, "Crucify Him! Crucify Him!" (That means, kill Him, kill Him). So, they did! They nailed His hands and feet to a wooden cross and set it up on a hill and there he had to (script lost; die, or give His life;) but before He died, He said, "Father, forgive them."

Jesus could have saved Himself from those wicked men because He was God, you know, but He was willing to suffer and to die because He loved you and me and knew that that was the only way He could save us. He took upon Himself our sins. After that, they put him in a tomb and locked it with a huge stone. --But listen! Something wonderful happened. On the third day, He rose up from the grave. His special friends, the disciples, were so happy that He was alive, and now they knew He would never die again but live forever and ever.

Then one day He said goodbye to them and went up into the clouds and back to His Father. There He is today, preparing a beautiful home for us, His children. And some day, we hope soon, He is coming back again.

Now, just like then, many people hate Jesus and don't want Him to come into their hearts and make them clean and good. But the Bible says, "Whosoever believes in Him shall never perish (that is, go to hell), but will have everlasting life."

References: Matt. 19:14; John 3:16

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