What the Christian Believes 3
მონახაზი: Christ's death, resurrection and ascension. Appearance to disciples, promise of Holy Spirit, commission, promise of return.
სკრიპტის ნომერი: 277
Ენა: English
თემა: Christ (Resurrection of Jesus, Ascension, Death of Christ); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Character of God (Holy Spirit)
აუდიტორია: New Christian
მიზანი: Teaching
Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Extensive Scripture
სტატუსი: Approved
სკრიპტები არის ძირითადი სახელმძღვანელო სხვა ენებზე თარგმნისა და ჩაწერისთვის. ისინი საჭიროებისამებრ უნდა იყოს ადაპტირებული, რათა გასაგები და შესაბამისი იყოს თითოეული განსხვავებული კულტურისა და ენისთვის. ზოგიერთ ტერმინს და ცნებას შეიძლება დასჭირდეს მეტი ახსნა ან ჩანაცვლება ან მთლიანად გამოტოვება.
სკრიპტის ტექსტი
Christ's Death, Resurrection and Ascension
At mid-morning, on Mount Calvary, soldiers nailed Jesus' hands and feet to the wooden cross. Jesus hung there until mid-afternoon; then He died. When Jesus died the earth shook, the sun became dark, and many dead people in the graves became alive again. All these things showed that Jesus was the Son of God. Later, Joseph and Nicodemus buried Jesus in a cave. Jesus' enemies heard that He might rise again; so they blocked the cave with a great stone. They also put soldiers to guard the grave so no one would come and steal His body.
Early Sunday morning two women came to the grave. They saw that the large stone was rolled away. God's angel said to them, "You look for Jesus Who was put to death, but He is not here! He is risen! Look at the place where they laid Him." Later Jesus' disciples saw Him; they talked with Him; and they ate with Him. They knew now Jesus was truly the Son of God. But Thomas, one of Jesus' disciples, did not see the Lord with the others. He said, "I cannot believe." Later he saw the wounds in Jesus' hands, feet, and side. He said to Jesus, "My Lord, and my God." Jesus said, "Thomas, because you saw Me you believe. Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed." Jesus was on the earth forty days after He arose from the grave. Then He went to Mount Olivet with His disciples.
Before Jesus went back to Heaven, He said, "I will send you the Holy Spirit. He will live within you. He will teach you. He will make you strong to resist temptation." Jesus also told His disciples, "Go to all people and tell them God's good news. People who repent of their sins and trust Me to forgive them shall be saved from God's punishment." After saying that, Jesus rose up to Heaven.