ამ სცენარის ჩანაწერები: Gehazi

ნაჩვენებია ერთეულები 1-დან 277-დან 277-დან

Abidji [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Adjoukrou [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life 1

Akebou [Togo] - Words of Life 1

Alege [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Amdo [China, Xizang (Tibet)] - Messages & songs

Arabic, Algerian [Algeria] - Words of Life 1

Arabic, Chadian [Chad] - Words of Life 1

Arabic, Chadian: Shuwa [Nigeria, Borno] - Words of Life

Arabic, Sudanese Juba [South Sudan] - Words of Life 1

Arabic, Western Sudanic [Chad, Salamat] - Words of Life

Arigidi: Gasi [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Attie [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Awak [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Awngi: Kwolla [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Awutu [Ghana, Central] - Words of Life

Azoumeina: Kolon [Chad, Tandjilé] - Words of Life

Bacama [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Bafia [Cameroon, Centre] - Words of Life 1

Baga [Guinea] - Words of Life

Bajju [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Baluchi: Dera Ghazi Khan [Pakistan, Balochistan] - Words of Life

Bandassa [Congo, Republic of the, Lékoumou] - Words of Life

Bandi [Liberia] - Words of Life

Bangla [Bangladesh] - Words of Life (M)

Bankal [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Baraine [Chad, Guéra] - Words of Life

Bassa: Central [Liberia] - Words of Life

Batonu [Benin, Alibori] - Words of Life 1

Bedde [Nigeria, Yobe] - Words of Life

Bekwel [Congo, Republic of the, Sangha] - Words of Life

Bidio [Chad, Guéra] - Words of Life

Birifor, Malba [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Birom [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Blang-Shan [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life 2

Bobo Fing: Santidougou [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Boki [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life 1

Boum: Kyabe [Chad, Logone Oriental] - Words of Life

Brignan [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Buduma [Chad, Lac] - Words of Life

Buli [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Burak [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Buwal Gavar [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Bwamu [Burkina Faso] - Word of Life

Cebuano [Philippines, Visayas, Eastern Visayas, Leyte] - Words of Life 1

Cherepon [Ghana, Eastern] - Words of Life 1

Chinese: Hubei Chongyanghua [China, Hubei] - Becoming a Friend of God

Chinese: Hubei Dangyanghua [China, Hubei] - Becoming a Friend of God

Chinese: Hubei Wuhandayehua [China, Hubei] - Becoming a Friend of God

Chinese: Hunan Xiantanhua [China, Hunan] - Becoming a Friend of God

Chinese: Liansan [China, Guangdong, Liansan xian] - Becoming a Friend of God

Chinna Gadaba [India, Odisha] - Words of Life

C'lela [Nigeria, Kebbi] - Words of Life

Cuvok [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Dadjo [Chad, Ouaddaï] - Words of Life

Dagari [Ghana, Upper West] - Words of Life

Dagbani [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life

Dangaleat [Chad, Guéra] - Words of Life

Dass: Dot [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Degama [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Deme [Ethiopia] - Words of Life w/ AMHARIC song

Deno [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Dii [Cameroon, Nord] - Words of Life 1

Djimini [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Dong: Longsheng [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Dongo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2

Duala [Cameroon, Sud-Ouest] - Words of Life

Duguri [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Duguza [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Dugwor, Mikere [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Duya [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life 1

Ebrie [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Efik [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Eggon [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Ezza [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Fali: Yek Mango [Cameroon, Nord] - Words of Life

Fulfulde, Domona [Cameroon, Nord] - Words of Life

Fulfulde: Tessaoua [Niger] - Words of Life w/ Western and Eastern

Ga'anda [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Gade [Nigeria, Abuja Capital Territory] - Words of Life

Gana [Mali] - Words of Life

Gbabyi [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Geji [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Gera [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life w/ HAUSA: Kano song

Giziga, North: Maroua [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Gouro: Oume [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Grebo, Central: Trembo [Liberia] - Words of Life

Gude [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Guiliu [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Gumuz: Gesso [Ethiopia, Amhara] - Words of Life

Guruntum-Mbaaru [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Hakka: Mei Shen [Taiwan] - Words of Life

Hanga [Ghana, Northern] - Words of Life 1

Hausa: Kano [Nigeria, Kano] - Words of Life 2

Hup [Brazil, Amazonas] - Words of Life

Ichen [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Idoma: Akpa [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Igbo: Union [Nigeria, Abia] - Words of Life

Ijaw: Angiama [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Ijaw: Western [Nigeria, Delta] - Words of Life

Irigwe [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Isaro-Sate [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life 2

Ishan [Nigeria, Edo] - Words of Life 1

Itsekiri [Nigeria, Delta] - Words of Life

Jakalteko: Eastern [Guatemala, Huehuetenango] - Words of Life 4

Jaminawa (Brazil) [Bolivia] - Words of Life

Jere: Ribina [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Kaba [Central African Republic] - Words of Life 2

Kakchikel: Chimaltenango [Guatemala] - Words of Life

Kambatta: Wollkitie [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Kamo [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Kanuri, Manga [Niger] - Words of Life 1 w/ TOUBBOU

Kariya [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Kayaurinci [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Kejia: Guangdong Shaoguan Guitou [China, Guangdong] - Becoming a Friend of God

Kenga [Chad, Guéra] - Words of Life 1

Keraikerai [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Khana [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Khassonke [Mali, Kayes] - Words of Life

Kibet: Mouro [Chad, Salamat] - Words of Life

Kikouni [Congo, Republic of the, Bouenza] - Words of Life

Kilesi Group [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 1

Kim [Chad, Mayo-Kebbi] - Words of Life

Kinandi: Butembo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Kivu] - Words of Life 2

Kinyali: Kilo [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 1

Kipsigis [Kenya, Bomet] - Words of Life 1

Kirifi [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Kissi, Kissidougou [Guinea] - Words of Life 1

Koli, Wadiyara: Tharadari Koli [Pakistan, Sindh] - Words of Life

Korean: Northern China [China, Heilongjiang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Koro Wachi: Katugal [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Kotzebue [United States of America, Alaska] - Words of Life 2

Kpasham [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life w/ KPASHAM

Krachi [Ghana, Volta, Kete-Krachi] - Words of Life 1

Krahn: Gwabo [Liberia] - Words of Life

Kroo [Liberia] - Words of Life

Kupiya [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Kusal [Ghana, Upper East] - Words of Life

Kuturmi: Ikryo [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Kwang: Ngam [Chad, Tandjilé] - Words of Life

Kwondja [Cameroon, Adamaoua] - Words of Life

Lawa, Western: La-up [Thailand, Northern, Mae Hong Son, Maesarieng] - What the Christian Believes

Lele [Chad, Tandjilé] - Words of Life

Lelemi [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life

Lemoro [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Li: Baoting Nanmo [China, Hainan] - Becoming a Friend of God

Li: Hainan Changjiang Baoping [China, Hainan] - Becoming a Friend of God

Logo: Lolia [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2

Maan [Liberia] - Words of Life 1

Maba [Chad, Ouaddaï] - Words of Life 1

Malinke [Senegal] - Words of Life

Malinke: Kedougou [Senegal] - Words of Life

Mama [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Mambay [Cameroon, Nord] - Words of Life

Mandarin [China] - Becoming a Friend of God

Mandera [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Maraka [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Maranao: Lake Lanao [Philippines, Mindanao] - Words of Life

Marghi Central [Nigeria, Borno] - Words of Life

Masana: Yagoua [Chad, Mayo-Kebbi] - Words of Life

Massalit [Sudan, Darfur] - Words of Life

Massangou [Gabon, Ngounie] - Words of Life

Matal [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Mawa (Chad) [Chad, Guéra] - Words of Life

Mbaye [Chad, Moyen-Chari] - Words of Life

Mbembe, Tigon: Nzare [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life

Mbeti [Congo, Republic of the, Brazzaville] - Words of Life

Mbula [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Mbum [Cameroon, Adamaoua] - Words of Life 2

Mefele [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Memni [India, Gujarat] - Words of Life

Mende [Sierra Leone] - Words of Life 2

Mesme [Chad, Tandjilé] - Words of Life

Miao: Pian Longlin [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Mixteco de Tlazoyaltepec [Mexico, Oaxaca, Etla] - Words of Life

Moussey [Chad, Mayo-Kebbi] - Words of Life

Mulao: Napo [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Mumuye: Lankaviri [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Mungaka [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life

Mwaghavul [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Naba: Kouka [Chad, Batha] - Words of Life

Nandi [Kenya, Nandi] - Words of Life 2

Nde [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Ndoola [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Ngamawa: Janga [Nigeria, Yobe] - Words of Life

Ngas: Hill [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Ngochang [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life 1

Njai [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Nkonya [Ghana, Central] - Words of Life 1 w/ messages in EWE

Nkoroo [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Ntrubo [Ghana, Volta] - Words of Life 1

Nungu [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Nupe-Nupe-Tako [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Nyongnepa [Cameroon, Nord-Ouest] - Words of Life 2

Nzema [Ghana, Western] - Words of Life 1

Nzera [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Ogbia: Oloibiri [Nigeria, Rivers] - Words of Life

Olulumo-Ikom: Nkome [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Oring: Utonkon [Nigeria, Benue] - Words of Life

Oromo, Eastern [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Oromo: Jimma [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Pa-Hng [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Pero [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Pesse [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Pinghua: Guangxi Nanning [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Pomo [Cameroon, Est] - Words of Life w/ songs in LINGALA

Pumi [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life 2

Reli [India, Andhra Pradesh] - Words of Life

Reshe: Cirami [Nigeria, Kebbi] - Words of Life

Saho [Eritrea] - Words of Life

Samba Daka [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Samogho: Nyanakan [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Sanga [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Saraiki: Multani [Pakistan, Punjab] - Words of Life for Women

Saraiki: Reasiti [Pakistan, Punjab] - Words of Life

Senoufo Pallaka [Côte d'Ivoire] - Words of Life

Senoufo, Supyire: Zeguedougou [Mali, Sikasso] - Words of Life

Seyawa [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Shinasha [Ethiopia, Benishangul-Gumuz] - Words of Life

Sikwangwa [Zambia] - Words of Life

Sissala [Burkina Faso] - Words of Life

Sokoro [Chad, Guéra] - Words of Life

Sola [Benin, Donga] - Words of Life

Songhai, Gao [Mali, Gao] - Words of Life

Swahili, Congo [Congo, Democratic Republic of] - Words of Life 2

Tama [Chad, Biltine] - Words of Life

Tamajeq: East Tawallemet [Niger] - Words of Life

Tamasheq [Mali, Gao] - Words of Life 1

Tarok [Nigeria, Plateau] - Words of Life

Tashena [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Tayal [Taiwan] - Words of Life

Tera [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Tikari [Cameroon, Centre] - Words of Life

Tsishingini [Nigeria, Niger] - Words of Life

Tsuvadi Mumuce [Nigeria, Kebbi] - Words of Life

Tsuvadi Shambo [Nigeria, Kebbi] - Words of Life

Tugbiri-Niragu: Tugbri [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Tujia: Hebei Ensui [China, Hebei] - Becoming a Friend of God

Turkana [Kenya, Turkana] - Words of Life 1

Urhobo [Nigeria, Delta] - Words of Life

Vute [Cameroon, Centre] - Words of Life

Waja [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Wali [Ghana, Upper West] - Words of Life

Wapan [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life

Wapan [Nigeria, Taraba] - Words of Life w/ JUKUN: Wukari

Warji [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life

Wataweet [Ethiopia] - Words of Life

Wuzlam [Cameroon, Extrème-Nord] - Words of Life

Yache [Nigeria, Cross River] - Words of Life

Yami [Taiwan] - Words of Life

Yao: Guangdong Luyuan Dong Ping Da. [China, Guangdong] - Becoming a Friend of God

Yao: Guoshan Hunan Jianghua [China, Hunan] - Becoming a Friend of God

Yao: Guoshan Hunan Jiang Yong [China, Hunan] - Becoming a Friend of God

Yao: Guoshan Lingchuan [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Yao: Panyao Ziyuan Hekou [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Yao: Pingdi Hunan Jianghua [China, Hunan] - Becoming a Friend of God

Yao: Sanzi Jinxiuluoxiang [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Yendang: Akule & Ikume [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Yi: Hong [China, Yunnan] - Words of Life 2

Yinzebi: Koula Moutou [Gabon, Ogooue-Lolo] - Words of Life

Yoruba [Benin] - Words of Life 1

Yungur: Kama [Nigeria, Adamawa] - Words of Life

Yupik, Central [United States of America, Alaska] - Words of Life

Zande [Congo, Democratic Republic of, Haut-Zaire] - Words of Life 2

Zapoteco de Villa Alta [Mexico, Oaxaca] - Words of Life

Zhire [Nigeria, Kaduna] - Words of Life

Zhuang: Baise [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang: Hechi Liuxu [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang: Hunan Jianghua [China, Hunan] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang, Liuzhou Liucheng [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang: Nanning Fushu [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang: Napo [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang: Ningming Mingjiang [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang: Ningming Nakan [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang, Northern [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang: Qinzhou Guitai [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zhuang, Southern [China, Guangxi Zhuang] - Becoming a Friend of God

Zul [Nigeria, Bauchi] - Words of Life w/ HAUSA: Kano

Დაკავშირებული ინფორმაცია

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