Mozambique Distribution Project

Mozambique Distribution Project

ეს გვერდი ამჟამად მიუწვდომელია ქართული-ში.

Coworker and missionary Chris Hemborough - excerpt from Chris's correspondence:

"In the rural areas there are a considerable number of adults who never had the opportunity of attending school, which is why a high number cannot read. For such people this work is very important because the word of God can inspire hope in people, and that hope enables people to face the many difficult challenges that they have to deal with. So for those people unable to read, the players and pictures help to open up the Bible and so provide them with greater access to God's Word which before they might not have had. This work is therefore greatly appreciated by many, and helps to inspire in them both hope and faith in the Living God."

The Project uses GRN flipcharts with MP3 players, loaded with GRN's recordings and audio Bibles.

Dalene Joubert from GRN has visited Project Mozambique, in Central Mozambique twice, doing recordings in partnership with them.

The need is big. Mozambique's overall literacy rate is 47 percent; female literacy (28 percent) lags far behind that of males (60 percent). Mozambique has the lowest literacy figure in Southern Africa.

The country is big and geographically stretched out to the north into two lobes. The further north you go, the tougher it gets to reach, move about safely.

Everyday life is challenging, especially in the far north. Missionaries are few and widely dispersed into the most remote parts of the country.

Players are serviced and strategy talks happen at least once a year when they come out for a break and to get some supplies.

From our side we would also help to raise funds so that players and flip chart sets can be placed in new villages, where people haven't heard the Message of the Bible.

It costs R1,014 to equip this ministry with evangelism sets. They require basic players and 10 hours of audio teaching with our picture chart materials.

1x complete set costs R1,014 ($81 AUD).

This year we need 10 sets at least.

TOTAL COST: R10,140 ($810 AUD)

Please pray for this work.

You can donate by clicking here, designating your gift "Mozambique Distribution Project".

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Southern Africa Projects - You can help GRN Southern Africa in the task of "telling the story of Jesus in every language". Read about our current projects.