Educating our Children

ეს გვერდი ამჟამად მიუწვდომელია ქართული-ში.

Educating our children is something that is dear to the hearts of parents everywhere. In many places, school fees place a real strain on household budgets, and in developing countries an inability to pay fees means that children will miss out on a year's schooling.

In order to help GRN staff in developing countries overseas send their children to school, GRN seeks to send a special gift at the start of the school year. This gift helps with fees, uniforms and school supplies. It is a great blessing and encouragement to our families.

This is a wonderful opportunity to help GRN staff in developing countries continue to serve at GRN as recordists and in other roles by contributing to the education costs of their children.

You could do this as an individual, small group, or as a church.

Will you consider providing education to the children of our overseas staff?

Please prayerfully consider if you can help send GRN children to school this year. Your gift will be greatly appreciated.

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