Mexico - Culiacan Project

ეს გვერდი ამჟამად მიუწვდომელია ქართული-ში.

Thousands of Indians and Spanish speakers from all over Mexico...
representatives of over 130 ethnic groups...
young people from at least 4 countries...
Bibles, New Testaments and CDs in 130 languages...
singing, praising God and great fellowship...
vehicles loaded with duplicators, projectors and CDs..

The only thing missing is YOU!

Buenas Nuevas (GRN Mexico) is now inviting people to the Culiacan Project. The Project is held during February each year, in Culiacan, Sinaloa. The minimum participation is two weeks, and you need to be in Culiacan the Sunday before your first week.

"We anticipate another great year ministering to thousands of migrant workers drawn to the fertile fields of Culiacan. Each year we give out over 6000 CDs in 130 languages, and see God touch thousands of people. Over the years dozens of churches have been planted among the villages represented in Culiacan."

The cost for the Project is US$50.00 a week room and board, plus your transportation to Culiacan and money for incidentals. We accept donations to cover the cost of native pastors who can't pay their own way. Remember to bring your Bible, sleeping bag, flashlight, modest clothes, walking shoes, and a wrap for the cool nights.

Prayer requests for Culiacan

  • Pray that God lift up new team members for Buenas Nuevas.
  • Pray that people's hearts be prepared to hear God's word in their language.
  • Pray for good weather for the work, not too hot or cold or wet.
  • Pray for health for our workers and safety traveling to Culiacan
  • Pray for a fresh move from God to refresh our hearts and renew our spirits
  • Pray for the right vehicles and drivers for the teams
  • Pray for financial provision for the whole Project, especially CDs

For more information contact GRN in Mexico or USA or Australia.

Დაკავშირებული ინფორმაცია

Short Term Mission Opportunities - A first hand taste of the mission field with GRN.

Grabaciones Buenas Nuevas Mexico - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN Mexico.

Global Recordings Network USA - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN USA.

მექსიკა - ინფორმაცია მექსიკა-ის შესახებ

Mexico, Culiacan: A Divine Appointment - "As he talked, he could see her eyes light up in amazement. She excused herself and came back in a few minutes with a tape."

Identifying the speech varieties of Mexico - GRN Mexico has developed a diagnostic system to identify local languages.

Proyecto Culiacan - Trabajo en Culiacan Sinaloa Mexico en el 2007