Canada Praise and Prayer - July and August 2024

ეს გვერდი ამჟამად მიუწვდომელია ქართული-ში.

1. KENYA - The country is facing a large tax increase, which has caused civil unrest in the country. Protesters have been shot and killed in Nairobi. Pray for peace to come to the Kenya and for protection of the GRN workers. Inflation has hit the lower income sector hard over the past few years.

2. INTERNATIONAL - Praise God for the commitment of GRN workers as they commit their work to the Lord. We often mention the need for prayer for GRN Recordist but fail to mention the many other departments that enable the ministry to continue making and distributing GRN materials.

3. CANADA - Pray for Mark Griffin, Canadian Executive Director, as he promotes the ministry of GRN Canada in local churches.

4. THAILAND - Please pray for wisdom and accuracy for Paw, the Nyeu language helper, as she continues to prepare the Good News script in the Nyeu language and practices speaking in preparation to record in the future

5. CANADA - Pray for Kevin and Ruth Horan, as they serve in their respective tasks. They had recently lost some financial support. Pray that their shortfall will be met.

6. KENYA - Jack, a missionary in North Uganda, is working with Walter our Kenyan leader on recording in the Knubi language. Pray that it will lead to good quality recordings that will bear much fruit.

7. INDIA - Praise the Lord that some recording work is starting in India. Pray for Allisha who has started recording and for Surendra and Sanjay as they work to encourage an effective GRN presence in that great country where there are still many unrecorded language varieties.

8. AUSTRALIA - Brad and Noel are currently recording the Look, Listen & Live series in Malayalam. Praise God for the team of translators and speech volunteers. May God help us create useful recordings in this Indian language. Pray for diligence in editing and programming.

9. CANADA - Pray for the GRN Canada Board members; Roy Grant, Christina Waters, Bill Pearson, Kelly Millar, Glenn Wilton and Keith Larson. These are challenging times for the mission. Pray for wisdom as they face the needs of the mission in the coming months.

10. EUROPE - Many refugees in Europe from Islamic countries have come to trust in Christ as their Saviour. Pray that they will mature in their faith and will not be discouraged by persecution from fellow refugees

11. KENYA - James has completed the initial recording of the Thur-ough language. He now has the task of doing the editing before it can be uploaded to the GRN website and the 5fish app. Pray that he will be able to concentrate as does the editing as there are many outside distractions and needs facing the country.

12. PHILIPPINES - GRN Philippines gives thanks for a recent training course for potential new recruits. Pray for them as they seek to record in a very sensitive language, while providing further training and experimenting with a team recording approach.

13. SOCIAL MEDIA ENGAGEMENT - Pray that our prayer newsletters and social media content might helpfully enthuse our supporters and motivate the prayer and giving of our supporters. Pray that God would grow our support base for the ongoing work of telling the story of Jesus in every language

14. THAILAND - GRN Thailand has prepared a script specifically for Buddhist people. Pray for the team as they record and evaluate this program. Ask our Lord to enable them to produce a message that reveals the truth of the Gospel to the listeners.

15. CANADA - The mission gives thanks for those who continue to give monthly through the pre-auth bank plan. This helps to provide a monthly assurance of income for the mission. If you would like to know how to become part of the pre-auth bank plan, please contact the office.

16. THAILAND - GRN Thailand gives thanks for the work done on a new Good News script devised for Buddhists. Pray for them as they work with local people to translate and record the new script into two local languages.

17. AUSTRALIA - Rob McDonell has had several health issues over the last 2 years. Pray for God's healing power to be evident in his life, and for the strength and perseverance needed to fulfil his responsibilities as Technical Services Manager and Global Information Systems Team Coordinator.

18. ASIA - Pray for David and Stephen (names changed for safety reasons) as they try to complete audio New Testament books in two local languages. Pray for safety for them and their families as their country is now a civil war zone.

19. 5FISH APP - Pray that the many Churches organizations and individual Christians working with refugees and migrants in this country will hear of the 5fish app and use it in their work.

20. CAMEROON - Joseph and his team in Cameroon are trying to involve the local churches in taking responsibility for mission in their country. Pray they will find many churches prepared to partner with GRN in telling the story of Jesus in the languages of Cameroon.

21. From 'Pak' team - "We are thankful to God that He is helping us grow together in love for the unreached language groups of our country. Because of prayer, God is opening doors to allow many to hear the clear message of the Gospel and to respond. Thanks for your partnership."

22. TUMI TIGER - Pray for the translation of the Tumi tiger script into Hebrew, Palestinian and Egyptian Arabic. Pray that those 'toys' already distributed in Africa and Ukraine will continue to comfort traumatized children with the knowledge of God's love

23. MYANMAR - Myanmar is a beautiful country facing severe challenges. Pray for peace, the spread of the Gospel, and for David* and Steven* as they tell the story of Jesus in the local languages. (*names changed for safety)

24. GOD'S PROTECTION - Pray the Lord will keep all our workers safe from hackers, scams, identity theft, and malicious software getting on to their computers and phones. Pray for His protection from anyone who would seek to steal from the mission or disrupt its ministry.

25. USA - Give thanks for Skip (and Jan) Garmo, Executive Director of GRN USA and International Leadership Team member. Pray for God's provision of a new Executive Director and for several new team members.

26. 5FISH APP - Pray for a successful release of major improvements to the 5fish app. It has a new look and is designed to make it easier to find languages and provide feedback.

27. SWITZERLAND - Please pray for director Philippe, actively seeking new workers and Board members. Pray the Lord will provide the funding they need to carry out their responsibilities for supporting GRN work in West Africa.

28. SCRIPT CONTENT - Content of recordings is vitally important; it must be theologically sound and culturally sensitive to the people who will listen. Pray for scriptwriters who understand the world view of other religions and are sensitive to local cultures and can use their insights to write meaningful scripts.

29. CANADA - David Elliott, continues to serve in the office as he makes sure the daily operating needs are met. Please pray for David Elliott and Diane Roberts, she comes into the office to do payroll and pay the bills.

30. RECORDIST - Please continue to pray for our GRN recordist working mainly in dangerous regions around the world. Pray for safety and good success for them all.

31. CANADA - Pray for Mark Griffin, Executive Director, as he develops contacts that will be supporters of the ministry in prayer and finances.

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Praise and Prayer - Canada - Prayer news and notes from GRN Canada.