True Love (Good Samaritan)

True Love (Good Samaritan)

Njelaske nganggo bentuk garis: Dramatized story of the Good Samaritan. Jesus is like the one who helped. Trust in Him.

Nomer Catetan: I016

Basa: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Satan (the devil)); Christ (Saviour of Sinful Men); Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Character of God (Love of God); Problems (Problems, troubles, worries)

Pamirsa: Hindu

Gaya: Multiple voices

Genre: Bible Stories & Teac

Tujuane: Evangelism

Kutipan Kitab Suci: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Catetan minangka pedoman dhasar kanggo nerjemahake lan ngrekam menyang basa liya. Iki kudu dicocogake yen perlu supaya bisa dingerteni lan cocog kanggo saben budaya lan basa sing beda. Sawetara istilah lan konsep sing digunakake mbutuhake panjelasan luwih akeh utawa malah diganti utawa diilangi.

Teks catetan

NARRATOR: I want to tell you a story from God's Holy Book. This is a story the Lord Jesus told when He was on earth. A wounded man lay on a lonely road. Blood ran from his wounds. His head ached. He thought:

WOUNDED MAN: "Those thieves have taken everything I have. They have left me here half dead! What can I do? I'll certainly die!"

NARRATOR: Suddenly he heard the sound of horse's hooves. He thought:

WOUNDED MAN: "Someone is coming. He'll surely help me."

NARRATOR: The man on horseback was a well-educated man of the upper class. The wounded man cried out to him:

WOUNDED MAN: "Oh, sir, please help me!"

NARRATOR: But the rich man, seeing the wounded man, said to himself:

RICH TRAVELLER: "If I would lay hands on this man of lower caste, I would be made unclean."

NARRATOR: He didn't stop to help but quickly passed by on the other side of the road. After a while a religious leader came by. The helpless man called out:

WOUNDED MAN: "Please have mercy on me!"

NARRATOR: But the religious leader thought:

RELIGIOUS MAN: "There must be thieves about. They may attack me as well. I must hurry away to a safe place."

NARRATOR: He too passed by on the other side of the road. The wounded man cried:

WOUNDED MAN: "Will nobody come and help me? I am dying!"

NARRATOR: He became weaker and weaker and soon lost consciousness. Later on a foreigner came by. He was a poor man riding on a donkey. When he saw the wounded man he was filled with pity. He got off his donkey. He washed the man's wounds, put oil on them, and bandaged them. Lifting him on to his own donkey he walked along beside him. He took him to a hotel and cared for him all night. Next morning he gave money to the hotel man saying:

SAMARITAN: "Take care of this man. If you spend more than this, I'll pay you when I return."

NARRATOR: This story has a special meaning. We too are travellers on the road of life. There are many difficulties and dangers along the way.

LISTENER: Yes, that is true. I have so many troubles! My wife and children are often sick. Things are so expensive. It's difficult to earn a living these days.

NARRATOR: Satan wants to give us trouble. He makes us fall into sin and robs us of our spiritual riches (strength). He takes away our goodness, peace and joy. Are we strong enough to keep out of the clutches of sin and Satan?

LISTENER: No. Like the thieves overpowered the traveller, in this way Satan wounds us.

NARRATOR: Yes. Not only are we wounded, but in danger of death. God's Word says: "The wages of sin is death." So unless someone can help us, we will die.

LISTENER: That is true. Sometimes we ask (or expect) rich men (or political leaders) to help us. We think they will give us what we need. But do they help us?

NARRATOR: No. What do they care for us poor people? They are too busy in their own affairs. It is like the rich man who did not help the wounded man.

LISTENER: That's right. But I was surprised that the religious leader also did not help him. Did he have no feeling for him? (no pity on him?)

NARRATOR: We often put our faith in religious leaders and ask for help from pirs and fakirs. But they are so caught in their own troubles, how can they help us?

LISTENER: Then who can help us?

NARRATOR: Only one man can really help us -- the Lord Jesus. Just as in the story a third man came and helped. Was the wounded man his friend?

LISTENER: No, He had never seen him before.

NARRATOR: Had the wounded man done any good deed to deserve his help?

LISTENER: No, he was completely helpless.

NARRATOR: In the same way we have done nothing to deserve God's love. We are helpless in our sin. But the Lord Jesus had pity on us and saved us. He hears us in our troubles. He is willing to take the time and trouble to help us. He has paid for our healing. Jesus' love is very great. Will you put your full trust in Him today?

LISTENER: I believe what you say, and put my trust in Jesus

NARRATOR: Good, friend, I will pray for you.

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