Bible Lessons 1 - Asmat, Pantai
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Doktrin, Katekismus, lan piwulang liyane kanggo wong Kristen anyar.
Nomer Program: 75328
Program Length: 1:24:32
Jeneng basa: Asmat, Pantai
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1. Heaven

2. Creation

3. How sin came into the world

4. Jesus died because of our sin

5. Jesus rose from the dead

6. How to become a child of God

7. Five wonderful things

8. Jesus wants me to know I belong to Him

9. Jesus wants me to become like Him

10. Jesus wants me to love Him

11. Jesus wants me to obey Him

12. Jesus wants me to speak to Him

13. Jesus wants me to be victorious in Him

14. Jesus wants me to help other people to know Him
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Rekaman iki dirancang kanggo nginjil lan piwulang Alkitab dhasar kanggo nggawa pesen Injil marang wong-wong sing ora bisa maca utawa saka budaya lisan, utamane kelompok wong sing durung ditekani.
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