انظر، اسمع وعش 8 (عربي جوبا) [Deleng, Rungokake & Urip 8 Tumindak ROH SUCI] - Arabic, Sudanese Juba
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Buku 8 saka seri audio-visual kanthi crita Kitab Suci babagan pasamuwan enom lan Paulus. Kanggo evangelism, tanduran pasamuwan lan ajaran Kristen sistematis.
Nomer Program: 74998
Program Length: 53:40
Jeneng basa: Arabic, Sudanese Juba
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1. Pambuka: Deleng, Rungokake & Urip 8: Lelakone Para Rasul of the HOLY SPIRIT
2. Gambar 1. Jesus Goes up to Heaven
3. Gambar 2. The Holy Spirit Comes with Fire
4. Gambar 3. Peter Preaches to the People
5. Gambar 4. The Church Family
6. Gambar 5. A Crippled Beggar is Healed
7. Gambar 6. Peter and the Woman who Lied
8. Gambar 7. Stephen is Killed
9. Gambar 8. The Ethiopian Traveller
10. Gambar 9. Peter's Vision of the Animals
11. Gambar 10. Peter and the Layange Rasul Paulus marang Pasamuwan ing kutha Rum
12. Gambar 11. Peter in Prison
13. Gambar 12. Peter and His Friends
14. Gambar 13a (The Light and the Voice from Heaven)
15. Gambar 13b (The Light and the Voice from Heaven)
16. Gambar 14. Blind Paul and Ananias
17. Gambar 15. The Church Prays for Paul and Barnabas
18. Gambar 16. Paul Preaches about Jesus
19. Gambar 17. Paul's Vision of the Man
20. Gambar 18a (Paul and Silas in the Earthquake)
21. Gambar 18b (Paul and Silas in the Earthquake)
22. Gambar 19. Paul and the Altar to the Unknown God
23. Gambar 20. Paul is Taken to Court
24. Gambar 21. Soldiers Rescue Paul from the Jews
25. Gambar 22. Paul Preaches to Kings
26. Gambar 23. The Shipwreck
27. Gambar 24. Paul as a Prisoner in Rome
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Rekaman iki dirancang kanggo nginjil lan piwulang Alkitab dhasar kanggo nggawa pesen Injil marang wong-wong sing ora bisa maca utawa saka budaya lisan, utamane kelompok wong sing durung ditekani.
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