Portions of Lukes Gospel - Lithuanian

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Nomer Program: 67244
Program Length: 18:09
Jeneng basa: Lithuanian

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Jėzaus gimimas [The Birth of Jesus]


1. Jėzaus gimimas [The Birth of Jesus]

Pirmieji mokiniai [Calling of the First Disciples]


2. Pirmieji mokiniai [Calling of the First Disciples]

Audros nutildymas [Jesus Calms the Sea]


3. Audros nutildymas [Jesus Calms the Sea]

Duonos padauginima [Jesus Feeds the 5,000]


4. Duonos padauginima [Jesus Feeds the 5,000]

Gerasis samarietis [The Good Samaritan]


5. Gerasis samarietis [The Good Samaritan]

Jėzus moko melstis [Jesus Teaches on Pandonga]


6. Jėzus moko melstis [Jesus Teaches on Pandonga]

Didžioji puota [The Parable of the Great Banquet  ]


7. Didžioji puota [The Parable of the Great Banquet  ]

Sūnus palaidūnas [The Parable of Putra Ical]


8. Sūnus palaidūnas [The Parable of Putra Ical]

Jericho neregys [The Blind Beggar Receives his Sight]


9. Jericho neregys [The Blind Beggar Receives his Sight]

Nukryžiavimas [The Crucifixion of Jesus]


10. Nukryžiavimas [The Crucifixion of Jesus]

Tuščias kapas [The Resurrection of Jesus]


11. Tuščias kapas [The Resurrection of Jesus]

Jėzus pasirodo savo mokiniams [Jesus Appears to His Disciples]


12. Jėzus pasirodo savo mokiniams [Jesus Appears to His Disciples]

Downloads lan Pesenan

Rekaman iki dirancang kanggo nginjil lan piwulang Alkitab dhasar kanggo nggawa pesen Injil marang wong-wong sing ora bisa maca utawa saka budaya lisan, utamane kelompok wong sing durung ditekani.

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