TLC Lesson 12 - Sang Kristus sing Urip and Forgiveness - Kissi, Northern: Teng

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Piwulang Alkitab bab urip lan pelayanané Yésus Kristus. Saben nggunakake pilihan 8-12 gambar saka seri gambar The Living Christ 120 sing luwih gedhe.

Nomer Program: 67154
Program Length: 14:15
Jeneng basa: Kissi, Northern: Teng

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Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Pambuka


1. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Pambuka

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 33


2. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 33

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 27


3. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 27

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 64


4. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 64

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 75


5. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 75

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 76


6. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 76

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 77


7. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 77

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Picture105


8. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Picture105

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 108


9. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 108

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 116


10. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 116

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 63


11. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 63

Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 82


12. Sang Kristus sing Urip And Forgiveness, Gambar 82

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Rekaman iki dirancang kanggo nginjil lan piwulang Alkitab dhasar kanggo nggawa pesen Injil marang wong-wong sing ora bisa maca utawa saka budaya lisan, utamane kelompok wong sing durung ditekani.

Copyright © 2021 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.

Hubungi Kita for inquiries about allowable use of these recordings, or to obtain permission to redistribute them in ways other than allowed above.

Nggawe rekaman larang regane. Mangga nimbang nyumbang menyang GRN supaya pelayanan iki bisa diterusake.

Kita bakal seneng krungu saran babagan carane sampeyan bisa nggunakake rekaman iki, lan apa asil. Hubungi Line Umpan Balik.

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