Kabar apik - Tangkhul Naga
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Pawulangan Alkitab audio-visual ing 40 bagean kanthi gambar. Isine ringkesan Kitab Suci wiwit titah nganti Kristus, lan piwulang babagan urip Kristen. Kanggo evangelism lan tanduran pasamuwan.
Nomer Program: 62152
Program Length: 56:19
Jeneng basa: Tangkhul Naga
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1. Tembang: Amazing Grace
2. Kabar apik Gambar 1 (In the Beginning)
3. Kabar apik Gambar 2 (The Word of God)
4. Kabar apik Gambar 3 (Creation)
5. Kabar apik Gambar 4 (Adam and Eve)
6. Kabar apik Gambar 5 (Cain and Abel)
7. Kabar apik Gambar 6 (Noah's Ark)
8. Kabar apik Gambar 7 (The Flood)
9. Kabar apik Gambar 8 (Abraham, Sarah and Isaac)
10. Kabar apik Gambar 9 (Moses and the Law of God)
11. Tembang: Traveller Where Are You Going?
12. Kabar apik Gambar 10 (The Ten Commandments)
13. Kabar apik Gambar 11 (Sacrifice for Sin)
14. Kabar apik Gambar 12 (A Saviour Promised)
15. Kabar apik Gambar 13 (The Birth of Jesus)
16. Kabar apik Gambar 14 (Jesus the Teacher)
17. Kabar apik Gambar 15 (Miracles of Jesus)
18. Kabar apik Gambar 16 (Jesus Suffers)
19. Kabar apik Gambar 17 (Jesus is Crucified)
20. Kabar apik Gambar 18 (The Resurrection)
21. Kabar apik Gambar 19 (Thomas Believes)
22. Kabar apik Gambar 20 (The Ascension)
23. Tembang: Saviour I Follow You
24. Kabar apik Gambar 21 (The Empty Cross)
25. Kabar apik Gambar 22 (The Two Roads)
26. Kabar apik Gambar 23 (God's Children)
27. Kabar apik Gambar 24 (Born Again)
28. Kabar apik Gambar 25 (The Holy Spirit Comes)
29. Kabar apik Gambar 26 (Walking in the Light)
30. Kabar apik Gambar 27 (A New Person)
31. Kabar apik Gambar 28 (The Christian Family)
32. Kabar apik Gambar 29 (Love Your Enemies)
33. Kabar apik Gambar 30 (Jesus is the Powerful One)
34. Tembang: Have You Any Room For Jesus
35. Kabar apik Gambar 31 (Casting out Evil Spirits)
36. Kabar apik Gambar 32 (Temptation)
37. Kabar apik Gambar 33 (If We Sin)
38. Kabar apik Gambar 34 (Sickness)
39. Kabar apik Gambar 35 (Death)
40. Kabar apik Gambar 36 (The Body of Christ)
41. Kabar apik Gambar 37 (Meeting for Worship)
42. Kabar apik Gambar 38 (Jesus Will Return)
43. Kabar apik Gambar 39 (Bearing Fruit)
44. Kabar apik Gambar 40 (Witnessing)
45. Tembang: Master is Calling
46. Tembang: Amazing Grace
Downloads lan Pesenan
- Program Set MP3 Audio Zip (48.9MB)
- Program Set Low-MP3 Audio Zip (15MB)
- Download dhaptar lagu M3U
- MP4 Slideshow (92.2MB)
- AVI for VCD Slideshow (22.7MB)
- 3GP Slideshow (7.3MB)
Rekaman iki dirancang kanggo nginjil lan piwulang Alkitab dhasar kanggo nggawa pesen Injil marang wong-wong sing ora bisa maca utawa saka budaya lisan, utamane kelompok wong sing durung ditekani.
Copyright © 2004 GRN. This recording may be freely copied for personal or local ministry use on condition that it is not modified, and it is not sold or bundled with other products which are sold.
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