Mozambique: Teachers spread the Word

Mozambique: Teachers spread the Word

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From Good News Media, South Africa

The Makhuwa people are considered to be one of south Africa's most unreached groups. They reside in Mozambique's north-eastern Zambezia province. Fritz and Nicky van der Merwe have been ministering to their spiritual needs for the past 15 years.

From day one they tried to get the local people to spread the Word of God amongst themselves and to start up small groups. But little progress was made. In the past year, however, things have changed. Nicky tells the story in her own words:-

"The former year we donated three sets of Good News Media's GRN picture books and cassette tapes. Only two of the three sets were frequently used. Things stayed that way until last year, when the new schoolteacher came onto the scene. Rodrigues, who had been hired to teach the grade R's, asked me whether he could try out the picture books at home. (I myself have used it whilst teaching.) As a result of this, Rodrigues has started giving Bible studies.

"Shortly after this happened, another teacher came and asked me for his own set. The material has given these guys the courage to reach out to a totally unreached area. Before long a group of 12 got together. Not one of this group was a Christian, but each and every one was 100% inquisitive! The group convened weekly, so as to listen to more stories. After a while these two group leaders asked our congregation to pray for them. They now have eight small groups, and have started to pray together. Can you believe it?!"

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