Amerika Serikat

Informasi babagan Amerika Serikat

Region: Amerika
Capital: Washington
Population: 339,997,000
Area (sq km): 9,529,063
FIPS Country Code: US
ISO Country Code: US
GRN Office: Global Recordings Network USA

Map of Amerika Serikat

Map of Amerika Serikat

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Ahtena [Alaska] - ISO Language [aht]

Aleut: Eastern [Alaska] [ale]

American Sign Language [United States of America] - ISO Language [ase]

Apache, Chiricahua [New Mexico] [apm]

Apache, Jicarilla [New Mexico] - ISO Language [apj]

Apache, Mescalero [New Mexico] - ISO Language [apm]

Apache: San Carlos [Arizona] [apw]

Apache: Tonto [Arizona] [apw]

Apache: White Mountain [Arizona] [apw]

Arapahoe: Northern [Wyoming] [arp]

Arapahoe: Southern [Wyoming] [arp]

Blackfoot [Canada, Alberta] - ISO Language [bla]

Cahuilla [California] - ISO Language [chl]

Cajun French [Louisiana] - ISO Language [frc]

Canadian-Alaskan Indian English [Canada] [eng]

Cebuano [Philippines, Visayas, Eastern Visayas, Leyte] - ISO Language [ceb]

Cherokee [Oklahoma] - ISO Language [chr]

Chippewa [Michigan] - ISO Language [ciw]

Choctaw [Louisiana] - ISO Language [cho]

Cocopá [Mexico, Sonora] - ISO Language [coc]

Comanche [Oklahoma] - ISO Language [com]

Coushatta & Alabama [Louisiana] - ISO Language [cku]

Crow [Montana] - ISO Language [cro]

Czech [Czech Republic] - ISO Language [ces]

Dakota [South Dakota] - ISO Language [dak]

Danish [Denmark] - ISO Language [dan]

Dena'ina Inland [Alaska] [tfn]

Dutch [Netherlands] - ISO Language [nld]

English [United Kingdom] - ISO Language [eng]

English: American Indian [Texas] [eng]

English: Black Vernacular [Ohio] [eng]

English: Gullah [Georgia] [gul]

English: USA [United States of America] [eng]

Eskimo, St Lawrence Is. [Alaska] - ISO Language [ess]

German, Pennsylvania: Non-Amish [pdc]

Gros Ventre [Montana] - ISO Language [ats]

Gwich'in: Fort Yukon [Canada, Northwest Territories] [gwi]

Haida, Northern [Alaska] - ISO Language [hdn]

Halkomelem: Cowichan [Washington] [hur]

Han [Alaska] - ISO Language [haa]

Havasupai [Arizona] [yuf]

Hawaiian - ISO Language [haw]

Hawai'i Pidgin [Hawaii] - ISO Language [hwc]

Hidatsa [North Dakota] - ISO Language [hid]

Hiligaynon [Philippines, Mindanao] - ISO Language [hil]

Ho-Chunk: Winnebago [Nebraska] [win]

Hopi [Arizona] - ISO Language [hop]

Hupa [California] - ISO Language [hup]

Inupiatun, North Alaskan: Point Barrow [esi]

Inupiatun, Northwest Alaska - ISO Language [esk]

Iowa-Oto [United States of America] - ISO Language [iow]

Kabuverdianu: Sotavento [United States of America] [kea]

Kalispel-Pend d'Oreille [Montana] - ISO Language [fla]

Karok [California] - ISO Language [kyh]

Keres: Acoma & Laguna [New Mexico] [kjq]

Keres, Eastern: Santa Ana [New Mexico] [kee]

Keres, Eastern: Santo Domingo [New Mexico] [kee]

Keres, Eastern: Zia [New Mexico] [kee]

Kickapoo [Kansas] - ISO Language [kic]

Kiowa [Oklahoma] - ISO Language [kio]

Kotzebue [Alaska] [esk]

Lakota [Montana] - ISO Language [lkt]

Louisiana Creole [California] - ISO Language [lou]

Makah [Washington] - ISO Language [myh]

Malayalam [India, Kerala] - ISO Language [mal]

Menominee [Wisconsin] - ISO Language [mez]

Mesquakie [Iowa] - ISO Language [sac]

Me-Wuk [California] - ISO Language [skd]

Modoc [United States of America] - ISO Language [kla]

Mohave [Arizona] - ISO Language [mov]

Mohawk [New York] - ISO Language [moh]

Navajo [Arizona] - ISO Language [nav]

Nez Perce [Idaho] - ISO Language [nez]

Numu [Nevada] - ISO Language [pao]

Nunivak [Alaska] [esu]

Okanagan [Canada, British Columbia] - ISO Language [oka]

Omaha [Nebraska] [oma]

Paiute, Northern: Bannock [Nevada] [pao]

Papiamentu [Netherlands Antilles] - ISO Language [pap]

Payómkawichum [California] - ISO Language [lui]

Pit River [Arizona] - ISO Language [acv]

Pomo, Coastal [California] [poo]

Pomo, North Clear Lake [United States of America] - ISO Language [peb]

Ponca [Nebraska] [oma]

Porja: Jhordia [Louisiana] [kfc]

Potawatomi [Kansas] - ISO Language [pot]

Quechan [California] - ISO Language [yum]

Quileute [Washington] - ISO Language [qui]

Quinault [Washington] - ISO Language [qun]

Seminole [Oklahoma] - ISO Language [mus]

Seneca [New York] - ISO Language [see]

Shoshone [Idaho] - ISO Language [shh]

Spanish: Mexico [spa]

Spokane [Washington] - ISO Language [spo]

Tanana, Upper [Alaska] - ISO Language [tau]

Tewa [Arizona] - ISO Language [tew]

Tewa: Santa Clara [New Mexico] [tew]

Thlinget [Alaska] - ISO Language [tli]

Tiwa, Northern: Taos [New Mexico] [twf]

Tiwa, Southern: Isleta [New Mexico] [tix]

Klompok Wong ing Amerika Serikat

Abnaki-Penobscot ▪ Aceh ▪ Achumawi ▪ Adyghe ▪ Afar ▪ African-Americans ▪ Afrikaner ▪ Afro-Caribbean ▪ Afro-Guyanese ▪ Afro-Seminole ▪ Ahtena ▪ Akan ▪ Alabama ▪ Alaskan Athabascan ▪ Albanian, Gheg ▪ Albanian, Tosk ▪ Aleut, Eastern ▪ Algerian, Arabic-speaking ▪ Americans, U.S. ▪ Americans, U.S. Spanish-Speaking ▪ Amerindian, Detribalized ▪ Amhara, Ethiopian ▪ Amish ▪ Anglo-Australian ▪ Anglo-Canadian ▪ Antillean Creole, Papiamentu ▪ Anuak, Yambo ▪ Apache, Jicarilla ▪ Apache, Kiowa ▪ Apache, Mescalero ▪ Apache, Western ▪ Arab, Egyptian ▪ Arab, Gulf ▪ Arab, Iraqi ▪ Arab, Jordanian ▪ Arab, Lebanese ▪ Arab, Libyan ▪ Arab, Moroccan ▪ Arab, Omani ▪ Arab, Palestinian ▪ Arab, Saudi - Hijazi ▪ Arab, Saudi - Najdi ▪ Arab, Sudanese ▪ Arab, Syrian ▪ Arab, Tunisian ▪ Arab, Yemeni ▪ Arapaho ▪ Arawak ▪ Argentinian White ▪ Arikara ▪ Armenian ▪ Assamese ▪ Assiniboin ▪ Assyrian ▪ Atsugewi ▪ Austrian, Bavarian ▪ Azande ▪ Azerbaijani, North ▪ Baggara, Arab, Shuwa ▪ Bahamian ▪ Bali ▪ Balkar ▪ Baloch, Southern ▪ Bambara ▪ Barbadian ▪ Bari ▪ Basque ▪ Belize Creole ▪ Belorusian ▪ Bengali ▪ Berber, Imazighen ▪ Bikol, Central ▪ Bisaya, Sabah Bisaya ▪ Black Carib ▪ Black Creole, Gullah ▪ Blackfoot ▪ Bolivian, Mestizo ▪ Bosniak ▪ Brazilian, White ▪ British ▪ Brunei Malay, Kedayan ▪ Bulgarian ▪ Burmese ▪ Caddo ▪ Cahuilla ▪ Cajun ▪ Cape Verdean ▪ Carib, Galibi ▪ Carolinian ▪ Catalonian ▪ Catawba ▪ Cayuga ▪ Cebuano ▪ Chaldean ▪ Chamorro ▪ Cham, Western ▪ Chehalis ▪ Cherokee ▪ Cheyenne ▪ Chikasaw ▪ Chilean ▪ Chinook Wawa ▪ Chippewa ▪ Chitimacha ▪ Choctaw ▪ Chumash ▪ Clallam ▪ Cocopa ▪ Coeur d'Alene ▪ Colombian, Mestizo ▪ Columbia River Sahaptin ▪ Columbia-Wenatchi ▪ Colville ▪ Comanche ▪ Coos, Hanis ▪ Cora ▪ Corsican ▪ Costa Rican ▪ Cowlitz ▪ Cree, French ▪ Creek, Muskogee ▪ Cree, Western ▪ Crioulo, Upper Guinea ▪ Croat ▪ Crow ▪ Cuban ▪ Cupeno ▪ Cypriots, Greek ▪ Czech ▪ Dakota ▪ Danish ▪ Deaf ▪ Degexit'an ▪ Delaware ▪ Delaware, Unami ▪ Detribalized Pidgen ▪ Dioula ▪ Dominicans ▪ Druze ▪ Dutch ▪ Ecuadorian, Mestizo ▪ Efik ▪ Eskimo, Alaska Inupiat, Northwest ▪ Eskimo, Alaskan, North ▪ Eskimo, Alaskan, West-Central Yupik ▪ Eskimo, Creole ▪ Eskimo, Siberian ▪ Estonian ▪ Ewe ▪ Fall Indian, Atsina ▪ Fang ▪ Fijian ▪ Filipino, Tagalog ▪ Finnish ▪ Flathead-Kalispel ▪ Fleming ▪ Franco-Guianese, mixed ▪ French ▪ French-Canadian ▪ Frisian, Northern ▪ Frisian, Western ▪ Fula Jalon ▪ Fulbe, Fulani ▪ Fulbe Jeeri ▪ Ganda, Luganda ▪ Georgian ▪ German ▪ Greek ▪ Guadeloupean Creole French ▪ Guam ▪ Guatemalan White ▪ Gujar, Hindu ▪ Gwich'in, Kutchin ▪ Gypsy, Anglo-Romani ▪ Gypsy, English, Romanichal ▪ Gypsy, Scottish Traveller ▪ Haida ▪ Haitian ▪ Han Chinese, Cantonese ▪ Han Chinese, Hakka ▪ Han Chinese, Mandarin ▪ Han Chinese, Min Dong ▪ Han Chinese, Min Nan ▪ Han Chinese, Wu ▪ Han Chinese, Xiang ▪ Han, Moosehide ▪ Hawaiian ▪ Hawai'i, Creole-Speaking ▪ Hidatsa ▪ Hkun, Khuen ▪ Hmong Daw ▪ Hmong Njua ▪ Holikachuk ▪ Honduran ▪ Hopi ▪ Houma, Half-Choctaw ▪ Hungarian ▪ Hupa ▪ Hutterite ▪ Hutu, Rundi ▪ Hutu, Rwandese ▪ Icelander ▪ Igbo ▪ Ilocano ▪ Indonesian ▪ Iowa ▪ Irish ▪ Irish, Gaelic-Speaking ▪ Irish Traveller, Shelta ▪ Iroquois ▪ Isan, Northeastern Thai ▪ Italian ▪ Iu Mien ▪ Jamaicans ▪ Japanese ▪ Javanese ▪ Jemez ▪ Jew, Bukharic Speaking ▪ Jew, Eastern Yiddish-Speaking ▪ Jew, English Speaking ▪ Jew, Israeli ▪ Jew, Russian Speaking ▪ Jew, Spanish ▪ Jew, Spanish Speaking ▪ Jur Modo ▪ Kabardian ▪ Kaliko ▪ Kalmyk-Oirat ▪ Kanjobal, Eastern ▪ Kansa ▪ Karen, other ▪ Karok ▪ Kashaya ▪ Kashmiri Muslim ▪ Kato ▪ Kawaiisu ▪ Kazakh ▪ Khmer, Central ▪ Khmu ▪ Kickapoo ▪ Kiowa ▪ Kiribertese ▪ Kitsai ▪ Klamath-Modoc ▪ Koasati ▪ Korean ▪ Kosraen ▪ Koyukon ▪ Kpelle, Liberia ▪ Krio ▪ Kumiai ▪ Kurd, Kurmanji ▪ Kurd, Sorani ▪ Kuripako, Curripaco ▪ Kutenai ▪ Kwakiutl ▪ Kyrgyz ▪ Lahu Shi, Yellow Lahu ▪ Lakota ▪ Lao ▪ Latvian ▪ Laven ▪ Lingala ▪ Lithuanian ▪ Louisiana Creole French ▪ Lower Chinook ▪ Luba-Lulua ▪ Luiseno ▪ Lumbee ▪ Luo ▪ Lushootseed ▪ Luxemburger ▪ Macedonian ▪ Makah ▪ Malagasy ▪ Malay ▪ Malayali ▪ Maldivian ▪ Maltese ▪ Mandan ▪ Mandeaen ▪ Mandingo, Mandinka ▪ Maninka, Eastern ▪ Maninka, Western ▪ Maori ▪ Marathi ▪ Maricopa ▪ Marquesan, North ▪ Marshallese ▪ Maya, Yucatan ▪ Mende ▪ Mennonites ▪ Menomini ▪ Mexican Creole, Tirilone ▪ Miami ▪ Micmac ▪ Midway Islanders ▪ Mikasuki Seminole ▪ Miskito ▪ Miwok ▪ Mohave ▪ Mohawk ▪ Mohegan-Montauk-Narragansett ▪ Mokilese ▪ Moldavian ▪ Mongol, Khalka ▪ Mono ▪ Mono, Alu ▪ Mon, Talaing ▪ Montserratans ▪ Moor ▪ Moru ▪ Mossi, Moore ▪ Motilone, Bari ▪ Munda ▪ Nahuatl, Tenango ▪ Nanticoke ▪ Native Criollo, Mestizo ▪ Navaho ▪ Neo-Melanesian Papuan ▪ Nepalese ▪ Nez Perce ▪ Nicaraguan, Mestizo ▪ Nooksack ▪ Norwegian ▪ Nuer, Naath ▪ Nyanja ▪ Okanagon ▪ Omaha-Ponca, Dhegiha ▪ Oneida ▪ Onondaga ▪ Oodham ▪ Oriya ▪ Oromo, Jimma ▪ Osage ▪ Otoe ▪ Ottawa ▪ Paiute, Northern ▪ Paiute, Southern ▪ Palauan ▪ Pampango ▪ Panamint ▪ Pangasinese ▪ Parsee ▪ Part-Indian ▪ Pashtun, Northern ▪ Passamaquoddy ▪ Pawnee ▪ Persian ▪ Peruvian ▪ Phu Thai ▪ Pima Bajo, Chihuahua ▪ Pingilapese ▪ Polish ▪ Polynesian ▪ Pomo ▪ Ponapean ▪ Portuguese ▪ Potawatomi ▪ Powhatan ▪ Pueblo, Keres, Eastern ▪ Pueblo, Keres, Western ▪ Pueblo, Zuni ▪ Puerto Ricans, White ▪ Puget, Southern ▪ Puinave ▪ Punjabi ▪ Purepecha ▪ Purepecha, Sierra Occidental ▪ Quapaw ▪ Quechan ▪ Quechua ▪ Quileute ▪ Quinault, Lower Chehalis ▪ Rhaeto-Romanian ▪ Romanian ▪ Romani, Carpathian ▪ Romani, Sinte ▪ Romani, Vlax ▪ Russian ▪ Rusyn ▪ Ryukyuan, Central ▪ Sahaptin, Northeast ▪ Saint Lucian ▪ Salvadorians ▪ Samoan ▪ Sauk-Fox ▪ Scots, Gaelic ▪ Senaya ▪ Seneca ▪ Serb ▪ Serrano ▪ Shawnee ▪ Sherpa ▪ Shilluk ▪ Shoshoni ▪ Sindhi ▪ Sinhalese ▪ Skagit ▪ Slovak ▪ Slovene ▪ Snohomish ▪ Somali ▪ Soninke ▪ Sorb, Lower Lusatian ▪ Sotho ▪ South American, Mestizo ▪ South Asian, general ▪ Spaniard ▪ Spokane ▪ Straits Salish ▪ Sumu ▪ Surinamese Creole, Sranan ▪ Swahili ▪ Swazi ▪ Swedish ▪ Syrian Aramaic, Turoyo ▪ Tahitian ▪ Tai Dam, Black Tai ▪ Tai Don, White Tai ▪ Tai Lue ▪ Tajik ▪ Tajik, Afghan ▪ Tamil Hindu ▪ Tanacross ▪ Tanaina ▪ Tanana ▪ Tatar ▪ Tay ▪ Telugu ▪ Tenino ▪ Tewa ▪ Thai, Central ▪ Tibetan ▪ Tigrai, Tigrinya ▪ Tiwa, Northern ▪ Tiwa, Southern ▪ Tlingit ▪ Tongan ▪ Tonkawa ▪ Triqui, Copala ▪ Trukese ▪ Tsimshian ▪ Tunica ▪ Turk ▪ Turkmen ▪ Turk, Meskhetian ▪ Turks and Caicos Creole English ▪ Tuscarora ▪ Twana ▪ Uduk ▪ Ukrainian ▪ Ulithian ▪ Upland Yuman ▪ Upper Chinook ▪ Upper Kuskokwim ▪ Upper Tanana ▪ Urdu ▪ Uruguayan, White ▪ Ute ▪ Uyghur ▪ Uzbek, Northern ▪ Uzbek, Southern ▪ Venezualans ▪ Vietnamese ▪ Wampanoag ▪ Washo ▪ Welsh ▪ Wichita ▪ Winnebago ▪ Wintu ▪ Wiyot ▪ Wolof ▪ Wyandot ▪ Yakima ▪ Yapese ▪ Yaqui ▪ Yazidi ▪ Yokuts ▪ Yoruba ▪ Yuchi ▪ Yuki ▪ Yukpa ▪ Yupik, Pacific ▪ Yurok ▪ Zapoteco, San Juan Guelavia ▪ Zapoteco, Zoogocho

Kabar babagan Amerika Serikat

Find GRN USA on Facebook - See the GRN USA Facebook page for latest news, pictures and what's on

Global Recordings Network USA - General information, articles, news and contact details about GRN USA.

Sounds of GRN 85th Anniversary Edition - 1939 - 2024: Then and Now

Skip Garmo - Executive Director GRN USA. Skip brings a diverse history that includes serving the Lord as a college and seminary professor and as president of two other international ministries.

Diane Guiett - Instructional Design Global Coordinator (IDGC) USA. Provides instructional design solutions for GRN's international functions.

Passing the Baton - How do we pass the vision of GRN on to the next generations?

Larry DeVilbiss - Executive Director GRN USA. Larry leads our USA operations.

GRN USA Newsletter - GRN USA's Alert newsletter brings you the latest news from USA and around the world

Apache Buried Treasure - Ed Young shares a response from a recent visit to some Apache Indian Reservations

GRN USA - 75 years of God's Faithfulness - An overview of the ministry of Global Recordings Network, celebrating 75 years of taking words of life to over 6000 language varieties throughout the world.

Sugar Cubes and Prayer - Sugar cubes? Prayer? Read all about it ...

Memorable Milestones: History - Find out more about GRN's history

Adopt a Language - You can play a significant role in reaching an unreached people group

Guatemala: GRN recordings got there first! - Personal account from missionaries: ". . .before the missionaries were able to get the language written down, Gospel Recordings had been there. People were hearing the Word from the recordings!"

GRN USA Financial FAQ - How GRN USA finances its operations and handles gifts from donors.

GRN USA Price List - Prices for the ministry resources and Bible materials in the GRN product range.

The team from GRN USA - USA Staff Profiles and Prayer Letters

Together In Prayer - USA - Read prayer news and notes from GRN USA - join with us in prayer!

Ministry Opportunities with GRN USA - If you are looking for a place to use your gifts to extend His kingdom, opportunities abound through GRN

From the Diary of Joy Ridderhof - Joy Ridderhof founded GRN in 1939 ... read this devotional extract from her diary.