
Tetap dikabari

Nampa crita inspirasi, titik pandonga lan cara kanggo melu nyritakake crita Yesus ing saben basa

GRN nambani informasi pribadhi karo sakabehe care lan discretion. Kanthi ngirim formulir iki sampeyan setuju GRN nggunakake informasi iki kanggo tujuan nepaki panjalukan sampeyan. Kita ora bakal nggunakake kanggo maksud apa wae, utawa divulge menyang pihak liyane kajaba sing perlu kanggo ketemu panjalukan. Deleng Kebijakan Privasi kanggo informasi luwih lengkap.

Informasi sing gegandhengan

About GRN - GRN produces audio recordings of Bible teaching in 6524 languages for the least reached language groups of the world

Country Websites - Contact a local GRN office in over 30 countries in Africa, Asia, Americas, Europe and Oceania.

Frequently Asked Questions - Frequently Asked Questions about the organisation and ministry of the Global Recordings Network

The History of GRN - A God given vision of a single Spanish record has grown into a mission network of more than 30 countries and over 6000 language varieties.

Some Difficulities of Cross-Cultural and Cross-Linguistic Evangelism - This is a memo on the problems of determining the language groups that need evangelism. These notes from a Paul Hattaway lecture during the recent recordist training provided much of the material.

Faith comes by Hearing? About Oral Societies - Bible translation, Audio recordings and the missionary task

The Name above all - A miraculous story of how Jesus came into the life of a Sherpa boy and the Gospel has now spread through his family and all about the area.