
Information about コスタリカ

Capital:San José
Area (sq km):51,100
FIPS Country Code:CS
ISO Country Code:CR
GRN Office:

Map of コスタリカ

Map of コスタリカ

Languages and dialects spoken in コスタリカ

  • Other Language Options
    Recordings Available
    Language Names
    Indigenous languages

Found 7 language names

Bribri [Limón] - ISO Language [bzd]

Bribri [Limón] - ISO Language [bzd]

Chinese, Yue [China, Guangdong] - ISO Language [yue]

Chirripo [Cartago] - ISO Language [cjp]

Costa Rican Sign Language - ISO Language [csr]

Guatuso [Alajuela] - ISO Language [gut]

Spanish: Latin America [Colombia] [spa]

People Groups in コスタリカ

Americans, U.S.; Amerindian, Detribalized; Arab; Basque; Bribri; British; Brunka, Boruca; Chinese, general; Chirripo; Costa Rican; Deaf; European, general; French; Guatuso; Jamaicans; Jew, Spanish Speaking; Latin American, general; Mennonites; Native Criollo, Mestizo; Ngabe, Guaymi; Teribe;