Jesus Lives

Jesus Lives

Útlínur: Jesus was sent by God into the world; His ministry; death; burial; resurrection and appearing to people; His ascension to heaven; His desire that we come to Him. Sinner's prayer.

Handritsnúmer: 304

Tungumál: English

Þema: Christ (Resurrection of Jesus, Saviour of Sinful Men, Death of Christ, Life of Christ)

Áhorfendur: Animist; General

Stíll: Monolog

Tegund: Bible Stories & Teac

Tilgangur: Evangelism

Biblíutilvitnun: None

Staða: Approved

Forskriftir eru grunnleiðbeiningar fyrir þýðingar og upptökur á önnur tungumál. Þau ættu að vera aðlöguð eftir þörfum til að gera þau skiljanleg og viðeigandi fyrir hverja menningu og tungumál. Sum hugtök og hugtök sem notuð eru gætu þurft frekari skýringar eða jafnvel skipt út eða sleppt alveg.


Many years ago, God sent His own Son into the world. He was a tiny baby. His name was Jesus. When He was a big man, His Father told Him what to do. His Father was God. His Father said to Him, "My Son, tell all the people you see, that I love them. Tell them I want them to come and live with Me." Jesus did as His Father told Him. He made sick people well. He gave sight to the blind. He took away pain. He made dead people live again. For three years He told people that God loved them. He told them that God could make them good again. Jesus was a very, very, good man.

But one day some bad people said, "We do not want this man Jesus. We will kill Him." Then the people took Jesus and nailed Him to a cross of wood. Jesus hung there until He died. Afterwards they buried Him. But Jesus did His Father's work when He died. God, His Father, told Him to die for bad people. When He died, He took punishment for all people.

For three days Jesus stopped in the ground. But on the third day He came out of His grave. He went to see His friends and people again. He talked with them. He told them not to weep for Him any more. He was a real man, not a ghost. For many days He walked about in many villages. Then one day, God said to Him, "My Son, I love you, come Home again to my village." Jesus went back to heaven to His Father's place.

Do you know where Jesus is today? He is alive in His Father's village. Today He is alive and He can see us. He knows us. He wants to help us. He wants to make us good. He wants us to go to Him where He lives after we die.

We are very bad. Jesus said, "Come to Me, I will make you good."

People, hear His talk. There is no One like Jesus. Call out His Name and ask Him to make you good. Pray this way:

"Dear Lord Jesus, hear me and make me good. Hold my hand and teach me. Thank you for dying for me. Truly, you are good. You make me good. Take me to your village bye and bye."

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