Prepare for Heaven
Útlínur: Explains in ultra-simple language where people go when they die. God's love; Satan's hate; God's holiness; His invitation to sinners. Christians do not fear death. For very primitive tribes.
Handritsnúmer: 107
Tungumál: English
Þema: Eternal life (Heaven); Living as a Christian (Repentance, Leaving old way, begin new way); Life event (Death); Problems (Evil Spirits, demons); Sin and Satan (Hell, Satan (the devil))
Áhorfendur: Animist
Stíll: Monolog
Tegund: Bible Stories & Teac
Tilgangur: Evangelism
Biblíutilvitnun: None
Staða: Approved
Forskriftir eru grunnleiðbeiningar fyrir þýðingar og upptökur á önnur tungumál. Þau ættu að vera aðlöguð eftir þörfum til að gera þau skiljanleg og viðeigandi fyrir hverja menningu og tungumál. Sum hugtök og hugtök sem notuð eru gætu þurft frekari skýringar eða jafnvel skipt út eða sleppt alveg.
Where do we go when we die? God has told us these true words. There are two after-death places. One is a bad place. People who do God's fashion go to the good place. People who do not do God's fashion, go to the bad place. We never return to earth after we die. We stay always in the after-death place. Do you want to go to the good place? You must walk the good road that goes to God's good place.
People who do not follow God's words, will go to the bad place. It is a very bad village. Satan lives there. He hates people. People in his village have very much pain and sorrow always. They can never leave his village. Those who follow Satan's fashion in this world, when they die, they go to his village.
God does not want us to suffer. He lives in the good place in the sky. It is called heaven. He wants us to come to heaven when we die. He wants us to live with Him. Heaven has no sickness and no pain. It is clean. There is no rubbish. It is shining (polished). Everyone is happy.
But God doesn't want any sin (bad fashion) there. Bad fashion people cannot come. All people have the same blood. Our skins are different, but we are the same inside. Man sees the skin only. God sees the inside. God knows that sin (bad fashion) lives inside all men. We cannot deceive God. He knows all our thoughts.
Every day God calls us. He says, "My law is good. Listen to it. Forsake sin. Leave the talk of the bad spirits. Bad spirits deceive you. Do not listen to them. Refuse bad fashion. Receive Jesus, my Son. Jesus only can help you. Pray to Him truly. Tell Him to take away all your bad fashion. Ask Him to be your strength. Walk My good road with Jesus." God speaks these words to us because He loves us. His love is great. When we receive God's words, God is happy. When we want Jesus, God is happy. When we refuse sin and walk God's way, God is happy and He gives us His strength. We cannot walk His road by ourselves. But He helps us. He will not fail. He will bring us to His good village.
God's fashion people are not afraid to die. They will be happy in heaven forever.