Story Producer 002 - Lost Coin v1

Story Producer 002 - Lost Coin v1

Útlínur: Luke 15

Handritsnúmer: 1253

Tungumál: English

Áhorfendur: General

Tegund: Bible Stories & Teac

Tilgangur: Evangelism; Teaching

Biblíutilvitnun: Paraphrase

Staða: Approved

Forskriftir eru grunnleiðbeiningar fyrir þýðingar og upptökur á önnur tungumál. Þau ættu að vera aðlöguð eftir þörfum til að gera þau skiljanleg og viðeigandi fyrir hverja menningu og tungumál. Sum hugtök og hugtök sem notuð eru gætu þurft frekari skýringar eða jafnvel skipt út eða sleppt alveg.


Title Ideas:
God is happy when a person repents.
The Lost Coin.
When God celebrates!

One day, Jesus was teaching the people. Some religious leaders were critical that Jesus ate and spoke with others [other people] who were sinners [wrongdoers]. So Jesus told this story:

“[You all] Think about a woman who has ten coins [(your local money) / silver pieces] [each coin/piece was enough to pay a worker for a day’s work] and the worry she might feel if she lost one of her coins. Think about what she will do to find that coin.

She will light a lamp and she will sweep her house, searching, searching, searching for her lost coin [money piece]. She will look until she finds it!

And when she finally finds it, she will call her friends and neighbors and say to them, “[Hooray! or other expression of excitement] Celebrate with me! I found my coin that I had lost!”

After telling this story, Jesus told the people listening to him, “In this same way, God and all his angels celebrate when one person repents [turns from wrongdoings and returns to God (obeying God)].”

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