Level E Series 1 3-8 & Lög - Gogodala

Level E Series 1 3-8 & Lög

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Stuttar biblíusögur í hljóði og boðskaparboðskap sem útskýra hjálpræði og gefa grunnkristna kennslu. Hvert forrit er sérsniðið og menningarlega viðeigandi úrval handrita og getur innihaldið lög og tónlist.

Dagskrárnúmer: 19410
Lengd dagskrár: 57:00
Nafn tungumáls: Gogodala

Niðurhal og pöntun

No. 3 Creation II

No. 3 Creation II

Sg: Jesus will Come

Sg: Jesus will Come

No. 4 The Nature of God I

No. 4 The Nature of God I

Sg: We give our wonderful things to God

Sg: We give our wonderful things to God

No. 5 The Nature of God II

No. 5 The Nature of God II

Sg: Jesus your wonderful body

Sg: Jesus your wonderful body

No. 6 The Creation of Man

No. 6 The Creation of Man

Sg: Jesus died for us

Sg: Jesus died for us

No. 7 Angels, Satan, Spirits

No. 7 Angels, Satan, Spirits

No. 8 Work of Demons; Work of Angels; Heaven and Hell

No. 8 Work of Demons; Work of Angels; Heaven and Hell

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Niðurhal og pöntun

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