Script Library - Hanunoo

Script Library - Hanunoo

Halaman ini belum terdapat pada Bahasa Indonesia.

Global Recordings Network has recorded gospel messages and basic Bible teaching in more than 6600 language varieties. The recordings have been made from scripts selected from this list and other sources.

Naskah ini adalah petunjuk dasar untuk menerjemahkan dan merekam ke dalam bahasa-bahasa lain. Naskah ini harus disesuaikan seperlunya agar dapat dimengerti dan sesuai bagi setiap budaya dan bahasa yang berbeda. Beberapa istilah dan konsep yang digunakan mungkin butuh penjelasan lebih jauh, atau diganti atau bahkan dihilangkan.

Scripts in Hanunoo

Kabitay Kay Maglakaw sa Dalan Ni Hesus

(How to Walk the Jesus Road) - Simpler version of #61 "How to Walk Jesus' Way," but it mentions things that hurt the body such as betel nut, hemp, alcohol; and God's standard about having one wife.

Kabitay Nguna Kay Buhi mga Anak Diyos

(How God's Children Should Live) - General explanation of Christian attitudes and behaviour standards. God's power to keep us from sin when we yield to Him. Christians should: listen to God's Word; reject old life of sin; keep their bodies holy; flee from idolatry, immorality, and lying; care for their families; show love to all, including enemies; fear not; pray often; give materially; be thankful; tell others the Good News.

Kay Bilin Diyos para sa kay mga Anak

(God's Commands for His Children) - Explains that when a person is saved, God's Spirit comes to live in him and help him. Outlines attitudes and behavior expected of a Christian: trust God; be thankful; love and help others; obey God and learn more about Him; pray often; meet with other believers; if sin overtakes, confess it and ask forgiveness.

Pagkatapos Nimo Magsarig

(After Believing) - On recognising the enemy and resisting him. Need of living by God's Word, avoiding evil, confessing sin and walking in obedience. Materialism a danger. Trials and suffering allowed to strengthen us.

Si Kristo Kanta Panalo

(Christ Our Victory) - First paragraph gives clearly and concisely the important beliefs applied personally which are necessary to be a real Christian. Rest of script explains why some Christians are not victorious and have no assurance. Sin reigns instead of Christ. Letting Christ reign results in victory, love, peace etc. Christ living in us is the answer.

Ti Buhi Usa Ka anak Diyos

(The Life of God's Children) - Instruction for the new Christian for growth....gain strength from God's Word; obedience; praise; prayer; fellowship. Confession of sin; resist temptation; trust God in trouble.

Keterangan terkait

Unduhan-Unduhan Gratis - Disini anda dapat menemukan semua pesan naskah GRN yang utama dalam beberapa bahasa, ditambah gambar dan materi terkait lainnya yang dapat diunduh.

Bahan-bahan tulisan - Unduhan naskah dan bahan cerita tertulis lannya yang gratis untuk ESL, sekolah Minggu dan pengajaran Alkitab dasar.

Copyright and Licensing - GRN shares its audio, video and written scripts under Creative Commons