

Garis besar: Tells of the deception of Satan re the desire for material things, and methods employed to acquire them. Materialistic attitude blinds people to the truths of God. True values in God's sight: a cleansed heart, peace of heart, peace with neighbors. Evil ways are not hid from God; judgment will result. Other deceptions of Satan attempt to discredit God's power, omnipresence, greatness. Jesus' atonement; invitation.

Nomor naskah: 186

Bahasa: English

Tema: Living as a Christian (Faith, trust, believe in Jesus); Problems (Materialism, Money); Sin and Satan (Satan (the devil))

Pengunjung: General; Western

Tujuan: Evangelism

Features: Monolog; Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

Naskah ini adalah petunjuk dasar untuk menerjemahkan dan merekam ke dalam bahasa-bahasa lain. Naskah ini harus disesuaikan seperlunya agar dapat dimengerti dan sesuai bagi setiap budaya dan bahasa yang berbeda. Beberapa istilah dan konsep yang digunakan mungkin butuh penjelasan lebih jauh, atau diganti atau bahkan dihilangkan.

Isi Naskah

My friends, listen to these words of truth. God has told us many things, but we have not listened. We have forgotten His good words, and we have listened to Satan.

God speaks the truth, but Satan speaks lies and tries to deceive us. God has called him a serpent, because he is like one. We know some of his ways, but there are some ways we do not know. Listen! Sometimes our heart tells us, "I must get many possessions. They will satisfy me. I must get much money to buy many things. Then I will be happy." We do not know that Satan has put these thoughts in our hearts. Satan tells us, "Get money, get possessions." He says, "Cheat your neighbor and get more possessions. Lie to the people and get more money. Do not give them full value for their money." Satan says, "Money and possessions bring happiness." Satan deceives us. Have you not seen men who have many things? They are not satisfied. They are like a water jug with holes in it. No matter how much you pour into it you cannot give it enough.

When a man thinks only of possessions he becomes blind to God's ways. He becomes deaf to God's words. God says that a man who thinks only of possessions is a fool, for when he dies his possessions cannot help him. God says that man will go to hell (Satan's place of fire) and his possessions will remain behind - all of them.

God says that those possessions which are of greatest value are not those which can be seen. A heart that is washed of evil is of great value (importance). God says that one who is at peace with his neighbor truly has a great possession. God says truly wisdom is a great possession. He tells us that the wisdom which comes from God is full of peace, and not quarrelsome (full of anger).

Again Satan says, "Do what others do." But God says, "Though many people do evil, you must not follow them. Satan says, "No one will see you if you do evil in secret." Satan lies. Nothing can be hid from God. He is so great that His Spirit fills the earth, and He sees all. God says, "I will reveal all secrets and bring judgment on you for your sins."

Also Satan deceives us and causes us to desire that which we have not worked for. But God says, "He that will not work should not be given food." He says a man should work faithfully and not be lazy.

Satan wants us to think that God is not great nor strong. But God made all things. He can see all things. He can be in all places. He does not need to go from place to place. He fills the earth because He is so great. He can be on the hilltop and on the plains at the same time. He does not dwell in houses. But, my friends, here is a wonderful thing; although God is so great that He fills the whole earth, yet He can live in our hearts! Satan does not want us to know this. Satan wants our hearts to be filled with sin. Satan knows that God will not enter our hearts if they are filled with sin. We must turn from Satan and sin. We must let God remove (cleanse) our sin. Then the Spirit of God will live in our hearts. He will give us of His strength. He will make us strong to do good, and refuse Satan.

God is good. He sent Jesus to help us. Jesus took the punishment for our sins, so that we would not have to go to hell (Satan's place of fire) when we die. Jesus shed His blood for us. In this way He made the payment for our sins. When we think of these things, does sin seem like a small thing? No, my friend, turn from Satan's ways. Trust in Jesus and God will receive you. He will cleanse your heart and fill it with happiness. After Jesus died to make the payment for our sins, He rose again. Death could not hold Him. Trust in Him and follow Him only.

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