Behold Jesus

Behold Jesus

Garis besar: Tells of Jesus' birth, life, miracles, trial, death, the meaning of His death, His resurrection, His power - power for the believer and hope of heaven.

Nomor naskah: 006

Bahasa: English

Tema: Sin and Satan (Debt / payment for sin); Christ (Resurrection of Jesus, Son of God, Saviour of Sinful Men, Birth of Christ, Ascension, Death of Christ, Life of Christ)

Pengunjung: Muslim; Catholic; General

Gaya: Monolog

Jenis: Bible Stories & Teac

Tujuan: Evangelism

Kutipan Alkitab: Paraphrase

Status: Approved

Naskah ini adalah petunjuk dasar untuk menerjemahkan dan merekam ke dalam bahasa-bahasa lain. Naskah ini harus disesuaikan seperlunya agar dapat dimengerti dan sesuai bagi setiap budaya dan bahasa yang berbeda. Beberapa istilah dan konsep yang digunakan mungkin butuh penjelasan lebih jauh, atau diganti atau bahkan dihilangkan.

Isi Naskah

Friends, I will tell you an amazing, but true, story. One night, long ago, some shepherds were guarding their flocks. Suddenly a bright light shone from heaven. God's servants (angels) said, "Don't be afraid. Rejoice. A Saviour is born today. This star is a sign of His birth. He is lying in a manger." Then a great host (crowd) of God's angels began praising God and saying, "Peace to the world." So the shepherds left their flocks. They hurried to the village of Bethlehem. There they saw Jesus, the Son of God, lying in a manger. Having seen this baby born of a virgin girl, they were filled with amazement! They told everyone, "The Saviour has come."

When Jesus grew up to manhood, He went about doing good, healing the sick, giving sight to the blind, even bringing back to life those who had died. One day a blind man was begging beside the road. Hearing many people passing by he asked, "Who is it?" (off mike loud call). "Jesus is going by." The blind man shouted (off mike shouting) "Jesus, have mercy on me." The crowd said, "Be quiet." But Jesus heard him and said, "What do you want?" The blind man said, "Please make me to see." Jesus replied, "Because you have believed you will see." Then the blind man saw. Rejoicing, he followed Jesus.

Many people followed Jesus gladly, but the religious leaders hated Him. Jesus told His followers that one day He would allow evil men to kill Him but on the third day He would rise from the dead. His friends did not believe Him. Then one night, Jesus allowed wicked men to seize Him. He was taken to court and unjustly tried, He was mocked and scourged; then condemned to die as a criminal, even though Jesus had never sinned. By His hands and feet He was nailed to an upright cross. In agony He was left to die.

But Jesus' agony of spirit was far greater than His physical torment. (You ask me, "How can this be?" I will tell you.) On sinless Jesus, God heaped the sins of all mankind. Then the punishment for them fell on Jesus. In our place Jesus suffered the punishment for our sins and died. Shedding His blood, He paid the full price for all our sins.

But listen! On the third day, Jesus rose up from the dead. Many people saw Him and ate with Him. After 40 days, He returned in triumph to heaven. Friends, Jesus is the ONLY SAVIOUR OF THE WORLD. He proved this by His virgin birth, His sinless life, and by His death on the cross. Last of all, He proved it by His mighty resurrection. All other religious leaders lie in their tombs to this day. But death could not hold Jesus. Why? Because He is God.

By His Holy Spirit, Jesus is in the world today. He is mighty to save you. This day, turn from your sins. Call upon Jesus as your ONLY Saviour. He will cleanse you from all sin. The Holy Spirit will come into your heart to help you obey God. He will give you power to resist temptation, sin and fear. At death, Jesus will take you safely to heaven. (There you will live with Him in great joy forever.)

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