Abraham and Isaac

Abraham and Isaac

Garis besar: Genesis 21:1-8; 22:1-19; 23 & 24

Nomor naskah: 1269

Bahasa: English

Pengunjung: General

Tujuan: Evangelism; Teaching

Features: Bible Stories; Paraphrase Scripture

Status: Approved

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Isi Naskah

Title Ideas:Abraham and IsaacGod tests Abraham to see if [to prove] he will continue to believe and obey him [God].

About a year after the Lord visited Abraham and Sarah, when Abraham was 100 years old, and his wife Sarah was 90 years old, Sarah gave birth to a son. This happened just as God had promised.

Abraham obeyed what God had told him to do. He named his child Isaac and also circumcised Isaac when he was eight days old. Abraham loved his son Isaac very much!

About ten years later, God wanted to test Abraham to prove that he would continue to believe and obey him. God told Abraham, “Take your son Isaac, your only son, to a mountain and offer him as a burned offering.” [In those days, it was quite common for parents who did not know God to offer their children to idols by sacrificing them in fire.]

So early the next morning, Abraham cut wood for the sacrifice and tied [put] it onto his donkey [to carry it]. He with Isaac and two servants and the donkey began walking [began their trip] toward the mountain [where God had told him to go].

They walked [traveled] for three days. When they could see the mountain Abraham said to his two servants, “[You two] Stay here with the donkey. Isaac and I will go to the mountain to worship God [Creator]. Then we will return to you.”

Abraham put the wood on his son Isaac to carry. Abraham carried a knife and burning coals to start a fire.

As they walked towards the mountain, Isaac asked, “My father, we have wood and coals to light a fire, but where is the lamb [young sheep] for the offering [sacrifice]?”

Abraham answered, “God will provide for himself the lamb for a burnt offering.”

They arrived at the place where God had told Abraham to go. There Abraham piled stones to make an altar, and he put the wood on it.

Then he tied up his son, Isaac, and placed him on the wood on the altar. Abraham picked up a knife to kill his son.

Then the Lord’s angel called to Abraham from heaven, saying, “Abraham! Do not harm the boy! Now I know that you really honor God and will obey him.”

Abraham then noticed [saw] a [wild] ram [mature male sheep or goat] nearby. The ram’s horns were entangled in the branches of a [thorn] bush [like mesquite or acacia].

Abraham killed the ram, and burned it on the altar in place of his son.

So Abraham called that mountain place “The Lord Will Provide”. [Yahweh Jireh].

Then the Lord’s angel who was really the Lord said to Abraham, “I will richly bless you. I will do this because you did not value or love your only son more than me [you surrendered your only son to me].

“I promise that your descendants will be as numerous as the stars in the sky.

“And the people from all nations on earth will be blessed through your descendants because you have obeyed me.”After this they [Isaac and Abraham] returned home.

About 25 years later Sarah died. She lived to be 127 years old. Abraham buried Sarah in a cave in the land of Canaan. Abraham wept much and mourned for her.

He [Abraham] was now a very old man and the Lord had blessed him in every way.

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